Corgi Engine v9.3
MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.MultiplayerLevelManager Class Reference

Spawns the players and handles end game More...

Inheritance diagram for MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.MultiplayerLevelManager:
MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.LevelManager MoreMountains.Tools.MMSingleton< LevelManager > MoreMountains.Tools.MMEventListener< CorgiEngineEvent >

Public Member Functions

override void PlayerDead (Character player)
 Kills the specified player More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.LevelManager
virtual void Start ()
 Initialization More...
virtual void SetCurrentCheckpoint (CheckPoint newCheckPoint)
 Sets the current checkpoint. More...
virtual void SetNextLevel (string levelName)
 Sets the name of the next level this LevelManager will point to More...
virtual void GotoNextLevel ()
 Loads the next level, as defined via the SetNextLevel method More...
virtual void GotoLevel (string levelName, bool fadeOut=true, bool save=true)
 Gets the player to the specified level More...
virtual void FreezeCharacters ()
 Freezes the character(s) More...
virtual void UnFreezeCharacters ()
 Unfreezes the character(s) More...
virtual void ToggleCharacterPause ()
 Toggles Character Pause More...
virtual void ResetLevelBoundsToOriginalBounds ()
 Resets the level bounds to their initial value More...
virtual void SetNewMinLevelBounds (Vector3 newMinBounds)
 Sets the level bound's min point to the one in parameters More...
virtual void SetNewMaxLevelBounds (Vector3 newMaxBounds)
 Sets the level bound's max point to the one in parameters More...
virtual void SetNewLevelBounds (Bounds newBounds)
 Sets the level bounds to the one passed in parameters More...
virtual void OnMMEvent (CorgiEngineEvent engineEvent)
 Catches CorgiEngineEvents and acts on them, playing the corresponding sounds More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from MoreMountains.Tools.MMEventListener< CorgiEngineEvent >
void OnMMEvent (T eventType)

