Corgi Engine v9.3
MoreMountains.Feedbacks.WiggleProperties Class Reference

A class to store public wiggle properties More...

Public Member Functions

float GetDeltaTime ()
 Returns the delta time, either regular or unscaled More...
float GetTime ()
 Returns the time, either regular or unscaled More...

Public Attributes

bool WigglePermitted = true
WiggleTypes WiggleType = WiggleTypes.Random
 the position mode : none, random or ping pong - none won't do anything, random will randomize min and max bounds, ping pong will oscillate between min and max bounds More...
bool UseUnscaledTime = false
 if this is true, unscaled delta time, otherwise regular delta time More...
float TimeMultiplier = 1f
 a multiplier to apply to all time related operations, allowing you to speed up or slow down the wiggle More...
bool StartWigglingAutomatically = true
 whether or not this object should start wiggling automatically on Start() More...
bool SmoothPingPong = true
 if this is true, position will be ping ponged with an ease in/out curve More...
bool UseSpeedCurve = false
 Whether or not the position's speed curve will be used. More...
AnimationCurve SpeedCurve = AnimationCurve.Linear(0f, 0f, 1f, 1f)
 an animation curve to define the speed over time from one position to the other (x), and the actual position (y), allowing for overshoot More...
float FrequencyMin = 0f
 the minimum time (in seconds) between two position changes More...
float FrequencyMax = 1f
 the maximum time (in seconds) between two position changes More...
Vector3 AmplitudeMin =
 the minimum position the object can have More...
Vector3 AmplitudeMax =
 the maximum position the object can have More...
bool RelativeAmplitude = true
 if this is true, amplitude will be relative, otherwise world space More...
bool UniformValues = false
 if this is true, all amplitude values will match the x amplitude value More...
bool ForceVectorLength = false
 if this is true, when randomizing amplitude, the resulting vector's length will be forced to match ForcedVectorLength More...
float ForcedVectorLength = 1f
 the length of the randomized amplitude if ForceVectorLength is true More...
AnimationCurve Curve = AnimationCurve.Linear(0f, 0f, 1f, 1f)
 a curve to animate this property on More...
Vector3 RemapCurveZeroMin =
 the minimum value to randomize the curve's zero remap to More...
Vector3 RemapCurveZeroMax =
 the maximum value to randomize the curve's zero remap to More...
Vector3 RemapCurveOneMin =
 the minimum value to randomize the curve's one remap to More...
Vector3 RemapCurveOneMax =
 the maximum value to randomize the curve's one remap to More...
bool RelativeCurveAmplitude = true
 whether or not to add the initial value of this property to the curve's outcome More...
bool CurvePingPong = false
 whether or not the curve should be read from left to right, then right to left More...
float PauseMin = 0f
 the minimum time to spend between two random positions More...
float PauseMax = 0f
 the maximum time to spend between two random positions More...
bool LimitedTime = false
 if this is true, this property will only animate for the specified time More...
float LimitedTimeTotal
 the maximum time left More...
AnimationCurve LimitedTimeFalloff = AnimationCurve.Linear(0f, 1f, 1f, 0f)
 the animation curve to use to decrease the effect of the wiggle as time goes More...
bool LimitedTimeResetValue = true
 if this is true, original position will be restored when time left reaches zero More...
float LimitedTimeLeft
 the actual time left More...
Vector3 NoiseFrequencyMin =
 the minimum time between two changes of noise frequency More...
Vector3 NoiseFrequencyMax =
 the maximum time between two changes of noise frequency More...
Vector3 NoiseShiftMin =
 how much the noise should be shifted at minimum More...
Vector3 NoiseShiftMax =
 how much the noise should be shifted at maximum More...

Detailed Description

A class to store public wiggle properties

Member Function Documentation

◆ GetDeltaTime()

float MoreMountains.Feedbacks.WiggleProperties.GetDeltaTime ( )

Returns the delta time, either regular or unscaled


◆ GetTime()

float MoreMountains.Feedbacks.WiggleProperties.GetTime ( )

Returns the time, either regular or unscaled


Member Data Documentation

◆ AmplitudeMax

Vector3 MoreMountains.Feedbacks.WiggleProperties.AmplitudeMax =

the maximum position the object can have

◆ AmplitudeMin

Vector3 MoreMountains.Feedbacks.WiggleProperties.AmplitudeMin =

the minimum position the object can have

◆ Curve

AnimationCurve MoreMountains.Feedbacks.WiggleProperties.Curve = AnimationCurve.Linear(0f, 0f, 1f, 1f)

a curve to animate this property on

◆ CurvePingPong

bool MoreMountains.Feedbacks.WiggleProperties.CurvePingPong = false

whether or not the curve should be read from left to right, then right to left

◆ ForcedVectorLength

float MoreMountains.Feedbacks.WiggleProperties.ForcedVectorLength = 1f

the length of the randomized amplitude if ForceVectorLength is true

◆ ForceVectorLength

bool MoreMountains.Feedbacks.WiggleProperties.ForceVectorLength = false

if this is true, when randomizing amplitude, the resulting vector's length will be forced to match ForcedVectorLength

