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Corgi Engine v9.3
▼NMoreMountains | |
►NCorgiEngine | |
CAchievementRules | This class describes how the Corgi Engine demo achievements are triggered. It extends the base class MMAchievementRules It listens for different event types |
CAIActionChangeWeapon | This action is used to force your character to switch to another weapon. Just drag a weapon prefab into its NewWeapon slot and you're good to go. |
CAIActionClimbLadder | This Action will let the AI agent you put it on climb ladders, up, down, or in any direction |
CAIActionCrouchStart | This action will cause your AI character to start crouching |
CAIActionCrouchStop | This action will cause your AI character to stop crouching |
CAIActionDash | This action performs one dash. |
CAIActionDoNothing | As the name implies, an action that does nothing. Just waits there. |
CAIActionFaceTarget | An AIACtion used to have an AI face its AI Brain's Target |
CAIActionFlyPatrol | This Action will make the Character fly until it hits a wall or a hole while following a path. |
CAIActionFlyTowardsTarget | Requires a CharacterFly ability. Makes the character fly up to the specified MinimumDistance in the direction of the target. That's how the RetroGhosts move. |
CAIActionJump | This action performs the defined number of jumps. Look below for a breakdown of how this class works. |
CAIActionMMFeedbacks | This action is used to play a MMFeedbacks |
CAIActionMoveAwayFromTarget | This action directs the CharacterHorizontalMovement ability to move away from the target. |
CAIActionMoveTowardsTarget | This action directs the CharacterHorizontalMovement ability to move in the direction of the target. |
CAIActionPatrol | This Action will make the Character patrols until it (optionally) hits a wall or a hole. |
CAIActionPatrolAndJump | This Action will make the Character patrol while jumping until it (optionally) hits a wall or a hole. |
CAIActionPatrolWithinBounds | Inherits from AIActionPatrol but also lets you define left and right bounds that the character can't exceed. |
CAIActionReload | An AIACtion used to request a reload on the weapon |
CAIActionResetTarget | An Action that will set the target to null, resetting it |
CAIActionRunStart | This action will cause your AI character to start running |
CAIActionRunStop | This action will cause your AI character to stop running |
CAIActionSelfDestruct | An AIACtion used to have an AI kill itself |
CAIActionSetLastKnownPositionAsTarget | An Action that will set the last known position of the target as the new Target |
CAIActionSetPlayerAsTarget | An AIACtion used to set the current Player character as the target |
CAIActionSetTransformAsTarget | An AIACtion used to set a specified Transform as the target |
CAIActionShoot | An Action that shoots using the currently equipped weapon. If your weapon is in auto mode, will shoot until you exit the state, and will only shoot once in SemiAuto mode. You can optionnally have the character face (left/right) the target, and aim at it (if the weapon has a WeaponAim component). |
CAIActionSwapBrain | This simple action lets you swap the brain of an AI at runtime, for a new brain, specified in the inspector |
CAIActionUnityEvents | This action is used to trigger a UnityEvent |
CAIDecisionDetectTargetLine | This Decision will return true if any object on its TargetLayer layermask enters its line of sight. It will also set the Brain's Target to that object. You can choose to have it in ray mode, in which case its line of sight will be an actual line (a raycast), or have it be wider (in which case it'll use a spherecast). You can also specify an offset for the ray's origin, and an obstacle layer mask that will block it. |
CAIDecisionDetectTargetRadius | This decision will return true if an object on its TargetLayer layermask is within its specified radius, false otherwise. It will also set the Brain's Target to that object. |
CAIDecisionDistanceToTarget | This Decision will return true if the current Brain's Target is within the specified range, false otherwise. |
CAIDecisionGrounded | This decision will return true if the character is grounded, false otherwise. |
CAIDecisionHealth | This decision will return true if the specified Health conditions are met. You can have it be lower, strictly lower, equal, higher or strictly higher than the specified value. |
CAIDecisionHit | This decision returns true if the Character got hit this frame, or after the specified number of hits has been reached. |
CAIDecisionLineOfSightToTarget | Use this decision to make sure there is an unobstructed line of sight between this AI and its current target |
CAIDecisionNextFrame | This decision will return true when entering the state this Decision is on. |
CAIDecisionRandom | This decision will roll a dice and return true if the result is below or equal the Odds value |
CAIDecisionReloadNeeded | This Decision will return true if a reload is needed |
CAIDecisionTargetFacingAI | This decision will return true if the Brain's current target is facing this character. Yes, it's quite specific to Ghosts. But hey now you can use it too! |
CAIDecisionTargetIsAlive | This decision will return true if the Brain's current target is alive |
CAIDecisionTargetIsNull | This decision will return true if the Brain's current target is null, false otherwise |
CAIDecisionTimeInState | This decision will return true after the specified duration, picked randomly between the min and max values (in seconds) has passed since the Brain has been in the state this decision is in. Use it to do something X seconds after having done something else. |
CAIDecisionTimeSinceStart | This decision will return true after the specified duration (in seconds) has passed since the level was loaded. |
CAIFollow | Add this script to a CharacterBehavior+CorgiController2D object to make it follow (or try to follow) Player1 So far the Follower will move horizontally towards the player, and use a jetpack to reach it, or jump above obstacles. |
CAimMarker | A class used to handle aim markers, (usually circular) visual elements |
CAIShootOnSight | Add this component to a CorgiController2D and it will try to kill your player on sight. |
CAIStairsRandomizer | This class is only meant to be used in the MinimalStairs demo scene In it, a blue RectangleAI character will move (semi) randomly on the stairs there As you can see below, it's a very basic AI, that will randomly decide to go up or down every once in a while |
CAIWalk | Add this component to a CorgiController2D and it will walk, turn back when it hits a wall, and try and avoid holes if you ask it to. |
CAmmoDisplay | A class that combines a progress bar and a text display and that can be used to display the current ammo level of a weapon |
CAnyHeightOneWayPlatform | Add this component to a one way platform (a platform with an edge collider, on the OneWayPlatforms layer) and it will automatically turn its collider on or off based on the player position, letting you easily move it around, and will also let the player collide with it laterally, like a mid height one way platform would, but regardless of its placement or rotation. It's slightly more costly than a regular, static one, but will offer more options too |
CAppearDisappear | Add this class to an object (usually a platform but it could be anything really) to have it run on an appearing/disappearing loop, like the appearing platforms in Megaman for example. |
CAutoMovementControlZone | This zone lets you impact a Character equipped with an AutoMovement ability You'll be able to use it to change its direction, stop it in its tracks, or make it start/stop running |
CAutoRespawn | Add this script to an object and it will automatically be reactivated and revived when the player respawns. |
CBackgroundMusic | Add this class to a GameObject to have it play a background music when instanciated. Careful : only one background music will be played at a time. |
CBackgroundTree | Add this script to a tree to make it dance slowly over time |
CBomb | A class used to trigger a damage area zone of the selected shape (rectangle or circle) after the defined time before explosion. Typically used for grenades. |
CBonusBlock | Add this class to a block and it'll behave like these Super Mario blocks that spawn something when hit from below |
CBouncyProjectile | Projectile class that will bounce off walls instead of exploding on impact |
CButtonActivated | Extend this class to activate something when a button is pressed in a certain zone |
CButtonActivator | Add this class to an object and it'll be able to activate ButtonActivatedZones when entering them |
CButtonPrompt | |
CCameraController | The Corgi Engine's Camera Controller. Handles camera movement, shakes, player follow. |
CCharacter | This class will pilot the CorgiController component of your character. This is where you'll implement all of your character's game rules, like jump, dash, shoot, stuff like that. Animator parameters : Grounded (bool), xSpeed (float), ySpeed (float), CollidingLeft (bool), CollidingRight (bool), CollidingBelow (bool), CollidingAbove (bool), Idle (bool) Random : a random float between 0 and 1, updated every frame, useful to add variance to your state entry transitions for example RandomConstant : a random int (between 0 and 1000), generated at Start and that'll remain constant for the entire lifetime of this animator, useful to have different characters of the same type behave differently |
CCharacterAbility | A class meant to be overridden that handles a character's ability. |
CCharacterAbilityInspector | Adds custom labels to the Character inspector |
CCharacterAbilityNodeSwap | This ability lets you swap entire ability nodes for the ones set in parameters |
CCharacterAbilityTypePair | |
CCharacterAnimationParametersInitializer | |
CCharacterAutoMovement | This ability will make your character move automatically, without having to touch the left or right inputs |
CCharacterBounce | Add this ability to a character and it'll bounce up every time it hits the ground |
CCharacterButtonActivation | Add this component to a character and it'll be able to interact with button activated zones and objects Animator parameters : Activating (bool) |
CCharacterCrouch | Add this component to a character and it'll be able to crouch and crawl Animator parameters : Crouching, Crawling |
CCharacterCrushDetection | This ability will apply damage or cause the death of the character when crushed. Getting crushed happens when your character is colliding on one direction, and being crushed by anything on the CrusherLayers from the opposite direction. So a character that is standing on a platform and gets a falling platform on its head is getting crushed. |
CCharacterDamageDash | Add this class on a character and it'll be able to dash just like the regular dash, and apply damage to everything its DamageOnTouch zone touches |
CCharacterDangling | Add this class to a character and it'll adopt a dangling stance if facing a hole in the ground Animator parameters : Dangling |
CCharacterDash | Add this class to a character and it'll be able to perform a horizontal dash Animator parameters : Dashing |
CCharacterDetector | Add this class to a TRIGGER collider2D and it'll let you know when a character enters it and will let you trigger actions in consequence |
CCharacterDive | |
CCharacterFallDamage | This component will apply damage to the character if it falls from a height higher than the specified MinimumDamageFallHeight How much damage that is will be remapped between the specified min and max damage values. Animation parameter : FallDamage, bool, true the frame the character takes fall damage |
CCharacterFly | This component allows your character to fly by moving gravity-free on both x and y axis. Here you can define the flight speed, as well as whether or not the character is always flying (in which case you don't have to press a button to fly). Important note : slope ceilings are not supported for now. |
CCharacterFollowPath | Probably more suited for an AI character than a Player character, this ability allows the Character to follow a path, as defined in the linked MMPathMovement component |
CCharacterGlide | Add this ability to a Character and it'll be able to glide through the air, slowing its fall when pressing the Glide button (by default the same binding as the Jump button, but separated for convenience) |
CCharacterGrabCarryAndThrow | This class lets you grab, carry and throw objects with a GrabCarryAndThrowObject component |
CCharacterGravity | Add this class to a character and it'll be able to have a different gravity than the default one, and will be able to change it via Gravity Zones and Gravity Points Animator parameters : none |
CCharacterGrip | Add this component to a character and it'll be able to grip level elements that have the Grip component Animator parameters : Gripping (bool) |
CCharacterGroundNormalGravity | Add this ability to a Character with a CharacterGravity ability, and it will automatically compute the current slope's angle and change the gravity's direction to match the slope normal This is an experimental ability, results may vary depending on speed and layout, it will likely be bouncy |
CCharacterHandleSecondaryWeapon | Add this class to a character so it can use weapons Note that this component will trigger animations (if their parameter is present in the Animator), based on the current weapon's Animations Animator parameters : defined from the Weapon's inspector |
CCharacterHandleWeapon | Add this class to a character so it can use weapons Note that this component will trigger animations (if their parameter is present in the Animator), based on the current weapon's Animations Animator parameters : defined from the Weapon's inspector |
CCharacterHorizontalMovement | Add this ability to a Character to have it handle horizontal movement (walk, and potentially run, crawl, etc) Animator parameters : Speed (float), Walking (bool) |
CCharacterHorizontalMovementOverride | Add this component to a trigger zone, and it'll override the CharacterHorizontalMovement settings for all characters that cross it |
CCharacterInspector | Adds custom labels to the Character inspector |
►CCharacterInventory | Add this component to a character and it'll be able to control an inventory Animator parameters : none Note that its start feedback will play on weapon change |
CInventoryItemsToAdd | A struct used to store inventory items to add on init |
CCharacterJetpack | Add this component to a character and it'll be able to jetpack Animator parameters : Jetpacking (bool) |
CCharacterJump | Add this class to a character and it'll be able to jump Animator parameters : Jumping (bool), DoubleJumping (bool), HitTheGround (bool) |
CCharacterJumpOverride | Add this component to a trigger zone, and it'll override the CharacterJump settings for all characters that cross it |
CCharacterLadder | Add this component to a Character and it'll be able to go up and down ladders. Animator parameters : LadderClimbing (bool), LadderClimbingSpeed (float) |
CCharacterLedgeHang | Add this component to a character and it'll be able to hang from ledges and climb up Animator parameters : LedgeHanging, LedgeClimbing |
CCharacterLevelBounds | This class handles what happens when the player reaches the level bounds. For each bound (above, below, left, right), you can define if the player will be killed, or if its movement will be constrained, or if nothing happens |
CCharacterLookUp | Add this component to a character and it'll be able to look up Animator parameters : LookingUp |
CCharacterParticles | Add this component to a Character and bind ParticleSystems to it to have it emit particles when certain states are active. You can have a look at the RetroCorgi demo character for examples of how to use it. |
CCharacterPause | Add this component to a character and it'll be able to activate/desactivate the pause |
CCharacterPersistence | Add this component to a Character and it'll persist with its exact current state when transitioning to a new scene. It'll be automatically passed to the new scene's LevelManager to be used as this scene's main character. It'll keep the exact state all its components are in at the moment they finish the level. Its health, enabled abilities, component values, equipped weapons, new components you may have added, etc, will all remain once in the new scene. Animator parameters : None |
CCharacterPush | |
CCharacterPushCorgiController | |
CCharacterRestartLevel | Add this component to a character and you'll be able to restart the level at the press of a button, either killing the player, transitioning to another scene, or teleporting to the initial, last, or current checkpoint |
CCharacterRoll | Add this class to a character and it'll be able to "roll" along surfaces, with options to go through enemies, and keep controlling direction Animator parameters : Rolling, StartedRolling |
CCharacterRun | Add this component to a character and it'll be able to run Animator parameters : Running |
CCharacterSelector | Add this component to a button (for example) to be able to store a selected character, and optionally to go to another scene You can see an example of its use in the RetroAdventureCharacterSelection demo scene |
CCharacterSimpleDive | |
CCharacterSlopeOrientation | Add this component to a Character and it'll rotate according to the current slope angle. Animator parameters : none |
CCharacterSpeed | Add this ability to a Character and you'll be able to define speed modifiers for each of its possible states This modifier will be applied to the horizontal speed of the character as long as the character is in that state You can also define a default speed multiplier to apply if none of the defined states were found Animator parameters : none |