Protected Member Functions

virtual void CheckMultiplayerEndGame ()
 Checks the multiplayer end game conditions More...
virtual IEnumerator MultiplayerEndGame (string winnerID)
 Handles the endgame More...
virtual IEnumerator RemovePlayer (Character player)
 Removes the specified player from the game. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.LevelManager
override void Awake ()
 On awake, instantiates the player More...
virtual void InstantiatePlayableCharacters ()
 Instantiate playable characters based on the ones specified in the PlayerPrefabs list in the LevelManager's inspector. More...
virtual void Initialization ()
 Gets current camera, points number, start time, etc. More...
virtual void CheckpointAssignment ()
 Assigns all respawnable objects in the scene to their checkpoint More...
virtual void LevelGUIStart ()
 Initializes GUI stuff More...
virtual void SpawnSingleCharacter ()
 Spawns a playable character into the scene More...
virtual void RegularSpawnSingleCharacter ()
 Spawns the character at the selected entry point if there's one, or at the selected checkpoint. More...
virtual void SpawnMultipleCharacters ()
 Spawns multiple playable characters into the scene More...
virtual IEnumerator GotoLevelCo (string levelName, bool fadeOut=true)
 Waits for a short time and then loads the specified level More...
virtual void LoadScene (string destinationScene)
virtual IEnumerator LoadGameOverSceneCo ()
 A coroutine used to load the game over scene after an optional delay More...
virtual void Cleanup ()
 Resets lives, removes persistent characters and stored ones if needed More...
virtual IEnumerator SoloModeRestart ()
 Coroutine that kills the player, stops the camera, resets the points. More...
virtual void UpdateBoundsCollider ()
 Updates the level collider's bounds for Cinemachine (and others that may use it) More...
virtual void GenerateColliderBounds ()
 A temporary method used to convert level bounds from the old system to actual collider bounds More...
virtual void OnEnable ()
 OnDisable, we start listening to events. More...
virtual void OnDisable ()
 OnDisable, we stop listening to events. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from MoreMountains.Tools.MMSingleton< LevelManager >
virtual void InitializeSingleton ()
 Initializes the singleton. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.LevelManager
enum  CheckpointsAxis { x , y , z , CheckpointOrder }
 the possible checkpoint axis More...
enum  CheckpointDirections { Ascending , Descending }
enum  BoundsModes { TwoD , ThreeD }
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from MoreMountains.Tools.MMSingleton< LevelManager >
static T TryGetInstance ()
- Public Attributes inherited from MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.LevelManager
Character[] PlayerPrefabs
 the prefab you want for your player More...
bool AutoAttributePlayerIDs = true
 should the player IDs be auto attributed (usually yes) More...
List< CharacterSceneCharacters
 a list of Characters already present in the scene before runtime. If this list is filled, PlayerPrefabs will be ignored More...
CheckPoint DebugSpawn
 A checkpoint to use to force the character to spawn at. More...
CheckpointsAxis CheckpointAttributionAxis = CheckpointsAxis.x
 the axis on which objects should be compared More...
CheckpointDirections CheckpointAttributionDirection = CheckpointDirections.Ascending
 the direction in which checkpoint order should be determined More...
CheckPoint CurrentCheckPoint
 the current checkpoint More...
List< PointOfEntryPointsOfEntry
 a list of all the points of entry for this level More...
float IntroFadeDuration =1f
 duration of the initial fade in (in seconds) More...
float OutroFadeDuration =1f
 duration of the fade to black at the end of the level (in seconds) More...
int FaderID = 0
 the ID to use when triggering the event (should match the ID on the fader you want to use) More...
MMTweenType FadeTween = new MMTweenType(MMTween.MMTweenCurve.EaseInOutCubic)
 the curve to use for in and out fades More...
float RespawnDelay = 2f
 duration between a death of the main character and its respawn More...
bool ResetPointsOnRestart = true
 if this is true, points will be reset when this level restarts - usually after a player's death More...
BoundsModes BoundsMode = BoundsModes.TwoD
 whether to use a 3D or 2D collider as level bounds, this will be used by Cinemachine confiners More...
Bounds LevelBounds = new Bounds(,*10)
 the level limits, camera and player won't go beyond this point. More...
bool ConvertToColliderBoundsButton
MMLoadScene.LoadingSceneModes LoadingSceneMode = MMLoadScene.LoadingSceneModes.MMSceneLoadingManager
 the method to use to load the destination level More...
string LoadingSceneName = "LoadingScreen"
 the name of the MMSceneLoadingManager scene you want to use More...
MMAdditiveSceneLoadingManagerSettings AdditiveLoadingSettings
 the settings to use when loading the scene in additive mode More...
bool SetPlayerAsFeedbackRangeCenter = false
 if this is true, an event will be triggered on player instantiation to set the range target of all feedbacks to it More...
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.LevelManager
static void InitializeStatics ()
 Statics initialization to support enter play modes More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.LevelManager
DateTime _started
int _savedPoints
string _nextLevel = null
BoxCollider _collider
BoxCollider2D _collider2D
Bounds _originalBounds
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from MoreMountains.Tools.MMSingleton< LevelManager >
static T _instance
- Properties inherited from MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.LevelManager
Collider BoundsCollider [getprotected set]
Collider2D BoundsCollider2D [getprotected set]
virtual TimeSpan RunningTime [get]
 the elapsed time since the start of the level More...
virtual CameraController LevelCameraController [getset]
virtual List< CharacterPlayers [getprotected set]
virtual List< CheckPointCheckpoints [getprotected set]
- Properties inherited from MoreMountains.Tools.MMSingleton< LevelManager >
static bool HasInstance [get]
static T Current [get]
static T Instance [get]
 Singleton design pattern More...

Detailed Description

Spawns the players and handles end game

Member Function Documentation

◆ CheckMultiplayerEndGame()

virtual void MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.MultiplayerLevelManager.CheckMultiplayerEndGame ( )

Checks the multiplayer end game conditions

◆ MultiplayerEndGame()

virtual IEnumerator MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.MultiplayerLevelManager.MultiplayerEndGame ( string  winnerID)

Handles the endgame

The end game.
winnerIDWinner I.

◆ PlayerDead()

override void MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.MultiplayerLevelManager.PlayerDead ( Character  player)

Kills the specified player

Reimplemented from MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.LevelManager.

◆ RemovePlayer()

virtual IEnumerator MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.MultiplayerLevelManager.RemovePlayer ( Character  player)

Removes the specified player from the game.

The player.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: