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Corgi Engine v9.3
The Fader class can be put on an Image, and it'll intercept MMFadeEvents and turn itself on or off accordingly. More...
Public Types | |
enum | CameraModes { Main , Override } |
Public Member Functions | |
virtual void | OnMMEvent (MMFadeEvent fadeEvent) |
When catching a fade event, we fade our image in or out More... | |
virtual void | OnMMEvent (MMFadeInEvent fadeEvent) |
When catching an MMFadeInEvent, we fade our image in More... | |
virtual void | OnMMEvent (MMFadeOutEvent fadeEvent) |
When catching an MMFadeOutEvent, we fade our image out More... | |
virtual void | OnMMEvent (MMFadeStopEvent fadeStopEvent) |
When catching an MMFadeStopEvent, we stop our fade More... | |
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void | OnMMEvent (T eventType) |
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void | OnMMEvent (T eventType) |
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void | OnMMEvent (T eventType) |
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void | OnMMEvent (T eventType) |
Public Attributes | |
CameraModes | CameraMode = CameraModes.Main |
Camera | TargetCamera |
the camera to pick the position from (usually the "regular" game camera) More... | |
RectTransform | FaderBackground |
the background to fade More... | |
RectTransform | FaderMask |
the mask used to draw a hole in the background that will get faded / scaled More... | |
int | ID |
the ID for this fader (0 is default), set more IDs if you need more than one fader More... | |
Vector2 | MaskScale |
the mask's scale at minimum and maximum opening More... | |
float | DefaultDuration = 0.2f |
the default duration of the fade in/out More... | |
MMTweenType | DefaultTween = new MMTweenType(MMTween.MMTweenCurve.LinearTween) |
the default curve to use for this fader More... | |
bool | IgnoreTimescale = true |
whether or not the fade should happen in unscaled time More... | |
bool | ShouldBlockRaycasts = false |
whether or not the fader should block raycasts when visible More... | |
Transform | DebugWorldPositionTarget |
bool | DebugToolbar |
Protected Member Functions | |
virtual void | ResetFader () |
Test method triggered by an inspector button More... | |
virtual void | DefaultFade () |
Test method triggered by an inspector button More... | |
virtual void | FadeIn1Second () |
Test method triggered by an inspector button More... | |
virtual void | FadeOut1Second () |
Test method triggered by an inspector button More... | |
virtual void | Awake () |
On Start, we initialize our fader More... | |
virtual void | Initialization () |
On init, we grab our components, and disable/hide everything More... | |
virtual void | Update () |
On Update, we update our alpha More... | |
virtual void | Fade () |
Fades the canvasgroup towards its target alpha More... | |
virtual void | StopFading () |
Stops the fading. More... | |
virtual void | DisableFader () |
Disables the fader. More... | |
virtual void | EnableFader () |
Enables the fader. More... | |
virtual void | StartFading (float initialAlpha, float endAlpha, float duration, MMTweenType curve, int id, bool ignoreTimeScale, Vector3 worldPosition) |
virtual void | OnEnable () |
On enable, we start listening to events More... | |
virtual void | OnDisable () |
On disable, we stop listening to events More... | |
Protected Attributes | |
CanvasGroup | _canvasGroup |
float | _initialScale |
float | _currentTargetScale |
float | _currentDuration |
MMTweenType | _currentCurve |
bool | _fading = false |
float | _fadeStartedAt |
The Fader class can be put on an Image, and it'll intercept MMFadeEvents and turn itself on or off accordingly.
protectedvirtual |
On Start, we initialize our fader
protectedvirtual |
Test method triggered by an inspector button
protectedvirtual |
Disables the fader.
protectedvirtual |
Enables the fader.
protectedvirtual |
Fades the canvasgroup towards its target alpha
protectedvirtual |
Test method triggered by an inspector button
protectedvirtual |
Test method triggered by an inspector button
protectedvirtual |
On init, we grab our components, and disable/hide everything
protectedvirtual |
On disable, we stop listening to events
protectedvirtual |
On enable, we start listening to events
virtual |
When catching a fade event, we fade our image in or out
fadeEvent | Fade event. |
virtual |
When catching an MMFadeInEvent, we fade our image in
fadeEvent | Fade event. |
virtual |
When catching an MMFadeOutEvent, we fade our image out
fadeEvent | Fade event. |
virtual |
When catching an MMFadeStopEvent, we stop our fade
fadeEvent | Fade event. |
protectedvirtual |
Test method triggered by an inspector button
protectedvirtual |
protectedvirtual |
Stops the fading.
protectedvirtual |
On Update, we update our alpha
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
CameraModes MoreMountains.Tools.MMFaderRound.CameraMode = CameraModes.Main |
bool MoreMountains.Tools.MMFaderRound.DebugToolbar |
Transform MoreMountains.Tools.MMFaderRound.DebugWorldPositionTarget |
float MoreMountains.Tools.MMFaderRound.DefaultDuration = 0.2f |
the default duration of the fade in/out
MMTweenType MoreMountains.Tools.MMFaderRound.DefaultTween = new MMTweenType(MMTween.MMTweenCurve.LinearTween) |
the default curve to use for this fader
RectTransform MoreMountains.Tools.MMFaderRound.FaderBackground |
the background to fade
RectTransform MoreMountains.Tools.MMFaderRound.FaderMask |
the mask used to draw a hole in the background that will get faded / scaled
int MoreMountains.Tools.MMFaderRound.ID |
the ID for this fader (0 is default), set more IDs if you need more than one fader
bool MoreMountains.Tools.MMFaderRound.IgnoreTimescale = true |
whether or not the fade should happen in unscaled time
Vector2 MoreMountains.Tools.MMFaderRound.MaskScale |
the mask's scale at minimum and maximum opening
bool MoreMountains.Tools.MMFaderRound.ShouldBlockRaycasts = false |
whether or not the fader should block raycasts when visible
Camera MoreMountains.Tools.MMFaderRound.TargetCamera |
the camera to pick the position from (usually the "regular" game camera)