CCharacterSpeedAnalysis | Add this ability to a character and it'll compute and expose various speeds at runtime It doesn't serve any purpose on its own, and is provided more as an example of how you can create abilities to analyze and extract data from gameplay, at runtime These exposed values could then be used by other abilities, for example |
CCharacterSpeedState | A class used to store possible speeds for any state you need |
CCharacterStairs | Add this ability to a character and it'll be able to climb stairs Animation parameter : OnStairs, boolean |
CCharacterStates | The various states you can use to check if your character is doing something at the current frame by Renaud Forestié |
CCharacterStun | Add this component to a character and it'll be able to be stunned. To stun a character, simply call its Stun or StunFor methods. You'll find test buttons at the bottom of this component's inspector. You can also use StunZones to stun your characters. Animator parameters : Stunned (bool) |
►CCharacterSurfaceFeedbacks | Add this component to a character and it'll let you define a number of surfaces and associate walk and run feedbacks to them It will also let you trigger events when entering or exiting these surfaces Important : Surfaces are evaluated from top to bottom. The first surface definition that matches the current detected ground will be considered the current surface. So make sure your order them accordingly. |
CCharacterSurfaceFeedbacksItems | |
CCharacterSwap | Add this ability to a Character and it'll be part of a pool of characters in a scene to swap from. You'll need a CharacterSwapManager in your scene for this to work. |
CCharacterSwapManager | Add this class to an empty component in your scene, and it'll allow you to swap characters in your scene when pressing the SwapButton (P, by default) Each character in your scene will need to have a CharacterSwap class on it, and the corresponding PlayerID. You can see an example of such a setup in the MinimalCharacterSwap demo scene |
CCharacterSwim | Add this ability to a Character to allow it to swim in Water by pressing the Swim button (by default the same binding as the Jump button, but separated for convenience) |
CCharacterSwitchManager | Add this component to an empty object in your scene, and when you'll press the SwitchCharacter button (P by default, change that in Unity's InputManager settings), your main character will be replaced by one of the prefabs in the list set on this component. You can decide the order (sequential or random), and have as many as you want. Note that this will change the whole prefab, not just the visuals. If you're just after a visual change, look at the CharacterSwitchModel ability. If you want to swap characters between a bunch of characters within a scene, look at the CharacterSwap ability and CharacterSwapManager |
CCharacterSwitchModel | Add this component to a character and it'll be able to switch its model when pressing the SwitchCharacter button Note that this will only change the model, not the prefab. Only the visual representation, not the abilities and settings. If instead you'd like to change the prefab entirely, look at the CharacterSwitchManager class. If you want to swap characters between a bunch of characters within a scene, look at the CharacterSwap ability and CharacterSwapManager |
CCharacterTimeControl | Add this class to a character and it'll be able to slow down time when pressing down the TimeControl button |
CCharacterWallClinging | Add this component to a Character and it'll be able to cling to walls when being in the air, |
CCharacterWalljump | Add this component to a Character and it'll be able to walljump Animator parameters : WallJumping (bool) |
CChargeWeapon | Add this component to an object and it'll let you define a sequence of charge steps, each triggering their own unique weapon, complete with options like input modes or conditional releases, hooks for every steps, and more. Useful for Megaman or Zelda like types of charge weapons. |
CChargeWeaponStep | A class used to store the charge properties of the weapons that together make up a charge weapon Each charge weapon is made of multiple of these, each representing a step in the charge sequence |
CCheckPoint | Checkpoint class. Will make the player respawn at this point if it dies. |
CCinemachineAxisLocker | This CinemachineExtension allows you to lock a Cinemachine on one or more axis |
CCinemachineBrainController | This class is designed to control CinemachineBrains, letting you control their default blend values via events from any class |
CCinemachineCameraController | A class that handles camera follow for Cinemachine powered cameras |
CCoin | Coin manager |
CComboWeapon | Add this component to an object containing multiple weapons and it'll turn it into a ComboWeapon, allowing you to chain attacks from all the different weapons |
CControlsModeEvent | |
CCorgiCinemachineZone | Add this class to a box collider 2D and it'll let you define a zone that, when entered, enables a virtual camera, letting you define sections inside your level easily |
CCorgiController | The character controller that handles the character's gravity and collisions. It requires a Collider2D and a rigidbody to function. |
CCorgiControllerInspector | Adds custom labels to the CorgiController inspector |
CCorgiControllerParameters | Parameters for the Corgi Controller class. This is where you define your slope limit, gravity, and speed dampening factors |
CCorgiControllerPhysicsVolume2D | Add this class to an area (water for example) and it will pass its parameters to any character that gets into it. |
CCorgiControllerState | The various states you can use to check if your character is doing something at the current frame |
CCorgiEngineCharacterAnimationParameter | A struct used to store character animation parameter definitions, to be used by the CharacterAnimationParametersInitializer class |
CCorgiEngineEvent | A type of events used to signal level start and end (for now) |
►CCorgiEngineInputActions | |
CIPlayerControlsActions | |
CPlayerControlsActions | |
CCorgiEnginePointsEvent | A type of event used to signal changes to the current score |
CCorgiEngineStarEvent | |
CCorgiMonoBehaviour | The CorgiMonoBehaviour class is a base class for all Corgi Engine classes. It doesn't do anything, but ensures you have a single point of change should you want your classes to inherit from something else than a plain MonoBehaviour A frequent use case for this would be adding a network layer |
CDamageOnTouch | Add this component to an object and it will cause damage to objects that collide with it. |
CDamageOverTimeInterrupter | Use this picker to interrupt all damage of the specified type on the character that picks it |
CDamageResistance | Used by the DamageResistanceProcessor, this class defines the resistance versus a certain type of damage. |
CDamageResistanceProcessor | Link this component to a Health component, and it'll be able to process incoming damage through resistances, handling damage reduction/increase, condition changes, movement multipliers, feedbacks and more. |
CDamageType | A scriptable object you can create assets from, to identify damage types |
CDependencyInstaller | |
CDialogueBox | Dialogue box class. Don't add this directly to your game, look at DialogueZone instead. |
CDialogueZone | Add this class to an empty component. It will automatically add a boxcollider2d, set it to "is trigger". Then customize the dialogue zone through the inspector. |
CFallingPlatform | Add this script to a platform and it'll fall down when walked upon by a playable character Add an AutoRespawn component to your platform and it'll get reset when your character dies |
CFinishLevel | Add this class to a trigger and it will send your player to the next level |
CForceZone | Add this zone to a trigger collider 2D and it'll let you apply the specified force to any Corgi Controller that enters it |
CGameManager | The game manager is a persistent singleton that handles points and time |
CGoToLevelEntryPoint | A class used to go from one level to the next while specifying an entry point in the target level. Entry points are defined in each level's LevelManager component. They're simply Transforms in a list. The index in the list is the identifier for the entry point. |
CGrabCarryAndThrowObject | Add this component to an object and it'll become carryable by a Character with the appropriate ability (CharacterGrabCarryAndThrow) |
CGravityPoint | Add this component to an object and it'll impact graviy able characters within its DistanceOfEffect |
CGravityZone | Add this component to an object with a trigger 2D collider and it'll act as a gravity zone, modifying the gravity for all Characters entering it, providing they have the CharacterGravity ability |
CGrip | Add this component to an object with a 2D collider and it'll be grippable by any Character equipped with a CharacterGrip |
CGUIManager | Handles all GUI effects and changes |
►CHealth | This class manages the health of an object, pilots its potential health bar, handles what happens when it takes damage, and what happens when it dies. |
CInterruptiblesDamageOverTimeCoroutine | |
CHealthAutoRefill | Add this class to a character or object with a Health class, and its health will auto refill based on the settings here |
CHealthChangeEvent | An event triggered every time health values change, for other classes to listen to |
CHealthDeathEvent | |
CHeartsGUI | Add this class to a GUI object, and it'll handle the instantiation and management of hearts based on the current lives of the player character It's best used on a HorizontalLayoutGroup that will handle correct positioning natively |
CHipsterGUI | A simple class that disables the avatar on start |
CHitscanWeapon | |
CHittable | A class you can put on objects to trigger events when they get hit (whether that hit applied damage or not). Useful for switches and the likes. |
CInputManager | This persistent singleton handles the inputs and sends commands to the player. IMPORTANT : this script's Execution Order MUST be -100. You can define a script's execution order by clicking on the script's file and then clicking on the Execution Order button at the bottom right of the script's inspector. See https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/class-ScriptExecution.html for more details |
CInputSystemManager | This is a replacement InputManager if you prefer using Unity's InputSystem over the legacy one. Note that it's not the default solution in the engine at the moment, because older versions of Unity don't support it, and most people still prefer not using it You can see an example of how to set it up in the MinimalLevel_InputSystem demo scene |
CInputSystemManagerEventsBased | This is a replacement InputManager if you prefer using Unity's InputSystem over the legacy one, in a multiplayer context. It requires to be put on an (ideally empty) game object, accompanied by a PlayerInput component, with Actions bound, and Behavior set to SendMessages Note that it's not the default solution in the engine at the moment, because older versions of Unity don't support it, and most people still prefer not using it You can see an example of how to set it up in the MinimalLevel_InputSystem_Multiplayer demo scene |
CInventoryEngineChest | Add this component to an object in your scene to have it act like a chest. You'll need a key operated zone to open it, and item picker(s) on it to fill its contents |
CInventoryEngineHealth | Pickable health item |
CInventoryEngineKey | Pickable key item |
CInventoryEnginePoints | Pickable health item |
CInventoryEngineTimeModifier | Pickable health item |
CInventoryEngineWeapon | Weapon item in the Corgi Engine |
CInventoryPickableItem | |
CJumper | Add this class to a platform to make it a jumping platform, a trampoline or whatever. It will automatically push any character that touches it up in the air. |
CKeyOperatedZone | Add this component to a collider 2D and you'll be able to have it perform an action when a character equipped with the specified key enters it. |
CKillPlayerOnTouch | Add this to a GameObject with a Collider2D set to Trigger to have it kill the player on touch. |
CKillsManager | |
CLadder | Adds this class to your ladders so a Character can climb them. |
CLayerManager | A simple static class that keeps track of layer names, holds ready to use layermasks for most common layers and layermasks combinations Of course if you happen to change the layer order or numbers, you'll want to udpate this class. |
CLedge | Add this component to an object and it'll be able to be grabbed by characters equipped with a CharacterLedgeHang ability |
CLedgeEvent | An event used to let characters know that they may have connected with a ledge |
CLevelBackground | Add this class to a background image so it will act as your level's background |
CLevelManager | Spawns the player, handles checkpoints and respawn |
CLevelManagerEditor | Adds custom labels to the CorgiController inspector |
CLevelMapCharacter | A controller for the level map's main character |
CLevelMapPathElement | A component to add on level maps path points |
CLevelMapPathElementEditor | This class adds names for each LevelMapPathElement next to it on the scene view, for easier setup |
CLevelNameEvent | |
CLevelRestarter | Add this class to a trigger to cause the level to restart when the player hits the trigger |
CLevelSelector | This component allows the definition of a level that can then be accessed and loaded. Used mostly in the level map scene. |
CLevelSelectorGUI | Level selector GUI. |
CLoot | A class meant to spawn objects (usually item pickers, but not necessarily) The spawn can be triggered by any script, at any time, and comes with automatic hooks to trigger loot on damage or death |
CMagnetic | |
CMagneticEnabler | This object will enable Magnetic objects in your scene when they enter its associated collider2D (make sure you add one). While magnetic objects can work on their own, and handle their own range detection, you can also use a different architecture, where an enabler makes them move. A typical use case would be to add it to a character, nested under its top level : |
CMeleeWeapon | A basic melee weapon class, that will activate a "hurt zone" when the weapon is used |
CMMCameraEvent | An event used to interact with cameras |
CMMCharacterEvent | MMCharacterEvents are used in addition to the events triggered by the character's state machine, to signal stuff happening that is not necessarily linked to a change of state |
CMMCinemachineBrainEvent | An event used to interact with camera brains |
CMMDamageTakenEvent | An event fired when something takes damage |
CMMDoubleSpriteMask | This setup uses two sprite masks, bound in the inspector, to enable one and then disable the other to mask specific parts of a level |
CMMF_CorgiEngineEvent | This feedback lets you trigger Corgi Engine Events, that can then be caught by other classes |
CMMF_CorgiEngineFloatingText | This feedback lets you trigger the appearance of a floating text, that will reflect the damage done to the target Health component. This requires that a MMFloatingTextSpawner be correctly setup in the scene, otherwise nothing will happen. To do so, create a new empty object, add a MMFloatingTextSpawner to it. Drag (at least) one MMFloatingText prefab into its PooledSimpleMMFloatingText slot. You'll find such prefabs already made in the MMTools/Tools/MMFloatingText/Prefabs folder, but feel free to create your own. |
CMMF_CorgiEngineSound | |
CMMLifeCycleEvent | |
CMMSpriteMask | This class will automatically look for sprite renderers, particle systems, tilemaps in the scene, and change their SpriteMaskInteraction settings according to the one set in the inspector Use the NoMask tag on objects you don't want automatically setup |
CMMSpriteMaskEvent | An event type used to set a new size for the mask from any class |
CMoreMountainsMenu | Adds items to the More Mountains menu |
CMovingPlatform | Add this component to a platform and it'll be able to follow a path and carry a character |
CMovingPlatformFree | |
CMovingPlatformFreeInspector | Adds custom labels to the CorgiController inspector |
CMultiplayerCameraController | Add this script to an orthographic or perspective camera, and it'll try and follow all Character players registered in the LevelManager, and keep them all in the screen. |
CMultiplayerGUIManager | Handles all GUI effects and changes for Multiplayer scenes |
CMultiplayerLevelManager | Spawns the players and handles end game |
CMushroom | Add this class to an object and it'll double the size of a character behavior if it touches one |
CMusicSwitch | |
COneWayLevelManager | |
CParallaxCamera | Add this class to a camera to have it support parallax layers |
CParallaxElement | Add this to a GameObject to have it move in parallax |
CPathedProjectile | This class handles the movement of a pathed projectile |
CPathedProjectileSpawner | Spawns pathed projectiles |
CPauseButton | A simple component meant to be added to the pause button |
CPickableAbility | Add this class to an object with a trigger box collider 2D, and it'll become a pickable object, able to permit or forbid an ability on a Character |
CPickableAbilityInspector | |
CPickableAction | Add this class to an object and it'll trigger the specified actions on pick |
CPickableDamageResistance | Use this picker to create a new resistance on the character that picks it, or to enable/disable an existing one |
CPickableItem | Coin manager |
CPickableItemEvent | An event typically fired when picking an item, letting listeners know what item has been picked |
CPickableJetpack | This component lets you permit the jetpack ability when picked |
CPickableOneUp | A pickable one up, that gives you one extra life if picked up |
CPickableWeapon | Add this class to a collectible to have the player change weapon when collecting it |
CPointOfEntry | A struct to describe and store points of entry |
CPointsOfEntryStorage | |
CProgress | A serializable entity used to store progress : a list of scenes with their internal status (see above), how many lives are left, and how much we can have |
CProjectile | A class used to describe the behaviour of a projectile, usually spawned by a ProjectileWeapon |
CProjectileWeapon | A weapon class aimed specifically at allowing the creation of various projectile weapons, from shotgun to machine gun, via plasma gun or rocket launcher |
CProximityManaged | A class to add to any object in your scene to mark it as managed by a proximity manager. |
CProximityManager | A class that looks for objects with a ProximityManaged class on them, and enables/disables them based on their settings. This class is meant as an example of how you can deal with large scenes with a lot of objects, disabling the ones that are far away from the action to save on performance. Note that there are many ways to do it, this one is simple and generic, there may be better choices for your specific use case. |
CProximityMine | Add this class to a collider (2D or 3D) and it'll let you trigger things after a duration, like a mine would. It also comes with options to interrupt or reset the timer on exit. |
CPushable | A class needed on pushable objects if you want your character to be able to detect them |
CPusher | If you plan on having moving platforms push your playable character, you'll want to use a Pusher in addition to it Typically you'll want to parent a pusher to the platform, and bind it to the Pusher's inspector. You can see an example of it in use in the MinimalMovingPlatforms demo scene |
CRandomSprite | This component will randomize the object's sprite renderer's sprite out of a collection |
CRespawnable | Interface for player respawn |
CRetroAdventureFinishLevel | A Retro adventure dedicated class that will load the next level |
CRetroAdventureGUIManager | This class handles the GUI in the action phases of the Retro Adventure levels |
CRetroAdventureLevel | A class to handle the display of retro adventure levels in the retro adventure level selector |
CRetroAdventureProgressManager | The RetroAdventureProgressManager class acts as an example of how you can implement progress in your game. There's no general class for that in the engine, for the simple reason that no two games will want to save the exact same things. But this should show you how it's done, and you can then copy and paste that into your own class (or extend this one, whatever you prefer). |
CRetroAdventureProgressManagerMenu | |
CRetroAdventureScene | A serializable entity to store retro adventure scenes, whether they've been completed, unlocked, how many stars were collected, and which ones |
CRetroCopter | This class handles the rotation of the RetroCopter's model based on its current speed |
CRetroDoor | A class designed to handle the automatic coloration of door parts in the Retro demo scenes |
CRetroNextLevel | A class with a simple method to load the next level |
CRetroStar | A pickable star, that triggers an event if picked, and disables itself if it's been previously collected |
CRoom | This class lets you define the boundaries of rooms in your level. Rooms are useful if you want to cut your level into portions (think Super Metroid or Hollow Knight for example). These rooms will require their own virtual camera, and a confiner to define their size. Note that the confiner is different from the collider that defines the room. You can see an example of rooms in action in the RetroVania demo scene. |
CRoomEditor | Custom editor for Rooms that draws their name in scene view |
CSaveResetButton | |
CSfxSwitch | |
CSoundManager | This persistent singleton handles sound playing |
CSoundSettings | A class used to store sound settings |
CStar | A pickable star, that triggers a CorgiEngineStarEvent if picked It's up to you to implement something that will handle that event. You can look at the RetroStar and RetroAdventureProgressManager for examples of that. |
CStartScreen | Simple start screen class. |
CStimpack | Gives health to the player who collects it |
CStompable | Add this class to an enemy (or whatever you want), to be able to stomp on it |
CStunZone | A stun zone will stun any character with a CharacterStun ability entering it |
CSuperHipsterBrosHealth | Manages the health of the SuperHipsterBros character |
CSurfaceCrawler | |
CSurfaceModifier | Add this component to a platform and define its new friction or force which will be applied to any CorgiController that walks on it |
CSurfaceModifierTarget | A struct used to store targets for the SurfaceModifier class |
CTeleporter | Add this script to a trigger collider2D to teleport objects from that object to its destination |
CTeleporterEditor | Custom editor for Teleporters that draws their name in scene view |
CThrownObject | A class used to create physics based projectiles, meant to be thrown like grenades |
CTilemapLevelGenerator | This component, added on an empty object in your level will handle the generation of a unique and randomized tilemap |
CTimedSpawner | A class meant to be used in conjunction with an object pool (simple or multiple) to spawn objects regularly, at a frequency randomly chosen between the min and max values set in its inspector |
CTimeModifier | Add this to an item to make it modify time when it gets picked up by a Character |
CTimeZone | Add this class to a trigger and it will allow you to modify the time scale when entering it, for the specified duration and settings |
CTypedDamage | A class used to store and define typed damage impact : damage caused, condition or movement speed changes, etc |
CUncheckReverseGravityInput | Adding this script to a trigger, volume box collider2D will make sure that any character that enters it with a CharacterGravity ability on itself will have its "reverse input when upside down" property set to false. This was created for the purposes of the FeaturesGravity demo but feel free to use it in your game if needed. |
CWallClingingOverride | Use this class on any platform or surface a Character could usually wallcling to. You'll be able to override the slow factor (close to 0 : very slow fall, 1 : normal fall, larger than 1 : faster fall than normal). |
CWater | Add this class to a body of water. It will handle splash effects on entering/exiting, and allow the player to jump out of it. |
CWeapon | This base class, meant to be extended (see ProjectileWeapon.cs for an example of that) handles rate of fire (rate of use actually), and ammo reloading |
CWeaponAim | Add this component to a Weapon and you'll be able to aim it (meaning you'll rotate it) Supported control modes are mouse, primary movement (you aim wherever you direct your character) and secondary movement (using a secondary axis, separate from the movement). |
CWeaponAmmo | |
CWeaponAutoAim | This component will let you setup your weapon so that it auto aims at targets on the specified layer mask, within the specified radius, and with a line of sight. When a target is found, the weapon will swap its default aim mode to Script, until no more target is found. It's important to have a base aim mode to revert to, such as PrimaryMovement |
CWeaponEditor | Adds weapon state display to the Weapons inspector |
CWeaponHandler | A simple component you can use to control a weapon and have it start and stop on demand, without having a character to handle it You can see it in action in the KoalaHealth demo scene, it's powering that demo's cannons |
CWeaponIK | This class allows for a 3D character to grab its current weapon's handles, and look wherever it's aiming. There's a bit of setup involved. You need to have a CharacterHandleWeapon component on your character, it needs an animator with IKPass active (this is set in the Layers tab of the animator) the animator's avatar MUST be set as humanoid And you need to put that script on the same gameobject as the animator (otherwise it won't work). Finally, you need to set left and right handles (or only one of these) on your weapon(s). |
CWeaponLaserSight | Add this class to a weapon and it'll project a laser ray towards the direction the weapon is facing |
CWeaponRecoilProperties | A class used to store recoil properties, defining forces to apply on both ground and air, style, delay, and an associated feedback |
CWelcomeWindow | |
CZipline | A zipline will allow you to travel between two poles (from Pole1 to Pole2) using a grip. It requires a little bit of setup, as you'll need two poles, a line renderer, a grip, and all that bound together. You'll find an example of that in situation in the RetroForest demo scene. |
►NFeedbacks | |
CBlinkPhase | Describes a blink phase, defined by a duration for the phase, and the time it should remain inactive and active, sequentially For the duration of the phase, the object will be off for OffDuration, then on for OnDuration, then off again for OffDuration, etc If you want a grenade to blink briefly every .2 seconds, for 1 second, these parameters are what you're after : PhaseDuration = 1f; OffDuration = 0.2f; OnDuration = 0.1f; |
CBlinkTargetRenderer | |
CDemoBall | A class handling the lifecycle of the balls included in the MMFeedbacks demo It waits for 2 seconds after the spawn of the ball, and destroys it, playing a MMFeedbacks while it does so |
CDemoGhost | A class used on the MMFeedback's demo ghost |
CDemoPackageTester | This class, meant to be used in MMFeedbacks demos, will check for requirements, and output an error message if necessary. |
CFeedbackHelpAttribute | Atttribute used to mark feedback class. The contents allow you to specify a help text for each feedback |
CFeedbackListOutputer | This class is used to automatically install optional dependencies used in MMFeedbacks |
CFeedbackPathAttribute | Atttribute used to mark feedback class. The provided path is used to sort the feedback list displayed in the feedback manager dropdown |
CInternalWiggleProperties | A struct used to store internal wiggle properties |
CMMAudioFilterDistortionShakeEvent | An event used to trigger vignette shakes |
CMMAudioFilterDistortionShaker | Add this to an audio distortion filter to shake its values remapped along a curve |
CMMAudioFilterEchoShakeEvent | An event used to trigger vignette shakes |
CMMAudioFilterEchoShaker | Add this to an audio echo filter to shake its values remapped along a curve |
CMMAudioFilterHighPassShakeEvent | An event used to trigger vignette shakes |
CMMAudioFilterHighPassShaker | Add this to an audio high pass filter to shake its values remapped along a curve |
CMMAudioFilterLowPassShakeEvent | An event used to trigger vignette shakes |
CMMAudioFilterLowPassShaker | Add this to an audio distortion low pass to shake its values remapped along a curve |
CMMAudioFilterReverbShakeEvent | An event used to trigger vignette shakes |
CMMAudioFilterReverbShaker | Add this to an audio reverb filter to shake its values remapped along a curve |
CMMAudioSourcePitchShakeEvent | An event used to trigger vignette shakes |
CMMAudioSourcePitchShaker | Add this to an AudioSource to shake its pitch remapped along a curve |
CMMAudioSourceSequencer | A MMSequencer with ready made slots to play AudioSources |
CMMAudioSourceStereoPanShakeEvent | An event used to trigger vignette shakes |
CMMAudioSourceStereoPanShaker | Add this to an AudioSource to shake its stereo pan values remapped along a curve |
CMMAudioSourceVolumeShakeEvent | An event used to trigger vignette shakes |
CMMAudioSourceVolumeShaker | Add this to an AudioSource to shake its volume remapped along a curve |
CMMBlink | Add this class to a GameObject to make it blink, either by enabling/disabling a gameobject, changing its alpha, emission intensity, or a value on a shader) |
CMMCameraClippingPlanesShakeEvent | An event used to trigger vignette shakes |
CMMCameraClippingPlanesShaker | Add this to a camera and it'll let you control its near and far clipping planes |
CMMCameraFieldOfViewShakeEvent | An event used to trigger vignette shakes |
CMMCameraFieldOfViewShaker | Add this to a camera and it'll let you control its field of view over time, can be piloted by a MMFeedbackCameraFieldOfView |
CMMCameraOrthographicSizeShakeEvent | An event used to trigger vignette shakes |
CMMCameraOrthographicSizeShaker | Add this to a camera and it'll let you control its orthographic size over time, can be piloted by a MMFeedbackCameraOrthographicSize |
CMMCameraShakeEvent | |
CMMCameraShakeProperties | Camera shake properties |
CMMCameraShaker | A class to add to your camera. It'll listen to MMCameraShakeEvents and will shake your camera accordingly |
CMMCameraShakerRotation | A variant of the Camera Shaker that acts on the rotation instead of the position. Careful, can cause vertigo to some users. |
CMMCameraShakeStopEvent | |
CMMCameraZoomEvent | |
CMMChannel | A scriptable object you can create assets from, to identify Channels, used mostly (but not only) in feedbacks and shakers, to determine a channel of communication, usually between emitters and receivers |
CMMChannelData | A data structure used to pass channel information |
CMMChannelDataExtensions | Extensions class for MMChannelData |
CMMF_Animation | A feedback used to trigger an animation (bool, int, float or trigger) on the associated animator, with or without randomness |
CMMF_AnimationCrossfade | A feedback used to trigger an animation (bool, int, float or trigger) on the associated animator, with or without randomness |
CMMF_AnimatorPlayState | A feedback used to play the specified state on the target Animator, either in normalized or fixed time. |
CMMF_AnimatorSpeed | This feedback will let you change the speed of a target animator, either once, or instantly and then reset it, or interpolate it over time |
CMMF_AudioFilterDistortion | This feedback lets you control the distortion level of a distortion filter. You'll need a MMAudioFilterDistortionShaker on the filter. |
CMMF_AudioFilterEcho | This feedback lets you control the wetmix level of an echo filter. You'll need a MMAudioFilterEchoShaker on your filter. |
CMMF_AudioFilterHighPass | This feedback lets you control the cutoff frequency of a high pass filter. You'll need a MMAudioFilterHighPassShaker on your filter. |
CMMF_AudioFilterLowPass | This feedback lets you control the cutoff frequency of a low pass filter. You'll need a MMAudioFilterLowPassShaker on your filter. |
CMMF_AudioFilterReverb | This feedback lets you control the reverb level of a reverb filter. You'll need a MMAudioFilterReverbShaker on your filter. |
CMMF_AudioMixerSnapshotTransition | This feedback will let you transition to a target AudioMixer Snapshot over a specified time |
CMMF_AudioSource | |
CMMF_AudioSourcePitch | This feedback lets you control the pitch of an AudioSource over time |
CMMF_AudioSourceStereoPan | This feedback lets you control the stereo pan of a target AudioSource over time. |
CMMF_AudioSourceVolume | This feedback lets you control the volume of a target AudioSource over time. |
CMMF_Blink | This feedback will trigger a MMBlink object, letting you blink something |
CMMF_Broadcast | This feedback lets you broadcast a float value to the MMRadio system |
CMMF_BroadcastProxy | This component will be automatically added by the MMF_Broadcast feedback |
CMMF_Button | |
CMMF_CameraClippingPlanes | This feedback lets you control a camera's clipping planes over time. You'll need a MMCameraClippingPlanesShaker on your camera. |
CMMF_CameraFieldOfView | This feedback lets you control a camera's field of view over time. You'll need a MMCameraFieldOfViewShaker on your camera. |
CMMF_CameraOrthographicSize | This feedback lets you control a camera's orthographic size over time. You'll need a MMCameraOrthographicSizeShaker on your camera. |
CMMF_CameraShake | This feedback will send a shake event when played |
CMMF_CameraZoom | A feedback that will allow you to change the zoom of a (3D) camera when played |
CMMF_CanvasGroup | This feedback lets you control the opacity of a canvas group over time |
CMMF_CanvasGroupBlocksRaycasts | This feedback will let you turn the BlocksRaycast parameter of a target CanvasGroup on or off on play |
CMMF_Collider | This feedback will let you enable/disable/toggle a target collider, or change its trigger status |
CMMF_Collider2D | This feedback will let you enable/disable/toggle a target collider 2D, or change its trigger status |
CMMF_DebugBreak | This feedback will force a break, pausing the editor |
CMMF_DebugComment | This feedback doesn't do anything by default, it's just meant as a comment, you can store text in it for future reference, maybe to remember how you setup a particular MMFeedbacks. Optionally it can also output that comment to the console on Play. |
CMMF_DebugLog | This feedback will let you output a message to the console, using a custom MM debug method, or Log, Assertion, Error or Warning logs. |
CMMF_DestinationTransform | This feedback will let you animate the position/rotation/scale of a target transform to match the one of a destination transform. |
CMMF_Destroy | This feedback allows you to destroy a target gameobject, either via Destroy, DestroyImmediate, or SetActive:False |
CMMF_Enable | Turns an object active or inactive at the various stages of the feedback |
CMMF_Events | A feedback to bind Unity events to and trigger them when played |
CMMF_Feedback | |
CMMF_FeedbackBase | |
CMMF_FeedbackBaseTarget | |
CMMF_FeedbackPropertyDrawerUITK | |