◆ FrequencyMax

float MoreMountains.Feedbacks.WiggleProperties.FrequencyMax = 1f

the maximum time (in seconds) between two position changes

◆ FrequencyMin

float MoreMountains.Feedbacks.WiggleProperties.FrequencyMin = 0f

the minimum time (in seconds) between two position changes

◆ LimitedTime

bool MoreMountains.Feedbacks.WiggleProperties.LimitedTime = false

if this is true, this property will only animate for the specified time

◆ LimitedTimeFalloff

AnimationCurve MoreMountains.Feedbacks.WiggleProperties.LimitedTimeFalloff = AnimationCurve.Linear(0f, 1f, 1f, 0f)

the animation curve to use to decrease the effect of the wiggle as time goes

◆ LimitedTimeLeft

float MoreMountains.Feedbacks.WiggleProperties.LimitedTimeLeft

the actual time left

◆ LimitedTimeResetValue

bool MoreMountains.Feedbacks.WiggleProperties.LimitedTimeResetValue = true

if this is true, original position will be restored when time left reaches zero

◆ LimitedTimeTotal

float MoreMountains.Feedbacks.WiggleProperties.LimitedTimeTotal

the maximum time left

◆ NoiseFrequencyMax

Vector3 MoreMountains.Feedbacks.WiggleProperties.NoiseFrequencyMax =

the maximum time between two changes of noise frequency

◆ NoiseFrequencyMin

Vector3 MoreMountains.Feedbacks.WiggleProperties.NoiseFrequencyMin =

the minimum time between two changes of noise frequency

◆ NoiseShiftMax

Vector3 MoreMountains.Feedbacks.WiggleProperties.NoiseShiftMax =

how much the noise should be shifted at maximum

◆ NoiseShiftMin

Vector3 MoreMountains.Feedbacks.WiggleProperties.NoiseShiftMin =

how much the noise should be shifted at minimum

◆ PauseMax

float MoreMountains.Feedbacks.WiggleProperties.PauseMax = 0f

the maximum time to spend between two random positions

◆ PauseMin

float MoreMountains.Feedbacks.WiggleProperties.PauseMin = 0f

the minimum time to spend between two random positions

◆ RelativeAmplitude

bool MoreMountains.Feedbacks.WiggleProperties.RelativeAmplitude = true

if this is true, amplitude will be relative, otherwise world space

◆ RelativeCurveAmplitude

bool MoreMountains.Feedbacks.WiggleProperties.RelativeCurveAmplitude = true

whether or not to add the initial value of this property to the curve's outcome

◆ RemapCurveOneMax

Vector3 MoreMountains.Feedbacks.WiggleProperties.RemapCurveOneMax =

the maximum value to randomize the curve's one remap to

◆ RemapCurveOneMin

Vector3 MoreMountains.Feedbacks.WiggleProperties.RemapCurveOneMin =

the minimum value to randomize the curve's one remap to

◆ RemapCurveZeroMax

Vector3 MoreMountains.Feedbacks.WiggleProperties.RemapCurveZeroMax =

the maximum value to randomize the curve's zero remap to

◆ RemapCurveZeroMin

Vector3 MoreMountains.Feedbacks.WiggleProperties.RemapCurveZeroMin =

the minimum value to randomize the curve's zero remap to

◆ SmoothPingPong

bool MoreMountains.Feedbacks.WiggleProperties.SmoothPingPong = true

if this is true, position will be ping ponged with an ease in/out curve

◆ SpeedCurve

AnimationCurve MoreMountains.Feedbacks.WiggleProperties.SpeedCurve = AnimationCurve.Linear(0f, 0f, 1f, 1f)

an animation curve to define the speed over time from one position to the other (x), and the actual position (y), allowing for overshoot

◆ StartWigglingAutomatically

bool MoreMountains.Feedbacks.WiggleProperties.StartWigglingAutomatically = true

whether or not this object should start wiggling automatically on Start()

◆ TimeMultiplier

float MoreMountains.Feedbacks.WiggleProperties.TimeMultiplier = 1f

a multiplier to apply to all time related operations, allowing you to speed up or slow down the wiggle

◆ UniformValues

bool MoreMountains.Feedbacks.WiggleProperties.UniformValues = false

if this is true, all amplitude values will match the x amplitude value

◆ UseSpeedCurve

bool MoreMountains.Feedbacks.WiggleProperties.UseSpeedCurve = false

Whether or not the position's speed curve will be used.

◆ UseUnscaledTime

bool MoreMountains.Feedbacks.WiggleProperties.UseUnscaledTime = false

if this is true, unscaled delta time, otherwise regular delta time

◆ WigglePermitted

bool MoreMountains.Feedbacks.WiggleProperties.WigglePermitted = true

◆ WiggleType

WiggleTypes MoreMountains.Feedbacks.WiggleProperties.WiggleType = WiggleTypes.Random

the position mode : none, random or ping pong - none won't do anything, random will randomize min and max bounds, ping pong will oscillate between min and max bounds

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