CMMF_Feedbacks | This feedback allows you to trigger a target MMFeedbacks, or any MMFeedbacks on the specified Channel within a certain range. You'll need an MMFeedbacksShaker on them. |
CMMF_FieldInfo | |
CMMF_Flicker | This feedback will make the bound renderer flicker for the set duration when played (and restore its initial color when stopped) |
CMMF_FloatController | This feedback will trigger a one time play on a target FloatController |
CMMF_FloatingText | This feedback will request the spawn of a floating text, usually to signify damage, but not necessarily This requires that a MMFloatingTextSpawner be correctly setup in the scene, otherwise nothing will happen. To do so, create a new empty object, add a MMFloatingTextSpawner to it. Drag (at least) one MMFloatingText prefab into its PooledSimpleMMFloatingText slot. You'll find such prefabs already made in the MMTools/Tools/MMFloatingText/Prefabs folder, but feel free to create your own. Using that feedback will always spawn the same text. While this may be what you want, if you're using the Corgi Engine or TopDown Engine, you'll find dedicated versions directly hooked to the Health component, letting you display damage taken. |
CMMF_Fog | This feedback will let you animate the density, color, end and start distance of your scene's fog |
CMMF_FreezeFrame | This feedback will trigger a freeze frame event when played, pausing the game for the specified duration (usually short, but not necessarily) |
CMMF_HoldingPause | this feedback will "hold", or wait, until all previous feedbacks have been executed, and will then pause the execution of your MMFeedbacks sequence, for the specified duration |
CMMF_InstantiateObject | This feedback will instantiate the associated object (usually a VFX, but not necessarily), optionnally creating an object pool of them for performance |
CMMF_Light | This feedback will let you control the color and intensity of a Light when played |
CMMF_LineRenderer | This feedback will let you change the width and color of a target line renderer over time |
CMMF_LoadScene | This feedback will request the load of a new scene, using the method of your choice |
CMMF_LookAt | This feedback will let you animate the rotation of a transform to look at a target over time. You can also use it to broadcast a MMLookAtShake event, that MMLookAtShakers on the right channel will be able to listen for and act upon |
CMMF_Looper | This feedback will move the current "head" of an MMFeedbacks sequence back to another feedback above in the list. What feedback the head lands on depends on your settings : you can decide to have it loop at last pause, or at the last LoopStart feedback in the list (or both). Furthermore, you can decide to have it loop multiple times and cause a pause when met. |
CMMF_LooperStart | This feedback can act as a pause but also as a start point for your loops. Add a FeedbackLooper below this (and after a few feedbacks) and your MMFeedbacks will loop between both |
CMMF_Material | |
►CMMF_MaterialSetProperty | This feedback will let you set a property on the target renderer's material |
CExtraRendererData | |
CMMF_MMGameEvent | This feedback will trigger a MMGameEvent of the specified name when played |
CMMF_MMSoundManagerAllSoundsControl | A feedback used to control all sounds playing on the MMSoundManager at once. It'll let you pause, play, stop and free (stop and returns the audiosource to the pool) sounds. You will need a MMSoundManager in your scene for this to work. |
CMMF_MMSoundManagerSaveLoad | This feedback will let you trigger save, load, and reset on MMSoundManager settings. You will need a MMSoundManager in your scene for this to work. |
CMMF_MMSoundManagerSound | This feedback will let you play a sound via the MMSoundManager. You will need a game object in your scene with a MMSoundManager object on it for this to work. |
CMMF_MMSoundManagerSoundControl | This feedback will let you control a specific sound (or sounds), targeted by SoundID, which has to match the SoundID of the sound you intially played. You will need a MMSoundManager in your scene for this to work. |
CMMF_MMSoundManagerSoundData | A scriptable object used to store data for MMSoundManager play |
CMMF_MMSoundManagerSoundFade | This feedback lets you trigger fades on a specific sound via the MMSoundManager. You will need a MMSoundManager in your scene for this to work. |
CMMF_MMSoundManagerTrackControl | This feedback will let you control all sounds playing on a specific track (master, UI, music, sfx), and play, pause, mute, unmute, resume, stop, free them all at once. You will need a MMSoundManager in your scene for this to work. |
CMMF_MMSoundManagerTrackFade | This feedback will let you fade all the sounds on a specific track at once. You will need a MMSoundManager in your scene for this to work. |
CMMF_Particles | This feedback will play the associated particles system on play, and stop it on stop |
CMMF_ParticlesInstantiation | This feedback will instantiate a particle system and play/stop it when playing/stopping the feedback |
CMMF_Pause | This feedback will cause a pause when met, preventing any other feedback lower in the sequence to run until it's complete. |
CMMF_Player | |
►CMMF_PlayerChain | This feedback allows you to chain any number of target MMF Players and play them in sequence, with optional delays before and after |
CPlayerChainItem | A class used to store and define items in a chain of MMF Players |
CMMF_PlayerConfiguration | An asset to store copy information, as well as global feedback settings. It requires that one (and only one) MMFeedbacksConfiguration asset be created and stored in a Resources folder. That's already done when installing MMFeedbacks. |
CMMF_PlayerControl | This feedback allows you to control one or more target MMF Players |
CMMF_PlayerCopy | A helper class to copy and paste feedback properties |
CMMF_PlayerDebugInput | Add this debug component to a MMF Player, and you'll be able to play it at runtime at the press of a (customisable) key, useful when tweaking or debugging your feedbacks |
►CMMF_PlayerEditorUITK | |
CFeedbackHeaderContainersData | |
CFeedbackTypePair | |
CMMFFeedbackGroupExtrasContainerData | |
CMMF_PlayerEnabler | A helper class added automatically by MMFeedbacks if they're in AutoPlayOnEnable mode This lets them play again should their parent game object be disabled/enabled |
CMMF_Playlist | This feedback will let you pilot a MMPlaylist |
CMMF_Position | this feedback will let you animate the position of |
CMMF_PositionShake | This feedback lets you emit a PositionShake event. This will be caught by MMPositionShakers (on the specified channel). Position shakers, as the name suggests, are used to shake the position of a transform, along a direction, with optional noise and other fine control options. |
CMMF_PositionSpring | This feedback will let you animate the position of the target object over time, with a spring effect |
CMMF_PPMovingFilter | This feedback will trigger a post processing moving filter event, meant to be caught by a MMPostProcessingMovableFilter object |
CMMF_Property | This feedback will let you target (almost) any property, on any object in your scene. It also works on scriptable objects. Drag an object, select a property, and setup your feedback " + to update that property over time |
CMMF_RadioSignal | This feedback will let you trigger a play on a target MMRadioSignal (usually used by a MMRadioBroadcaster to emit a value that can then be listened to by MMRadioReceivers. From this feedback you can also specify a duration, timescale and multiplier. |
CMMF_RectTransformAnchor | This feedback lets you control the min and max anchors of a RectTransform over time. That's the normalized position in the parent RectTransform that the lower left and upper right corners are anchored to. |
CMMF_RectTransformOffset | This feedback lets you control the offset of the lower left corner of the rectangle relative to the lower left anchor, and the offset of the upper right corner of the rectangle relative to the upper right anchor. |
CMMF_RectTransformPivot | This feedback lets you control the position of a RectTransform's pivot over time |
CMMF_RectTransformSizeDelta | This feedback lets you control the size delta property (the size of this RectTransform relative to the distances between the anchors) of a RectTransform, over time |
CMMF_ReferenceHolder | This feedback allows you to hold a reference, that can then be used by other feedbacks to automatically set their target. It doesn't do anything when played. |
CMMF_Rigidbody | this feedback will let you apply forces and torques (relative or not) to a Rigidbody |
CMMF_Rigidbody2D | this feedback will let you apply forces and torques (relative or not) to a Rigidbody |
CMMF_RotatePositionAround | This feedback will animate the target's position (not its rotation), on an arc around the specified rotation center, for the specified duration (in seconds). |
CMMF_Rotation | This feedback animates the rotation of the specified object when played |
CMMF_RotationShake | This feedback lets you emit a RotationShake event. This will be caught by MMRotationShakers (on the specified channel). Rotation shakers, as the name suggests, are used to shake the rotation of a transform, along a direction, with optional noise and other fine control options. |
CMMF_RotationSpring | This feedback will let you animate the rotation of the target object over time, with a spring effect |
CMMF_Scale | This feedback will animate the scale of the target object over time when played |
CMMF_ScaleShake | This feedback lets you emit a ScaleShake event. This will be caught by MMScaleShakers (on the specified channel). Scale shakers, as the name suggests, are used to shake the scale of a transform, along a direction, with optional noise and other fine control options. |
CMMF_ScaleSpring | This feedback will let you animate the scale of the target object over time, with a spring effect |
CMMF_SetActive | Turns an object active or inactive at the various stages of the feedback |
CMMF_SetParent | A feedback used to change the parent of a transform |
CMMF_ShaderGlobal | Turns an object active or inactive at the various stages of the feedback |
CMMF_Skybox | This feedback will let you change the scene's skybox on play, replacing it with another one, either a specific one, or one picked at random among multiple skyboxes. |
CMMF_Sound | |
CMMF_SpringColor | A feedback used to pilot color springs |
CMMF_SpringFloat | A feedback used to pilot float springs |
CMMF_SpringVector2 | A feedback used to pilot Vector2 springs |
CMMF_SpringVector3 | A feedback used to pilot Vector3 springs |
CMMF_SpringVector4 | A feedback used to pilot Vector4 springs |
CMMF_SpriteRenderer | This feedback will let you change the color of a target sprite renderer over time, and flip it on X or Y. You can also use it to command one or many MMSpriteRendererShakers. |
CMMF_SquashAndStretch | This feedback will let you modify the scale of an object on an axis while the other two axis (or only one) get automatically modified to conserve mass |
CMMF_SquashAndStretchSpring | This feedback will let you animate the scale of the target object over time, with a spring + squash and stretch effect |
CMMF_TextureOffset | This feedback will let you control the texture offset of a target material over time |
CMMF_TextureScale | This feedback will let you control the texture scale of a target material over time |
CMMF_TimescaleModifier | This feedback changes the timescale by sending a TimeScale event on play |
CMMF_TMPAlpha | This feedback lets you control the alpha of a target TMP over time |
CMMF_TMPCharacterSpacing | This feedback lets you control the character spacing of a target TMP over time |
CMMF_TMPColor | This feedback lets you control the color of a target TMP over time |
CMMF_TMPCountTo | This feedback will let you update a TMP text value over time, with a value going from A to B over time, on a curve |
CMMF_TMPCountToLong | This feedback will let you update a TMP text value over time, with a long value going from A to B over time, on a curve |
CMMF_TMPDilate | This feedback lets you dilate a TMP text over time |
CMMF_TMPFontSize | This feedback lets you control the font size of a target TMP over time |
CMMF_TMPLineSpacing | This feedback lets you control the line spacing of a target TMP over time |
CMMF_TMPOutlineColor | This feedback lets you control the color of a target TMP's outline over time |
CMMF_TMPOutlineWidth | This feedback lets you control the outline width of a target TMP over time |
CMMF_TMPParagraphSpacing | This feedback lets you control the paragraph spacing of a target TMP over time |
CMMF_TMPSoftness | This feedback lets you tweak the softness of a TMP text over time |
CMMF_TMPText | This feedback will let you change the text of a target TMP text component |
CMMF_TMPTextReveal | This feedback will let you reveal words, lines, or characters in a target TMP, one at a time |
CMMF_TMPWordSpacing | This feedback lets you control the word spacing of a target TMP over time |
CMMF_TrailRenderer | This feedback will let you control the length, width and color of a target TrailRenderer over time |
CMMF_UnloadScene | This feedback lets you unload a scene by name or build index |
CMMF_VideoPlayer | This feedback lets you control video players in all sorts of ways (Play, Pause, Toggle, Stop, Prepare, StepForward, StepBackward, SetPlaybackSpeed, SetDirectAudioVolume, SetDirectAudioMute, GoToFrame, ToggleLoop) |
CMMF_Wiggle | When played, this feedback will activate the Wiggle method of a MMWiggle object based on the selected settings, wiggling either its position, rotation, scale, or all of these. |
CMMFConditionAttribute | |
CMMFConditionAttributeDrawer | |
CMMFDependencyInstaller | This class is used to automatically install optional dependencies used in MMFeedbacks |
CMMFeedback | A base class, meant to be extended, defining a Feedback. A Feedback is an action triggered by a MMFeedbacks, usually in reaction to the player's input or actions, to help communicate both emotion and legibility, improving game feel. To create a new feedback, extend this class and override its Custom methods, declared at the end of this class. You can look at the many examples for reference. |
CMMFeedbackBase | |
CMMFeedbackBaseTarget | |
CMMFeedbacks | A collection of MMFeedback, meant to be played altogether. This class provides a custom inspector to add and customize feedbacks, and public methods to trigger them, stop them, etc. You can either use it on its own, or bind it from another class and trigger it from there. |
CMMFeedbacksAuthorizations | Add this class to an empty object in your scene and it will prevent any unchecked feedback in its inspector from playing |
CMMFeedbacksColors | Color helpers |
CMMFeedbacksConfiguration | An asset to store copy information, as well as global feedback settings. It requires that one (and only one) MMFeedbacksConfiguration asset be created and stored in a Resources folder. That's already done when installing MMFeedbacks. |
CMMFeedbacksCoroutine | Coroutine helpers |
CMMFeedbacksEnabler | A helper class added automatically by MMFeedbacks if they're in AutoPlayOnEnable mode This lets them play again should their parent game object be disabled/enabled |
CMMFeedbacksEvent | Events triggered by a MMFeedbacks when playing a series of feedbacks |
CMMFeedbacksEvents | A subclass of MMFeedbacks, contains UnityEvents that can be played, |
CMMFeedbacksHelpers | |
CMMFeedbacksInspectorColors | |
CMMFeedbacksSequencer | A MMSequencer with ready made slots to play MMFeedbacks |
CMMFeedbacksShakeEvent | |
CMMFeedbacksShaker | |
CMMFeedbackStaticMethods | |
CMMFeedbackStyling | A class used to regroup most of the styling options for the MMFeedback editors |
CMMFeedbackTargetAcquisition | A class collecting target acquisition settings |
CMMFeedbackTiming | A class collecting delay, cooldown and repeat values, to be used to define the behaviour of each MMFeedback |
CMMFEnumConditionAttribute | |
CMMFEnumConditionAttributeDrawer | |
CMMFHiddenAttribute | |
CMMFHiddenAttributeDrawer | |
CMMFHiddenPropertiesAttribute | |
CMMFInformationAttribute | |
CMMFInformationAttributeDrawer | This class allows the display of a message box (warning, info, error...) next to a property (before or after) |
CMMFInspectorButtonAttribute | |
CMMFInspectorDrawData | |
CMMFInspectorGroupAttribute | An attribute used to group inspector fields under common dropdowns Implementation inspired by Rodrigo Prinheiro's work, available at https://github.com/RodrigoPrinheiro/unityFoldoutAttribute |
CMMFInspectorGroupData | |
CMMFloatingText | A class used to handle the movement and behaviour of floating texts, usually used to display damage text. This is designed to be spawned by a MMFloatingTextSpawner, not used on its own. It also requires a specific hierarchy. You'll find examples of it in the MMTools/Tools/MMFloatingText/Prefabs folder |
CMMFloatingTextMeshPro | A floating text variant using TextMeshPro instead of regular TextMesh |
CMMFloatingTextSpawner | This class will let you pool, recycle and spawn floating texts, usually to show damage info. It requires as input a MMFloatingText object. |
CMMFloatingTextSpawnEvent | An event used (usually by feedbacks) to trigger the spawn of a new floating text |
CMMFReadOnlyAttribute | |
CMMFReadOnlyAttributeDrawer | |
CMMFreezeFrameEvent | |
CMMFVectorAttribute | |
CMMInputSequenceRecorder | This class lets you record sequences via input presses |
CMMInputSequenceRecorderEditor | Custom editor for sequence recorder |
CMMLight2DShaker_URP | Add this to a light 2D to have it receive MMLightShakeEvents from feedbacks or to shake it locally |
CMMLightShakeEvent | |
CMMLightShaker | Add this to a light to have it receive MMLightShakeEvents from feedbacks or to shake it locally |
►CMMLookAtShaker | Add this to an object and it'll be able to listen for MMFLookAtShakeEvents, and when one is received, it will rotate its associated transform accordingly |
CMMLookAtShakeEvent | An event used to trigger a look at shake |
CMMMiniObjectPool | |
CMMMiniObjectPooler | |
CMMMiniPoolableObject | Add this class to an object that you expect to pool from an objectPooler. Note that these objects can't be destroyed by calling Destroy(), they'll just be set inactive (that's the whole point). |
CMMPositionShakeEvent | |
CMMPositionShaker | This shaker will let you move the position of a transform, either once or permanently, shaking its position for the specified duration and within the specified range. You can apply that shake along a direction, randomized or not, with optional noise and attenuation |
CMMRotationShakeEvent | |
CMMRotationShaker | This shaker will let you move the rotation of a transform, either once or permanently, shaking its rotation for the specified duration and within the specified range. You can apply that shake along a direction, randomized or not, with optional noise and attenuation |
CMMScaleShakeEvent | |
CMMScaleShaker | This shaker will let you move the scale of a transform, either once or permanently, shaking its scale for the specified duration and within the specified range. You can apply that shake along a direction, randomized or not, with optional noise and attenuation |
CMMSequence | This scriptable object holds "sequences", data used to record and play events in sequence MMSequences can be played by MMFeedbacks from their Timing section, by Sequencers and potentially other classes |
CMMSequenceList | A class used to store sequence notes |
CMMSequenceNote | A class describing the contents of a sequence note, basically a timestamp and the ID to play at that timestamp |
CMMSequencer | This class lets you design a quantized MMSequence using a sequencer interface, and lets you play a quantized sequence, triggering events on beats if specified |
CMMSequencerEditor | Custom editor for MMSequencer, handles recalibration and sequencer display |
CMMSequenceTrack | A class describing the properties of a sequence's track : ID, color (for the inspector), Key (for the recorder), State (for the recorder) |
CMMSetFeedbackRangeCenterEvent | An event used to set the RangeCenter on all feedbacks that listen for it |
CMMShaker | |
CMMSoundSequencer | A MMSequencer with ready made slots to play sounds |
CMMSpringAnimatorSpeed | |
CMMSpringAudioSourcePitch | |
CMMSpringAudioSourceVolume | |
CMMSpringCameraFieldOfView | |
CMMSpringCameraOrthographicSize | |
CMMSpringClampSettings | |
CMMSpringColor | |
CMMSpringColorComponent | A spring component used to pilot color values on a target |
CMMSpringColorEvent | An event used to pilot a MMSpringColor component |
CMMSpringColorPropertyDrawer | |
CMMSpringComponentBase | An abstract class used to build spring components to pilot various properties (float, vector2, vector3, color, etc) |
CMMSpringDebug | This class is used to display debug information in classes using the MMSpring system |
CMMSpringDebugPropertyDrawer | |
CMMSpringDefinition | |
CMMSpringFloat | |
CMMSpringFloatComponent | A spring component used to pilot float values on a target |
CMMSpringFloatEvent | An event used to pilot a MMSpringColor component |
CMMSpringFloatPropertyDrawer | |
CMMSpringLightColor | |
CMMSpringLightIntensity | |
CMMSpringLightRange | |
CMMSpringMMTimeScale | |
CMMSpringPosition | |
CMMSpringRectTransformPosition | |
CMMSpringRectTransformSizeDelta | |
CMMSpringRotation | |
CMMSpringRotationAround | |
CMMSpringScale | |
CMMSpringSpriteColor | |
CMMSpringSquashAndStretch | |
CMMSpringTextureOffset | |
CMMSpringTextureScale | |
CMMSpringVector2 | |
CMMSpringVector2Component | A spring component used to pilot Vector2 values on a target |
CMMSpringVector2Event | An event used to pilot a MMSpringVector2 component |
CMMSpringVector2PropertyDrawer | |
CMMSpringVector3 | |
CMMSpringVector3Component | A spring component used to pilot Vector3 values on a target |
CMMSpringVector3Event | An event used to pilot a MMSpringVector3 component |
CMMSpringVector3PropertyDrawer | |
CMMSpringVector4 | A spring component used to pilot Vector4 values on a target |
CMMSpringVector4Event | An event used to pilot a MMSpringVector4 component |
CMMSpringVector4PropertyDrawer | |
CMMSpriteRendererShakeEvent | An event used (usually from MMFeeedbackSpriteRenderer) to shake the values of a SpriteRenderer |
CMMSpriteRendererShaker | Add this to a SpriteRenderer to have it receive MMSpriteRendererShakeEvents from feedbacks or to shake it locally |
CMMTimeManager | Put this component in your scene and it'll catch MMFreezeFrameEvents and MMTimeScaleEvents, allowing you to control the flow of time. |
CMMTimeScaleEvent | |
CMMWiggle | Add this class to a GameObject to be able to control its position/rotation/scale individually and periodically, allowing it to "wiggle" (or just move however you want on a periodic basis) |
►CMMWiggleEditor | |
CWiggleEditorProperties | |
CTimeScaleProperties | The different settings you can play with on a time scale event |
CTmpAttribute | |
CWiggleProperties | A class to store public wiggle properties |
►NFeedbacksForThirdParty | |
CMMAutoFocus | This class will set the depth of field to focus on the set of targets specified in its inspector. |
CMMAutoFocus_URP | This class will set the URP depth of field to focus on the set of targets specified in its inspector. |
CMMBloomShakeEvent | An event used to trigger vignette shakes |
CMMBloomShakeEvent_HDRP | An event used to trigger vignette shakes |
CMMBloomShakeEvent_URP | An event used to trigger vignette shakes |
CMMBloomShaker | Add this class to a Camera with a bloom post processing and it'll be able to "shake" its values by getting events |
CMMBloomShaker_HDRP | Add this class to a Camera with a HDRP bloom post processing and it'll be able to "shake" its values by getting events |
CMMBloomShaker_URP | Add this class to a Camera with a URP bloom post processing and it'll be able to "shake" its values by getting events |
CMMCameraZoom | This class will allow you to trigger zooms on your camera by sending MMCameraZoomEvents from any other class |
CMMChannelMixerShakeEvent_HDRP | An event used to trigger vignette shakes |
CMMChannelMixerShakeEvent_URP | An event used to trigger vignette shakes |
CMMChannelMixerShaker_HDRP | Add this class to a Camera with a HDRP color adjustments post processing and it'll be able to "shake" its values by getting events |
CMMChannelMixerShaker_URP | Add this class to a Camera with a URP color adjustments post processing and it'll be able to "shake" its values by getting events |
CMMChromaticAberrationShakeEvent | An event used to trigger vignette shakes |
CMMChromaticAberrationShakeEvent_HDRP | An event used to trigger vignette shakes |
CMMChromaticAberrationShakeEvent_URP | An event used to trigger vignette shakes |
CMMChromaticAberrationShaker | Add this class to a Camera with a chromatic aberration post processing and it'll be able to "shake" its values by getting events |
CMMChromaticAberrationShaker_HDRP | Add this class to a Camera with a HDRP chromatic aberration post processing and it'll be able to "shake" its values by getting events |
CMMChromaticAberrationShaker_URP | Add this class to a Camera with a URP chromatic aberration post processing and it'll be able to "shake" its values by getting events |
CMMCinemachineCameraShaker | Add this component to your Cinemachine Virtual Camera to have it shake when calling its ShakeCamera methods. |
CMMCinemachineClippingPlanesShaker | Add this to a Cinemachine virtual camera and it'll let you control its near and far clipping planes |
CMMCinemachineFieldOfViewShaker | Add this to a Cinemachine virtual camera and it'll let you control its field of view over time, can be piloted by a MMFeedbackCameraFieldOfView |
CMMCinemachineFreeLookZoom | This class will allow you to trigger zooms on your cinemachine camera by sending MMCameraZoomEvents from any other class |
CMMCinemachineHelpers | |
CMMCinemachineOrthographicSizeShaker | Add this to a Cinemachine virtual camera and it'll let you control its orthographic size over time, can be piloted by a MMFeedbackCameraOrthographicSize |
CMMCinemachinePriorityBrainListener | Add this to a Cinemachine brain and it'll be able to accept custom blend transitions (used with MMFeedbackCinemachineTransition) |
CMMCinemachinePriorityEvent | An event used to pilot priorities on cinemachine virtual cameras and brain transitions |
CMMCinemachinePriorityListener | Add this to a Cinemachine virtual camera and it'll be able to listen to MMCinemachinePriorityEvent, usually triggered by a MMFeedbackCinemachineTransition |
CMMCinemachineZoom | This class will allow you to trigger zooms on your cinemachine camera by sending MMCameraZoomEvents from any other class |
CMMColorAdjustmentsShakeEvent_HDRP | An event used to trigger vignette shakes |
CMMColorAdjustmentsShakeEvent_URP | An event used to trigger vignette shakes |
CMMColorAdjustmentsShaker_HDRP | Add this class to a Camera with a HDRP color adjustments post processing and it'll be able to "shake" its values by getting events |
CMMColorAdjustmentsShaker_URP | Add this class to a Camera with a URP color adjustments post processing and it'll be able to "shake" its values by getting events |
CMMColorGradingShakeEvent | An event used to trigger vignette shakes |
CMMColorGradingShaker | Add this class to a Camera with a color grading post processing and it'll be able to "shake" its values by getting events |
CMMDepthOfFieldShakeEvent | An event used to trigger vignette shakes |
CMMDepthOfFieldShakeEvent_HDRP | An event used to trigger vignette shakes |
CMMDepthOfFieldShakeEvent_URP | An event used to trigger vignette shakes |
CMMDepthOfFieldShaker | Add this class to a Camera with a depth of field post processing and it'll be able to "shake" its values by getting events |
CMMDepthOfFieldShaker_HDRP | Add this class to a Camera with a HDRP depth of field post processing and it'll be able to "shake" its values by getting events |
CMMDepthOfFieldShaker_URP | Add this class to a Camera with a URP depth of field post processing and it'll be able to "shake" its values by getting events |
CMMExposureShakeEvent_HDRP | An event used to trigger exposure shakes |
CMMExposureShaker_HDRP | Add this class to a Camera with a HDRP exposure post processing and it'll be able to "shake" its values by getting events |
CMMF_Bloom | This feedback allows you to control bloom intensity and threshold over time. It requires you have in your scene an object with a PostProcessVolume with Bloom active, and a MMBloomShaker component. |
CMMF_Bloom_HDRP | This feedback allows you to control bloom intensity and threshold over time. It requires you have in your scene an object with a Volume with Bloom active, and a MMBloomShaker_HDRP component. |
CMMF_Bloom_URP | This feedback allows you to control bloom intensity and threshold over time. It requires you have in your scene an object with a Volume with Bloom active, and a MMBloomShaker_URP component. |
CMMF_ChannelMixer_HDRP | This feedback allows you to control channel mixer's red, green and blue over time. It requires you have in your scene an object with a Volume with Channel Mixer active, and a MMChannelMixerShaker_HDRP component. |
CMMF_ChannelMixer_URP | This feedback allows you to control bloom intensity and threshold over time. It requires you have in your scene an object with a Volume with Bloom active, and a MMBloomShaker_URP component. |
CMMF_ChromaticAberration | This feedback allows you to control chromatic aberration intensity over time. It requires you have in your scene an object with a PostProcessVolume with Chromatic Aberration active, and a MMChromaticAberrationShaker component. |
CMMF_ChromaticAberration_HDRP | This feedback allows you to control chromatic aberration intensity over time. It requires you have in your scene an object with a Volume with HDRP Chromatic Aberration active, and a MMChromaticAberrationShaker_HDRP component. |
CMMF_ChromaticAberration_URP | This feedback allows you to control chromatic aberration intensity over time. It requires you have in your scene an object with a Volume with URP Chromatic Aberration active, and a MMChromaticAberrationShaker_URP component. |
CMMF_CinemachineImpulse | |
CMMF_CinemachineImpulseClear | |
CMMF_CinemachineImpulseSource | |
CMMF_CinemachineTransition | This feedback will let you change the priorities of your cameras. It requires a bit of setup : adding a MMCinemachinePriorityListener to your different cameras, with unique Channel values on them. Optionally, you can add a MMCinemachinePriorityBrainListener on your Cinemachine Brain to handle different transition types and durations. Then all you have to do is pick a channel and a new priority on your feedback, and play it. Magic transition! |
CMMF_ColorAdjustments_HDRP | This feedback allows you to control color adjustments' post exposure, hue shift, saturation and contrast over time. It requires you have in your scene an object with a Volume with Color Adjustments active, and a MMColorAdjustmentsShaker_HDRP component. |
CMMF_ColorAdjustments_URP | This feedback allows you to control color adjustments' post exposure, hue shift, saturation and contrast over time. It requires you have in your scene an object with a Volume with Color Adjustments active, and a MMColorAdjustmentsShaker_URP component. |
CMMF_ColorGrading | This feedback allows you to control color grading post exposure, hue shift, saturation and contrast over time. It requires you have in your scene an object with a PostProcessVolume with Color Grading active, and a MMColorGradingShaker component. |
CMMF_DepthOfField | This feedback allows you to control depth of field focus distance, aperture and focal length over time. It requires you have in your scene an object with a PostProcessVolume with Depth of Field active, and a MMDepthOfFieldShaker component. |
CMMF_DepthOfField_HDRP | This feedback allows you to control HDRP Depth of Field focus distance or near/far ranges over time. It requires you have in your scene an object with a Volume with Depth of Field active, and a MMDepthOfFieldShaker_HDRP component. |
CMMF_DepthOfField_URP | This feedback allows you to control URP depth of field focus distance, aperture and focal length over time. It requires you have in your scene an object with a Volume with Depth of Field active, and a MMDepthOfFieldShaker_URP component. |
CMMF_Exposure_HDRP | This feedback allows you to control HDRP exposure intensity over time. It requires you have in your scene an object with a Volume with Exposure active, and a MMExposureShaker_HDRP component. |
CMMF_FilmGrain_HDRP | This feedback allows you to control HDRP Film Grain intensity over time. It requires you have in your scene an object with a Volume with Film Grain active, and a MMFilmGrainShaker_HDRP component. |
CMMF_FilmGrain_URP | This feedback allows you to control URP Film Grain intensity over time. It requires you have in your scene an object with a Volume with Film Grain active, and a MMFilmGrainShaker_URP component. |
CMMF_GlobalPPVolumeAutoBlend | This feedback will let you pilot a Global PostProcessing Volume AutoBlend component. A GPPVAB component is placed on a PostProcessing Volume, and will let you control and blend its weight over time on demand. |
CMMF_GlobalPPVolumeAutoBlend_URP | This feedback will let you pilot a Global PostProcessing Volume AutoBlend URP component. A GPPVAB component is placed on a PostProcessing Volume, and will let you control and blend its weight over time on demand. |
CMMF_Haptics | Add this feedback to be able to trigger haptic feedbacks via the NiceVibration library. It'll let you create transient or continuous vibrations, play presets or advanced patterns via AHAP files, and stop any vibration at any time This feedback has been deprecated, and is just here to avoid errors in case you were to update from an old version. Use the new haptic feedbacks instead. |
CMMF_LensDistortion | This feedback allows you to control lens distortion intensity over time. It requires you have in your scene an object with a PostProcessVolume with Lens Distortion active, and a MMLensDistortionShaker component. |
CMMF_LensDistortion_HDRP | This feedback allows you to control HDRP lens distortion intensity over time. It requires you have in your scene an object with a Volume with Lens Distortion active, and a MMLensDistortionShaker_HDRP component. |
CMMF_LensDistortion_URP | This feedback allows you to control URP lens distortion intensity over time. It requires you have in your scene an object with a Volume with Lens Distortion active, and a MMLensDistortionShaker_URP component. |
CMMF_MotionBlur_HDRP | This feedback allows you to control HDRP motion blur intensity over time. It requires you have in your scene an object with a Volume with MotionBlur active, and a MMMotionBlurShaker_HDRP component. |
CMMF_MotionBlur_URP | This feedback allows you to control URP motion blur intensity over time. It requires you have in your scene an object with a Volume with MotionBlur active, and a MMMotionBlurShaker_URP component. |
CMMF_NVClip | Add this feedback to play a .haptic clip, optionally randomizing its level and frequency |
CMMF_NVContinuous | Add this feedback to play a continuous haptic of the specified amplitude and frequency over a certain duration. This feedback will also let you randomize these, and modulate them over time. |
CMMF_NVControl | Add this feedback to interact with haptics at a global level, stopping them all, enabling or disabling them, adjusting their global level or initializing/release the haptic engine |
CMMF_NVEmphasis | Use this feedback to play an Emphasis haptics, short haptic bursts whose amplitude and frequency can be controlled in real time, also called Transients in CoreHaptics/iOS |
CMMF_NVPreset | Use this feedback to play a preset haptic, limited but super simple predifined haptic patterns |
CMMF_PaniniProjection_HDRP | This feedback allows you to control Panini Projection distance and crop to fit over time. It requires you have in your scene an object with a Volume with Bloom active, and a MMPaniniProjectionShaker_HDRP component. |
CMMF_PaniniProjection_URP | This feedback allows you to control Panini Projection distance and crop to fit over time. It requires you have in your scene an object with a Volume with Bloom active, and a MMPaniniProjectionShaker_URP component. |
CMMF_UIToolkit | This feedback is a base for UI Toolkit feedbacks |
CMMF_UIToolkitBackgroundColor | This feedback will let you change the background color of an element on a target UI Document |
CMMF_UIToolkitBoolBase | A base feedback to set a bool on a target UI Document |
CMMF_UIToolkitBorderColor | This feedback will let you change the border color of an element on a target UI Document |
CMMF_UIToolkitBorderRadius | This feedback will let you change the border radius of an element on a target UI Document |
CMMF_UIToolkitBorderWidth | This feedback will let you change the border width of an element on a target UI Document |
CMMF_UIToolkitClass | This feedback will let you change the class of an element on a target UI Document |
CMMF_UIToolkitColorBase | A base feedback to set a color on a target UI Document |
CMMF_UIToolkitFloatBase | A base feedback to set a float on a target UI Document |
CMMF_UIToolkitFontSize | This feedback will let you change the font size of an element on a target UI Document |
CMMF_UIToolkitImageTint | This feedback will let you change the image tint of an element on a target UI Document |
CMMF_UIToolkitOpacity | This feedback will let you change the opacity of an element on a target UI Document |
CMMF_UIToolkitRotate | This feedback will let you rotate an element on a target UI Document |
CMMF_UIToolkitScale | This feedback will let you scale an element on a target UI Document |
CMMF_UIToolkitSize | This feedback will let you change the size an element on a target UI Document |
CMMF_UIToolkitStylesheet | This feedback will let you change the stylesheet on a target UI Document |
CMMF_UIToolkitText | This feedback will let you change the text an element on a target UI Document |
CMMF_UIToolkitTextColor | This feedback will let you change the text color an element on a target UI Document |
CMMF_UIToolkitTransformOrigin | This feedback will let you change the transform origin an element on a target UI Document |
CMMF_UIToolkitTranslate | This feedback will let you translate an element on a target UI Document |
CMMF_UIToolkitVector2Base | A base feedback to set a vector2 on a target UI Document |
CMMF_UIToolkitVisible | This feedback will let you set the visibility of an element on a target UI Document |
CMMF_Vignette | This feedback allows you to control vignette intensity over time. It requires you have in your scene an object with a PostProcessVolume with Vignette active, and a MMVignetteShaker component. |
CMMF_Vignette_HDRP | This feedback allows you to control HDRP vignette intensity over time. It requires you have in your scene an object with a Volume with Vignette active, and a MMVignetteShaker_HDRP component. |
CMMF_Vignette_URP | This feedback allows you to control URP vignette intensity over time. It requires you have in your scene an object with a Volume with Vignette active, and a MMVignetteShaker_URP component. |
CMMF_VisualEffect | This feedback will let you apply basic controls to a target VisualEffect |
CMMF_VisualEffectSetProperty | This feedback will let you set a property on a target VisualEffect |
CMMF_WhiteBalance_HDRP | This feedback allows you to control white balance temperature and tint over time. It requires you have in your scene an object with a Volume with White Balance active, and a MMWhiteBalanceShaker_HDRP component. |
CMMF_WhiteBalance_URP | This feedback allows you to control white balance temperature and tint over time. It requires you have in your scene an object with a Volume with White Balance active, and a MMWhiteBalanceShaker_URP component. |
CMMFeedbackNVSettings | A class used to store and manage common Nice Vibrations feedback settings |
CMMFilmGrainShakeEvent_HDRP | An event used to trigger FilmGrain shakes |
CMMFilmGrainShakeEvent_URP | An event used to trigger FilmGrain shakes |
CMMFilmGrainShaker_HDRP | Add this class to a Camera with a HDRP FilmGrain post processing and it'll be able to "shake" its values by getting events |
CMMFilmGrainShaker_URP | Add this class to a Camera with a URP FilmGrain post processing and it'll be able to "shake" its values by getting events |
CMMGlobalPostProcessingVolumeAutoBlend | Use this class to have a global PP volume auto blend its weight on cue, between a start and end values |
CMMGlobalPostProcessingVolumeAutoBlend_URP | Use this class to have a global PP volume auto blend its weight on cue, between a start and end values |
CMMHDRPHelpers | |
CMMLensDistortionShakeEvent | An event used to trigger vignette shakes |
CMMLensDistortionShakeEvent_HDRP | An event used to trigger vignette shakes |
CMMLensDistortionShakeEvent_URP | An event used to trigger vignette shakes |
CMMLensDistortionShaker | Add this class to a Camera with a lens distortion post processing and it'll be able to "shake" its values by getting events |
CMMLensDistortionShaker_HDRP | Add this class to a Camera with a HDRP lens distortion post processing and it'll be able to "shake" its values by getting events |
CMMLensDistortionShaker_URP | Add this class to a Camera with a URP lens distortion post processing and it'll be able to "shake" its values by getting events |
CMMMotionBlurShakeEvent_HDRP | An event used to trigger vignette shakes |
CMMMotionBlurShakeEvent_URP | An event used to trigger vignette shakes |
CMMMotionBlurShaker_HDRP | Add this class to a Camera with a HDRP vignette post processing and it'll be able to "shake" its values by getting events |
CMMMotionBlurShaker_URP | Add this class to a Camera with a URP vignette post processing and it'll be able to "shake" its values by getting events |
CMMPaniniProjectionShakeEvent_HDRP | An event used to trigger vignette shakes |
CMMPaniniProjectionShakeEvent_URP | An event used to trigger vignette shakes |
CMMPaniniProjectionShaker_HDRP | Add this class to a Camera with a HDRP vignette post processing and it'll be able to "shake" its values by getting events |
CMMPaniniProjectionShaker_URP | Add this class to a Camera with a URP vignette post processing and it'll be able to "shake" its values by getting events |
CMMPostProcessingHelpers | |
CMMPostProcessingVolumeAutoBlendShakeEvent | An event used to trigger vignette shakes |
CMMPostProcessingVolumeAutoBlendURPShakeEvent | An event used to trigger vignette shakes |
CMMURPHelpers | |
CMMVignetteShakeEvent | An event used to trigger vignette shakes |
CMMVignetteShakeEvent_HDRP | An event used to trigger vignette shakes |
CMMVignetteShakeEvent_URP | An event used to trigger vignette shakes |
CMMVignetteShaker | Add this class to a Camera with a vignette post processing and it'll be able to "shake" its values by getting events |
CMMVignetteShaker_HDRP | Add this class to a Camera with a HDRP vignette post processing and it'll be able to "shake" its values by getting events |
CMMVignetteShaker_URP | Add this class to a Camera with a URP vignette post processing and it'll be able to "shake" its values by getting events |
CMMWhiteBalanceShakeEvent_HDRP | An event used to trigger vignette shakes |
CMMWhiteBalanceShakeEvent_URP | An event used to trigger vignette shakes |
CMMWhiteBalanceShaker_HDRP | Add this class to a Camera with a white balance post processing and it'll be able to "shake" its values by getting events |
CMMWhiteBalanceShaker_URP | Add this class to a Camera with a white balance post processing and it'll be able to "shake" its values by getting events |
►NInventoryEngine | |
CArmorItem | Demo class for an example armor item |
CBaseItem | Base item class, to use when your object doesn't do anything special |
CBombItem | Demo class for a bomb item |
CChangeLevel | Demo class to go from one level to another |
CDemoCharacterInputManager | A very simple input manager to handle the demo character's input and make it move |
CEventTester | This class shows examples of how you can listen to MMInventoryEvents, from any class |
CHealthBonusItem | Demo class for a health item |
CInventory | Base inventory class. Will handle storing items, saving and loading its content, adding items to it, removing items, equipping them, etc. |
CInventoryCharacterIdentifier | When working in a multiplayer context, add this class to characters that can pick items and ItemPickers will automatically send items to the right PlayerID. |
CInventoryCounterDisplay | Use this class to display the total quantity of one or more given items in one or more given inventories |
CInventoryDemoCharacter | Demo character controller, very basic stuff |
CInventoryDemoGameManager | An example of a game manager, the only significant part being how we trigger in a single place the load of all inventories, in the Start method. |
CInventoryDemoStorageBox | This class shows a simple example of a storage box, that will display a target inventory when the Player character is on top of it, and close it when the character exits the zone. |
CInventoryDetails | A class used to display an item's details in GUI |
►CInventoryDisplay | A component that handles the visual representation of an Inventory, allowing the user to interact with it |
CItemQuantity | |
CInventoryDisplayEditor | Custom editor for the InventoryDisplay component |
CInventoryDisplayGrid | The class used to reference the grid component of an InventoryDisplay |
CInventoryDisplayTitle | The class used to reference the title component of an InventoryDisplay |
CInventoryEditor | Custom editor for the Inventory component |
CInventoryEngineMenu | Adds a dedicated InventoryEngine menu into the top bar More Mountains entry |
CInventoryHotbar | Special kind of inventory display, with a dedicated key associated to it, to allow for shortcuts for use and equip |
►CInventoryInputActions | This class lets you bind keys to specific slots in a target inventory, and associate an action to execute when that key is pressed. A typical use case would be a weapon bar, where pressing 1 equips a gun, pressing 2 equips a shotgun, etc. Coincidentally, that's what the PixelRogueWeaponBar demo scene demonstrates. |
CInventoryInputActionsBindings | A class used to store slot / key / action bindings |
CInventoryInputManager | Example of how you can call an inventory from your game. I suggest having your Input and GUI manager classes handle that though. |
CInventoryItem | Base class for inventory items, meant to be extended. Will handle base properties and drop spawn |
CInventoryItemDisplayProperties | |
CInventoryItemEditor | Custom editor for the InventoryItem component |
CInventorySelectionMarker | This class handles the selection marker, that will mark the currently selected slot |
CInventorySlot | This class handles the display of the items in an inventory and will trigger the various things you can do with an item (equip, use, etc.) |
CInventorySlotEditor | |
CInventorySoundPlayer | A component that will handle the playing of songs when paired with an InventoryDisplay |
CInventoryTester | This test class lets you play with the Inventory API. You can see it in action in the PixelRogueRoom2 demo scene |
CItemPicker | Add this component to an object so it can be picked and added to an inventory |
CMMInventoryEvent | Inventory events are used throughout the Inventory Engine to let other interested classes know that something happened to an inventory. |
CPickableInventoryItemEditor | Pickable inventory item editor. |
CPixelRogueDemoResetAll | A very small class used to reset inventories and persistence data in the PixelRogue demos |
CSerializedInventory | Serialized class to help store / load inventories from files. |
CWeaponItem | Demo class for a weapon item |
►NMMInterface | |
CMMCarousel | A class to handle a carousel of UI elements, placed in an HorizontalLayoutGroup. All elements of the carousel need to have the same width. |
CMMCheckbox | A class to handle checkboxes |
CMMPopup | A component to handle popups, their opening and closing |
CMMRadioButton | A class to handle radio buttons. To group them, just use the same RadioButtonGroupName string for all radio buttons in the group |
CMMScrollviewButton | |
CMMSpriteReplace | A class to add to an Image or SpriteRenderer to have it act like a button with a different sprite for on and off states |
CMMSpriteReplaceCycle | A class to add to a button so that its sprite cycles through X sprites when pressed |
CMMSwitch | A component to handle switches |
►NTools | |
CAIAction | Actions are behaviours and describe what your character is doing. Examples include patrolling, shooting, jumping, etc. |
CAIActionPropertyInspector | |
CAIActionsList | |
CAIBrain | the AI brain is responsible from going from one state to the other based on the defined transitions. It's basically just a collection of states, and it's where you'll link all the actions, decisions, states and transitions together. |
CAIBrainEditor | |
CAIDecision | Decisions are components that will be evaluated by transitions, every frame, and will return true or false. Examples include time spent in a state, distance to a target, or object detection within an area. |
CAIState | A State is a combination of one or more actions, and one or more transitions. An example of a state could be "_patrolling until an enemy gets in range_". |
CAIStateEvent | |
CAITransition | Transitions are a combination of one or more decisions and destination states whether or not these transitions are true or false. An example of a transition could be "_if an enemy gets in range, transition to the Shooting state_". |
CAITransitionPropertyInspector | |
CAITransitionsList | |
CBeat | |
CDictionaryStringSceneData | A serializable class used to store scene data, the key is a string (the scene name), the value is a MMPersistencySceneData |
CDictionaryStringString | A serializable class used to store object data, the key is a string (the object name), the value is a string (the object data) |
CEventRegister | Static class that allows any class to start or stop listening to events |
CFloatController | A class used to control a float in any other class, over time To use it, simply drag a monobehaviour in its target field, pick a control mode (ping pong or random), and tweak the settings |
CFloatControllerEditor | Custom editor for the FloatController, conditional hiding and dropdown fill |
CFogSettings | A simple class used to store fog properties |
CGameObjectExtensions | Game object extensions |
CIMMPersistent | An interface classes that want to be saved by the MMPersistencyManager need to implement |
CIMMSaveLoadManagerMethod | An interface to implement save and load using different methods (binary, json, etc) |
CLayermaskExtensions | Layermask Extensions |
CLightController | A class used to control the intensity of a light |
CListExtensions | List extensions |
CMMAchievement | |
CMMAchievementChangedEvent | |
CMMAchievementList | A scriptable object containing a list of achievements. You need to create one and store it in a Resources folder for this to work. |
CMMAchievementListInspector | Custom inspector for the MMAchievementList scriptable object. |
CMMAchievementManager | This static class is in charge of storing the current state of the achievements, unlocking/locking them, and saving them to data files |
CMMAchievementMenu | |
CMMAchievementRules | That class is meant to be extended to implement the achievement rules specific to your game. |
CMMAchievementUnlockedEvent | An event type used to broadcast the fact that an achievement has been unlocked |
CMMActivationOnStart | Use this class to enable or disable other gameobjects automatically on Start or Awake |
CMMAdditiveSceneLoadingManager | A class to load scenes using a loading screen instead of just the default API This is a new version of the classic LoadingSceneManager (now renamed to MMSceneLoadingManager for consistency) |
CMMAdditiveSceneLoadingManagerSettings | A simple class used to store additive loading settings |
CMMAim | |
CMMAnimationCurveGenerator | This class will let you create and save a .curves asset in the specified path This asset will include curves (anti or not) from the MMTween library, to use anywhere animation curves are required |
CMMAnimationCurves | |
CMMAnimationModifier | Add this script to an animation in Mecanim and you'll be able to control its start position and speed |
CMMAnimationParameter | A helper class that will hash a animation parameter and update it on demand |
CMMAnimatorExtensions | Animator extensions |
►CMMAnimatorMirror | This class will let you mirror the behaviour of an Animator's parameters on a Source Animator onto the ones of a Target Animator. Target will mirror Source. Only the parameters existing on both Target and Source will be considered, you'll need to have the same on both before entering runtime. |
CMMAnimatorMirrorBind | Struct used to store bindings |
CMMApplicationPlatformActivation | Add this class to a gameobject, and it'll enable/disable it based on platform context, using Application.platform to detect the platform |
CMMApplicationQuit | A super simple mono you can add to an object to call its Quit method, which will force the application to quit. |
CMMArray | Array helpers |
CMMArrayExtensions | Array extensions |
CMMAspectRatioSafeZones | A class to handle the automatic display of safe zones for the different ratios setup in the inspector |
CMMAspectRatioSafeZonesEditor | Custom editor for the MMScreenSafeZones component |
CMMAudioAnalyzer | This component lets you pick an audio source (either global : the whole scene's audio, a unique source, or the microphone), and will cut it into chunks that you can then use to emit beat events, that other objects can consume and act upon. The sample interval is the frequency at which sound will be analyzed, the amount of spectrum samples will determine the accuracy of the sampling, the window defines the method used to reduce leakage, and the number of bands will determine in how many bands you want to cut the sound. The more bands, the more levers you'll have to play with afterwards. In general, for all of these settings, higher values mean better quality and lower performance. The buffer speed determines how fast buffered band levels readjust. |
CMMAudioEvents | |
CMMAudioListener | A simple component that will ensure (if put on ALL audio listeners in your game) that you never see a "There are two audio listeners in the scene" warning again. |
CMMAutoDestroyParticleSystem | Add this class to a ParticleSystem so it auto destroys once it has stopped emitting. Make sure your ParticleSystem isn't looping, otherwise this script will be useless |
CMMAutoExecution | This simple class lets you trigger Unity events automatically, on Awake, Enable, Disable, Start, or on instantiate For that last one, you'll want to send a "OnInstantiate" message when instantiating this object |
CMMAutoExecutionItem | A data class to store auto execution info to be used in MMAutoExecution |
CMMAutoOrderInLayer | Add this component to an object to have it pick a new order in layer on start, useful to have unique sorting layer numbers |
CMMAutoRotate | Add this class to a GameObject to make it rotate on itself |
CMMAutoRotateEditor | Custom editor for the MMAutoRotate component |
CMMBackgroundColorAttribute | |
CMMBackgroundColorAttributeDrawer | |
CMMBeatEvent | An event you can listen to that will get automatically triggered for every remapped beat |
CMMBezierLineRenderer | Add this class to a line renderer and it'll add control points that let you turn your line into a bezier curve |
CMMBillboard | Add this class to an object (usually a sprite) and it'll face the camera at all times |
CMMBoundsExtensions | Bounds helpers |
CMMCameraAspectRatio | Forces an aspect ratio on a camera |
CMMCameraExtensions | Camera extensions |
CMMCameraFog | Add this class to a camera and it will override fog settings when active |
CMMChangeFogColor | Adds this class to a UnityStandardAssets.ImageEffects.GlobalFog to change its color Why this is not native, I don't know. |
CMMCinemachineZone | An abstract class that lets you define a zone that, when entered, enables a virtual camera, and takes care of all the boilerplate setup |
CMMCinemachineZone2D | 2D Implementation of the CinemachineZone abstract class |
CMMCinemachineZone3D | 3D Implementation of the CinemachineZone abstract class |
CMMCircularList | A improved list that lets you parse it and automatically have it loop to the start or end when you reach the end or start To use it : set the CurrentIndex to whatever you want, then use IncrementCurrentIndex / DecrementCurrentIndex to move it, get the current element via Current |
CMMCleanEmptyFolders | A maintenance class that removes all empty directories from a project via a menu item |
CMMCleanupMissingScripts | This class lets you clean all missing scripts on a selection of gameobjects |
CMMColorAttribute | |
CMMColorAttributeDrawer | |
CMMColorExtensions | Color extensions |
CMMColors | Color helpers |
CMMConditionalActivation | Add this component to a gameobject, and it'll let you enable target monos after all other targets have been disabled |
CMMConditionAttribute | |
CMMConditionAttributeDrawer | |
►CMMConeOfVision | This class will create a cone of vision defined by an angle and a distance around a point. It will look for targets within that field, and draw a mesh to show the cone of vision initially inspired by this great tutorial by Sebastian Lague : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQG9aUWarwE - check out his tutorials, they're amazing! |
CMeshEdgePosition | |
CRaycastData | A struct to store raycast data |
►CMMConeOfVision2D | |
CMeshEdgePosition | |
CRaycastData | |
CMMConeOfVision2DInspector | |
CMMConeOfVisionInspector | |
CMMConsole | This class displays an on-screen console for easier debugging DO NOT ADD THIS CLASS AS A COMPONENT. Instead, use the MMDebug.DebugOnScreen methods that will take care of everything |
CMMCooldown | A class to handle cooldown related properties and their resource consumption over time Remember to initialize it (once) and update it every frame from another class |
CMMCoroutine | |
CMMCursorVisible | Add this class to an object and it'll make sure that the cursor is either visible or invisible |
CMMDButtonPressedEvent | An event fired when a button gets pressed in a MMDebugMenu |
CMMDCheckboxFalseEvent | |
CMMDCheckboxPressedEvent | |
CMMDCheckboxTrueEvent | |
►CMMDebug | Debug helpers |
CDebugLogItem | A struct used to store log items |
CMMDebugLogEvent | An event used to broadcast debug logs |
CMMDebugController | Add this class to an empty object in your scene and it'll act as a point of control to enable or disable logs and debug draws |
CMMDebugEditor | An editor class used to display menu items |
CMMDebugLogCommandArgumentCountAttribute | An attribute to add to static methods to they can be called via the MMDebugMenu's command line |
CMMDebugLogCommandAttribute | An attribute to add to static methods to they can be called via the MMDebugMenu's command line |
CMMDebugMenuButtonEvent | An event used to broadcast button events from a MMDebugMenu |
CMMDebugMenuButtonEventListener | A class used to listen to button events from a MMDebugMenu |
CMMDebugMenuCheckboxEvent | An event used to broadcast checkbox events from a MMDebugMenu |
CMMDebugMenuCheckboxEventListener | A class used to listen to events from a MMDebugMenu's checkbox |
CMMDebugMenuCommands | Command lines to be run from the MMDebugMenu To add new ones, add the [MMDebugLogCommand] attribute to any static method |
CMMDebugMenuSliderEvent | An event used to broadcast slider events from a MMDebugMenu |
CMMDebugMenuSliderEventListener | A class used to listen to slider events from a MMDebugMenu |
CMMDebugTouchDisplay | Add this class to a canvas and it'll automatically reposition TouchPrefabs at the position of touches You can set a higher TouchProvision if your game gets more than the default number (6) simultaneous touches Disable/enable this mono for it to stop/work |
CMMDelayParticles | MM delay particles. |
CMMDictionaryExtensions | Dictionary extensions |
CMMDontDestroyOnLoad | Add this component to an object and it'll persist across scenes |
CMMDropdownAttribute | |
CMMDropdownAttributeDrawer | |
CMMDSliderValueChangedEvent | |
CMMEmmiterReceiver | This component lets you very easily have one property drive the value of another property. To do so, drag the object with the property you want to "read" from into the Emitter Property slot, then select the component the property is on, and finally the property itself. Then drag the object with the property you want to "write" to into the ReceiverProperty slot, and pick the property you want to drive with the emitter's value. |
CMMEnumConditionAttribute | An attribute to conditionnally hide fields based on the current selection in an enum. Usage : [MMEnumCondition("rotationMode", (int)RotationMode.LookAtTarget, (int)RotationMode.RotateToAngles)] |
CMMEnumConditionAttributeDrawer | |
CMMEventListener | A public interface you'll need to implement for each type of event you want to listen to. |
CMMEventListenerBase | Event listener basic interface |
CMMEventListenerWrapper | |
CMMEventManager | This class handles event management, and can be used to broadcast events throughout the game, to tell one class (or many) that something's happened. Events are structs, you can define any kind of events you want. This manager comes with MMGameEvents, which are basically just made of a string, but you can work with more complex ones if you want |
CMMExecutionOrderAttribute | Add this attribute to a class and its Execution Order will be changed to the value specified in parameters Usage : [ExecutionOrder(66)] |
CMMFaceDirection | Use this script to have a Transform automatically face a certain direction, whether its own movement direction, or a specific target Transform |
CMMFadeEvent | Events used to trigger faders on or off |
CMMFadeInEvent | |
CMMFadeOutEvent | |
CMMFader | The Fader class can be put on an Image, and it'll intercept MMFadeEvents and turn itself on or off accordingly. |
CMMFaderDirectional | The Fader class can be put on an Image, and it'll intercept MMFadeEvents and turn itself on or off accordingly. This specific fader will move from left to right, right to left, top to bottom or bottom to top |
CMMFaderRound | The Fader class can be put on an Image, and it'll intercept MMFadeEvents and turn itself on or off accordingly. |
CMMFadeStopEvent | An event used to stop fades |
CMMFloatExtensions | Float extensions |
CMMFollowTarget | Add this component to an object and it'll get moved towards the target at update, with or without interpolation based on your settings |
CMMFPSUnlock | Add this component to any object and it'll set the target frame rate and vsync count. Note that vsync count must be 0 for the target FPS to work. |
CMMGameEvent | MMGameEvents are used throughout the game for general game events (game started, game ended, life lost, etc.) |
CMMGameEventListener | Add this component to an object, and it'll let you easily trigger UnityEvents when the event of the specified name is triggered |
►CMMGeometry | A helper class to handle geometry related operations |
CMMEdge | |
CMMGizmo | Add this component to an object and it'll let you display a gizmo for its position or collider, and an optional text |
CMMGizmoEditor | a custom editor for the MMGizmo component |
CMMGridGenerator | |
CMMGridGeneratorFull | Generates a grid of the specified size, either entirely full or empty |
CMMGridGeneratorPath | Generates a grid with a path in the specified direction |
CMMGridGeneratorPerlinNoise | Generates a grid of the specified size based on a seeded perlin noise, the smaller the seed, the blockier the grid |
CMMGridGeneratorPerlinNoiseGround | Generates a grid with a ground floor |
CMMGridGeneratorRandom | Generates a simple grid filled with random points |
CMMGridGeneratorRandomWalk | Generates a grid with a path carved by a drunkard walk algorithm See http://pcg.wikidot.com/pcg-algorithm:drunkard-walk |
CMMGridGeneratorRandomWalkAvoider | Generates a grid with a path carved by a drunkard walk algorithm that will avoid another grid's walls |
CMMGridGeneratorRandomWalkGround | Uses random walk to generate a ground with controlled elevation |
CMMGroupSelection | A class used to add a menu item and a shortcut to group objects together under a parent game object |
CMMGyroCam | A class used to store gyro properties per camera |
CMMGyroParallax | Add this class to a camera rig (an empty object), bind some Cinemachine virtual cameras to it, and they'll move around the specified object as your gyro powered device moves |
CMMGyroscope | |
CMMHealthBar | Add this component to an object and it will show a healthbar above it You can either use a prefab for it, or have the component draw one at the start |
CMMHelpers | Various helpers |
CMMHiddenAttribute | |
CMMHiddenAttributeDrawer | |
CMMHiddenPropertiesAttribute | |
CMMImage | Image helpers |
CMMInformationAttribute | |
►CMMInput | Input helpers |
CIMButton | IM button, short for InputManager button, a class used to handle button states, whether mobile or actual keys |
CMMInputExecution | A simple class used to bind target keys to specific events to trigger when the key is pressed or released |
CMMInputExecutionBinding | A class used to store MMInputExecution bindings, associating a target keycode to UnityEvents |
CMMInspectorButtonAttribute | |
CMMInspectorButtonBarAttribute | |
CMMInspectorGroupAttribute | An attribute used to group inspector fields under common dropdowns Implementation inspired by Rodrigo Prinheiro's work, available at https://github.com/RodrigoPrinheiro/unityFoldoutAttribute |
CMMInspectorGroupData | |
CMMInterval | |
CMMIStateMachine | Public interface for the state machine. |
CMMLayer | |
CMMLayerPropertyDrawer | |
CMMLayers | |
CMMLineRendererCircle | |
CMMLineRendererDriver | This component, added to a line renderer, will let you fill a list of transforms, and bind their positions to the linerenderer's positions. |
CMMLoadScene | Add this component on an object, specify a scene name in its inspector, and call LoadScene() to load the desired scene. |
CMMLockInspector | A simple class that lets you lock the current inspector by pressing ctrl (or cmd) + L Pressing the same shortcut again unlocks the |
CMMLoot | A class defining the contents of a MMLootTable |
CMMLootFloat | a MMLoot implementation for floats |
CMMLootGameObject | a MMLoot implementation for gameobjects |
CMMLootString | a MMLoot implementation for strings |
CMMLootTable | A loot table helper that can be used to randomly pick objects out of a weighted list This design pattern was described in more details by Daniel Cook in 2014 in his blog : https://lostgarden.home.blog/2014/12/08/loot-drop-tables/ |
CMMLootTableFloat | A MMLootTable implementation for floats |
CMMLootTableGameObject | A MMLootTable implementation for GameObjects |
CMMLootTableGameObjectSO | A scriptable object containing a MMLootTable definition for game objects |
CMMLootTableString | A MMLootTable implementation for strings |
CMMMaths | Math helpers |
CMMMenuHelp | This class adds a MoreMountains entry in Unity's top menu, allowing to enable/disable the help texts from the engine's inspectors |
CMMMeshToPolygonCollider2D | A class that lets you create polygon collider 2D out of mesh filters |
CMMMonoBehaviour | |
CMMMonoBehaviourFieldInfo | |
CMMMonoBehaviourUITKEditor | |
CMMMovement | Movement helpers |
CMMMultipleObjectPooler | This class allows you to have a pool of various objects to pool from. |
CMMMultipleObjectPoolerObject | Multiple object pooler object. |
CMMNavMeshAreaMaskAttribute | |
CMMObjectBounds | |
CMMObjectPool | |
CMMObjectPooler | A base class, meant to be extended depending on the use (simple, multiple object pooler), and used as an interface by the spawners. Still handles common stuff like singleton and initialization on start(). DO NOT add this class to a prefab, nothing would happen. Instead, add SimpleObjectPooler or MultipleObjectPooler. |
CMMObservable | This struct lets you declare observable properties. For example, let's say you have a class called Character, and you declare its speed like so : |
CMMObservableDemoObserver | A test class used to demonstrate the MMObservable in the MMObservableTest demo scene |
CMMObservableDemoObserverAutoSleep | A test class used to demonstrate the MMObservable pattern in the MMObservableDemo scene This one disables itself on Awake, and passively listens for changes, even when disabled |
CMMObservableDemoSubject | A test class used to demonstrate how MMObservable works in the MMObservableTest demo scene |
CMMOffsetAnimation | Use this class to offset an animation by a random range |
CMMOnMouse | Attach this class to a collider and it'll let you trigger events when the user clicks/drags/enters/etc that collider |
CMMOpenURL | A class used to open a URL specified in its inspector |
CMMOrbitalCamera | A class used to make a camera orbit around a target |
CMMPanningTexture | Use this class on a sprite or mesh to have its texture pan according to the specified speed You can also force a sorting layer name |
►CMMParallaxUI | Use this class to bind a number of UI layers to the movements of a mouse cursor, or a mobile device gyroscope, or even have it be piloted by another script By setting different speed/amplitude values for each of your UI layers, you'll be able to create a nice parallax effect |
CParallaxLayer | A class used to store layer settings |
CMMParentingOnStart | This component lets you parent the transform you put it on to any target parent (or to the root if none is set), on Awake, Start or anytime you call its Parent() method |
►CMMPath | Add this component to an object and you'll be able to define a path, that can then be used by another component |
CData | A data structure |
CMMPathMovement | Add this component to an object and it'll be able to move along a path defined from its inspector. |
CMMPathMovementElement | This class describes a node on an MMPath |
CMMPeriodicExecution | This class will let you trigger a OnRandomInterval event periodically, at random intervals |
CMMPersistenceEvent | A data structure used to store persistence event data. To use : MMPersistencyEvent.Trigger(MMPersistencyEventType.DataLoadedFromFileToMemory, "yourPersistencyID"); |
CMMPersistenceManager | Add this component to a scene and it'll let you save and load the state of objects that implement the IMMPersistent interface You can create your own classes that implement this interface, or use the MMPersistent class that comes with this package It will save their transform data (position, rotation, scale) and their active state Triggering save and load is done via events, and the manager also emits events every time data is loaded or saved |
CMMPersistenceManagerData | A serializable class used to store all the data for a persistence manager, a collection of scene datas |
CMMPersistenceSceneData | A serializable class used to store all the data for a scene, a collection of object datas |
►CMMPersistent | A persistent class that can save the essential parts of an object : its transform data (position, rotation, scale) and its active state This inherits from MMPersistentBase and implements the IMMPersistent interface It's a good example of how to implement the interface's OnSave and OnLoad methods |
CComponentData | |
CData | A struct used to store and serialize the data we want to save |
CMMPersistentBase | A base class implementing the IMMPersistent interface, designed to be extended This mostly takes care of the GUID generation and validation |
CMMPersistentHumbleSingleton | Persistent humble singleton, basically a classic singleton but will destroy any other older components of the same type it finds on awake |
CMMPersistentSingleton | Persistent singleton. |
CMMPlatformActivation | Add this class to a gameobject, and it'll enable/disable it based on platform context, using conditional defintions to do so |
CMMPlaylist | Use this class to play audiosources (usually background music but feel free to use that for anything) in sequence, with optional crossfade between songs |
CMMPlaylistChangeEvent | |
CMMPlaylistNewSongStartedEvent | |
CMMPlaylistPauseEvent | |
CMMPlaylistPitchMultiplierEvent | |
CMMPlaylistPlayEvent | This class stores all the info related to items in a playlist |
CMMPlaylistPlayIndexEvent | |
CMMPlaylistPlayNextEvent | |
CMMPlaylistPlayPreviousEvent | |
CMMPlaylistRemote | A class used to pilot a MMPlaylist |
CMMPlaylistSong | |
CMMPlaylistStopEvent | |
CMMPlaylistVolumeMultiplierEvent | |
CMMPlotter | |
CMMPlotterAxis | |
CMMPlotterEditor | A custom editor displaying a foldable list of MMFeedbacks, a dropdown to add more, as well as test buttons to test your feedbacks at runtime |
CMMPlotterGenerator | |
CMMPoolableObject | Add this class to an object that you expect to pool from an objectPooler. Note that these objects can't be destroyed by calling Destroy(), they'll just be set inactive (that's the whole point). |
CMMPositionRecorder | Add this class on a Transform, and it'll record its position periodically The Positions array can then be read from anywhere to know where that object was in the past |
CMMPostProcessingMovingFilter | |
CMMPostProcessingMovingFilterEvent | An event used to move filters on and off a camera |
CMMPreventPassingThrough | Prevents fast moving objects from going through colliders by casting a ray backwards after each movement |
CMMPreventPassingThrough2D | Prevents fast moving objects from going through colliders by casting a ray backwards after each movement |
CMMPreventPassingThrough3D | Prevents fast moving objects from going through colliders by casting a ray backwards after each movement |
CMMProgressBar | Add this bar to an object and link it to a bar (possibly the same object the script is on), and you'll be able to resize the bar object based on a current value, located between a min and max value. See the HealthBar.cs script for a use case |
CMMProgressBarDemoAuto | |
CMMProperty | |
CMMPropertyEmitter | A class used to pick a property, and remap its value for emission/broadcast |
CMMPropertyEmitterDrawer | |
CMMPropertyLink | A class, meant to be extended, used to control a MMProperty and get/set its value |
CMMPropertyLinkBool | Bool property setter |
CMMPropertyLinkColor | Color property setter |
CMMPropertyLinkFloat | Float property setter |
CMMPropertyLinkInt | Int property setter |
CMMPropertyLinkQuaternion | Quaternion property setter |
CMMPropertyLinkString | String property setter |
CMMPropertyLinkVector2 | Vector2 property setter |
CMMPropertyLinkVector3 | Vector3 property setter |
CMMPropertyLinkVector4 | |
CMMPropertyPicker | A class used to pick a property on a target object / component / scriptable object |
►CMMPropertyPickerDrawer | |
CPropertyPickerViewData | |
CMMPropertyReceiver | A class used to pick a property and modify its value |
CMMPropertyReceiverDrawer | |
CMMRadioBroadcaster | A class used to broadcast a level to MMRadioReceiver(s), either directly or via events It can read from pretty much any value on any class |
CMMRadioLevelEvent | A struct event used to broadcast the level to channels |
CMMRadioReceiver | A class used to receive level values from a MMRadioBroadcaster, and apply it to (almost) any value on any object |
CMMRadioSignal | A class used to define a signal, meant to be broadcasted by a MMRadioBroadcaster It'll output a Level value to broadcast, using one time, persistent or driven modes Meant to be extended |
CMMRadioSignalAudioAnalyzer | A class used to expose a beat level from a target MMAudioAnalyzer, to be broadcasted by a MMAudioBroadcaster |
CMMRadioSignalEditor | |
CMMRadioSignalGenerator | A class used to generate signals, normalized values between 0 and 1 You can then use these values from a MMRadioBroadcaster, or simply evaluate its value to use wherever you want, like a supercharged animation curve. In that case, simply disable the component, and read from it using its Evaluate method |
CMMRadioSignalGeneratorEditor | |
CMMRadioSignalGeneratorItem | A class used to store generator items and their properties |
CMMRadioSignalGeneratorItemList | A reorderable list type used to store generator items |
CMMRadioSignalOnValueChange | |
CMMRagdoller | Use this class to pilot a ragdoll on a character that is usually driven by an animator and have it fall elegantly If you have parts of your ragdoll that you don't want to be affected by this script (a weapon for example), just add a MMRagdollerIgnore component to them |
CMMRagdollerIgnore | Add this class to objects you'd like to be unaffected by the MMRagdoller (like weapons for example) |
CMMRandomBoundsInstantiator | This class lets you randomly spawn objects within its bounds (defined by a 3D collider) |
CMMRandomInstantiator | Add this class to an empty object, bind a few prefabs into its RandomPool slots, and it'll instantiate one of them at its position/rotation on Start or Awake You can also call its InstantiateRandomObject method at any time, and it'll instantiate another random object on demand, potentially destroying the previous one if you decide so |
CMMReadOnlyAttribute | |
CMMReadOnlyAttributeDrawer | |
CMMReadOnlyWhenPlayingAttribute | |
CMMRectTransformExtensions | RectTransform extensions |
CMMReferencedScriptableObject | Auto-referenced ScriptableObject instances of type T An example usage for ReferenceHolder<T> that can be used with any class type |
CMMReferenceHolder | |
CMMRendererLayerEditor | |
CMMRendererSortingLayer | |
CMMReorderableArray | |
CMMReorderableAttributeAttribute | |
CMMReorderableList | |
CMMRequiresConstantRepaintAttribute | |
CMMRequiresConstantRepaintOnlyWhenPlayingAttribute | |
CMMRigidbodyCenterOfMass | Add this class to a Rigidbody or Rigidbody2D to be able to edit its center of mass from the inspector directly |
CMMRigidbodyInterface | This class acts as an interface to allow the demo levels to work whether the environment (colliders, rigidbodies) are set as 2D or 3D. If you already know for sure that you're going for a 2D or 3D game, I suggest you replace the use of this class with the appropriate classes. |
CMMRuntimeParticleControl | Add this class to a particle system at runtime, and it'll expose controls to play/pause/stop it from the inspector Because Unity's built-in controls somehow lack pause when in play mode |
CMMSaveLoadManager | Allows the save and load of objects in a specific folder and file |
CMMSaveLoadManagerEncrypter | This class implements methods to encrypt and decrypt streams |
CMMSaveLoadManagerMethod | This component, on Awake or on demand, will force a SaveLoadMethod on the MMSaveLoadManager, changing the way it saves data to file. This will impact all classes that use the MMSaveLoadManager (unless they change that method before saving or loading). If you change the method, your previously existing data files won't be compatible, you'll need to delete them and start with new ones. |
CMMSaveLoadManagerMethodBinary | This save load method saves and loads files as binary files |
CMMSaveLoadManagerMethodBinaryEncrypted | This save load method saves and loads files as encrypted binary files |
CMMSaveLoadManagerMethodJson | |
CMMSaveLoadManagerMethodJsonEncrypted | |
CMMSaveLoadMenu | Adds a dedicated Tools menu into the top bar More Mountains entry to delete all saved data |
CMMSaveLoadTester | A simple class used in the MMSaveLoadTestScene to test the MMSaveLoadManager class |
CMMSaveLoadTestObject | A test object to store data to test the MMSaveLoadManager class |
CMMScene | Scene management helpers |
CMMSceneLoadingAntiSpill | This helper class, meant to be used by the MMAdditiveSceneLoadingManager, creates a temporary scene to store objects that might get instantiated, and empties it in the destination scene once loading is complete |
►CMMSceneLoadingManager | A class to load scenes using a loading screen instead of just the default API This class used to be known as LoadingSceneManager, and has now been renamed to MMSceneLoadingManager for consistency |
CLoadingSceneEvent | |
CMMSceneLoadingSpeedInterval | A class used to define different interpolation speeds for specific progress intervals |
CMMSceneRestarter | This component lets you restart a scene by pressing a key |
CMMSceneViewIcon | Add this class to a gameobject and it'll display its name on the scene view, selected or not. |
CMMScreenshot | Add this class to an empty game object in your scene and it'll let you take screenshots (meant to be used in Editor) |
CMMScreenshotEditor | |
CMMSelectionBase | Add this component to an object and it'll always get selection in scene view, even if you select one of its children |
CMMSerializableDictionary | A serializable dictionary implementation, as Unity still can't serialize Dictionaries natively |
CMMSerializedPropertyExtensions | Serialized property extensions |
CMMSfxEvent | A struct used to trigger sounds |
CMMShufflebag | A class to use to get more controlled randomness, taking values out of the bag randomly, and never getting them again |
CMMSignal | This class lets you output the value corresponding to one of the basic signal types it contains. Useful to draw basic signal curves. |
CMMSimpleObjectPooler | A simple object pool outputting a single type of objects |
CMMSingleton | Singleton pattern. |
CMMSMPlaylist | |
CMMSMPlaylistManager | |
CMMSMPlaylistSong | A definition of a song, a part of a MMSM Playlist |
CMMSoundManager | A simple yet powerful sound manager, that will let you play sounds with an event based approach and performance in mind |
CMMSoundManagerAllSoundsControlEvent | This event will let you pause/play/stop/free all sounds playing through the MMSoundManager at once |
CMMSoundManagerAudioPool | This class manages an object pool of audiosources |
CMMSoundManagerEvent | This event will let you trigger a save/load/reset on the MMSoundManager settings |
CMMSoundManagerPlayOptions | A class used to store options for MMSoundManager play |
CMMSoundManagerSettings | This class stores MMSoundManager settings and lets you tweak them from the MMSoundManagerSettingsSO's inspector |
CMMSoundManagerSettingsSO | A class to save sound settings (music on or off, sfx on or off) |
CMMSoundManagerSound | A simple struct used to store information about the sounds played by the MMSoundManager |
CMMSoundManagerSoundControlEvent | An event used to control a specific sound on the MMSoundManager. You can either search for it by ID, or directly pass an audiosource if you have it |
CMMSoundManagerSoundFadeEvent | This event will let you pause |
CMMSoundManagerSoundPlayEvent | This event will let you play a sound on the MMSoundManager |
CMMSoundManagerTrackEvent | This feedback will let you mute, unmute, play, pause, stop, free or set the volume of a selected track |
CMMSoundManagerTrackFadeEvent | This event will let you order the MMSoundManager to fade an entire track's sounds' volume towards the specified FinalVolume |
CMMSpawnAround | This static class is a spawn helper, useful to randomize position, rotation and scale when you need to instantiate objects |
CMMSpawnAroundProperties | This class is used to describe spawn properties, to be used by the MMSpawnAround class. It's meant to be exposed and used by classes that are designed to spawn objects, typically loot systems |
CMMSpawnAroundTester | A tester class used to show how the MMSpawnAround class can be used |
CMMSpeedTest | Use this class to run performance tests in your code. It'll output the time spent between the StartTest and the EndTest calls Make sure to use a unique ID for both calls |
CMMSpeedTestItem | A struct to store data associated to speed tests |
CMMSquashAndStretch | This component will automatically update scale and rotation Put it one level below the top, and have the model one level below that Hierarchy should be as follows : |
CMMStateChangeEvent | |
CMMStateMachine | StateMachine manager, designed with simplicity in mind (as simple as a state machine can be anyway). To use it, you need an enum. For example : public enum CharacterConditions { Normal, ControlledMovement, Frozen, Paused, Dead } Declare it like so : public StateMachine<CharacterConditions> ConditionStateMachine; Initialize it like that : ConditionStateMachine = new StateMachine<CharacterConditions>(); Then from anywhere, all you need to do is update its state when needed, like that for example : ConditionStateMachine.ChangeState(CharacterConditions.Dead); The state machine will store for you its current and previous state, accessible at all times, and will also optionnally trigger events on enter/exit of these states. |
CMMStayInPlace | This class forces a transform to stay at a fixed position, rotation and/or scale. |
CMMStopMotionAnimation | |
CMMString | String helpers |
CMMTilemap | A collection of helper methods for interacting with Tilemaps |
CMMTilemapBoolean | |
CMMTilemapCleaner | A super simple component you can add to a tilemap to get a button to clean it from all tiles |
CMMTilemapGenerator | This class will fill a tilemap with the data generated by the combination of its layers |
CMMTilemapGeneratorEditor | Custom editor for the MMTilemapGenerator, handles generate button and reorderable layers |
►CMMTilemapGeneratorLayer | A class used to store and edit the data of MMTilemapGenerator layers, which you can use and combine to generate unique and random grids |
CMMTilemapGeneratorLayerSafeSpot | A struct used to store safe spots dimensions |
CMMTilemapGeneratorLayerList | A class used to display a reoderable list of MMTilemapGeneratorLayers |
CMMTilemapGridRenderer | |
CMMTilemapShadow | A class to put on a tilemap so it acts as a shadow/copy of another reference tilemap. Useful for wall shadows for example. Offsetting the tilemap and changing its sorting order etc is done via the regular components |
CMMTime | Time helpers |
CMMTimedActivation | Add this component to an object and it'll be auto destroyed X seconds after its Start() |
CMMTimedDestruction | Add this component to an object and it'll be auto destroyed X seconds after its Start() |
CMMToggleActive | This very simple class simply exposes a method to toggle the GameObject it's on (or a target one if left empty in the inspector) active or inactive |
CMMTouchControls | |
CMMTrailRendererLayerEditor | |
CMMTrailRendererSortingLayer | |
CMMTransformRandomizer | Add this component to an object to randomize its position/rotation/scale on demand or automatically |
CMMTransformRandomizerEditor | Custom editor for the MMTransformRandomizer class |
CMMTriggerAndCollision | |
CMMTriggerAndCollisionEditor | |
CMMTriggerAndCollisionFilter | |
CMMTriggerFilter | |
CMMTween | The formulas described here are (loosely) based on Robert Penner's easing equations http://robertpenner.com/easing/ |
CMMTweenDefinitions | |
CMMTweenType | |
CMMTweenTypeDrawer | |
CMMTwoSidedUI | This class lets you define an axis on which to flip a "two sided" UI element (made of two separate and usually aligned objects, effectively turning each side on/off everytime the container's scale goes above/below a certain threshold |
CMMUIFollowMouse | This component will let you have a UI object follow the mouse position |
CMMUIToolkit | |
CMMVector2Extensions | Vector2 extensions |
CMMVector3Extensions | Vector3 Extensions |
CMMVector4Extensions | Vector4 Extensions |
CMMVectorAttribute | |
CMMVectorLabelsAttributeDrawer | |
CMMViewportEdgeTeleporter | Add this class to an object and it will automatically teleport to the other end of the screen when reaching the screen's edges |
CMMVisibleParticle | Adds this class to particles to force their sorting layer |
CMonoAttribute | |
CObjectBoundsEditor | |
CPeaksSaver | A static class used to save / load peaks once they've been computed |
CPlatformBindings | A class used to store bindings |
CProgressEvent | |
CRagdollBodyPart | A class used to store ragdoll body parts informations |
CRatio | A class to store ratio display info |
CRectExtensions | Rect extensions |
CRendererExtensions | Renderer extensions |
CReorderableDrawer | |
CSceneViewIconEditor | This class adds names for each LevelMapPathElement next to it on the scene view, for easier setup |
CSelectionBase | Add this component to an object and it'll always get selection in scene view, even if you select one of its children |
CSerializedMMAchievement | A serializable class used to store an achievement into a save file |
CSerializedMMAchievementManager | Serializable MM achievement manager. |
CTransformController | A simple class used to control properties on a transform |
CTransformExtensions | Transform extensions |