Modes | Mode = Modes.OverTime |
| whether the feedback should affect the target property instantly or over a period of time More...
float | Duration = 0.2f |
| how long the target property should change over time More...
bool | StartsOff = false |
| whether or not that target property should be turned off on start More...
bool | RelativeValues = true |
| whether or not the values should be relative or not More...
bool | AllowAdditivePlays = false |
| if this is true, calling that feedback will trigger it, even if it's in progress. If it's false, it'll prevent any new Play until the current one is over More...
bool | DisableOnStop = false |
| if this is true, the target object will be disabled on stop More...
bool | Active = true |
| whether or not this feedback is active More...
string | Label = "MMFeedback" |
| the name of this feedback to display in the inspector More...
float | Chance = 100f |
| the chance of this feedback happening (in percent : 100 : happens all the time, 0 : never happens, 50 : happens once every two calls, etc) More...
MMFeedbackTiming | Timing |
| a number of timing-related values (delay, repeat, etc) More...
bool | DebugActive = false |
| whether or not this feedback is in debug mode More...
override void | CustomInitialization (GameObject owner) |
| On init we turn the target property off if needed More...
virtual void | PrepareTargets () |
| Creates a new list, fills the targets, and initializes them More...
virtual void | OnValidate () |
| On validate (if a value has changed in the inspector), we reinitialize what needs to be More...
abstract void | FillTargets () |
| Fills our list of targets, meant to be extended More...
virtual void | InitializeTargets () |
| Initializes each target in the list More...
override void | CustomPlayFeedback (Vector3 position, float feedbacksIntensity=1.0f) |
| On Play we turn our target property on and start an over time coroutine if needed More...
virtual void | Instant () |
| Plays an instant feedback More...
virtual IEnumerator | UpdateValueSequence (float feedbacksIntensity) |
| This coroutine will modify the values on the target property More...
virtual void | SetValues (float time, float feedbacksIntensity) |
| Sets the various values on the target property on a specified time (between 0 and 1) More...
override void | CustomStopFeedback (Vector3 position, float feedbacksIntensity=1) |
| Turns the target property object off on stop if needed More...
virtual void | Turn (bool status) |
| Turns the target object on or off More...
virtual void | OnEnable () |
virtual IEnumerator | PlayCoroutine (Vector3 position, float feedbacksIntensity=1.0f) |
| An internal coroutine delaying the initial play of the feedback More...
virtual void | RegularPlay (Vector3 position, float feedbacksIntensity=1.0f) |
| Triggers delaying coroutines if needed More...
virtual IEnumerator | InfinitePlay (Vector3 position, float feedbacksIntensity=1.0f) |
| Internal coroutine used for repeated play without end More...
virtual IEnumerator | RepeatedPlay (Vector3 position, float feedbacksIntensity=1.0f) |
| Internal coroutine used for repeated play More...
virtual IEnumerator | SequenceCoroutine (Vector3 position, float feedbacksIntensity=1.0f) |
| A coroutine used to play this feedback on a sequence More...
virtual float | ApplyDirection (float normalizedTime) |
| Returns a new value of the normalized time based on the current play direction of this feedback More...
virtual float | ApplyTimeMultiplier (float duration) |
| Applies the host MMFeedbacks' time multiplier to this feedback More...
virtual void | CustomReset () |
| This method describes what happens when the feedback gets reset More...
override float? | FeedbackDuration [getset] |
| the duration of this feedback is the duration of the target property, or 0 if instant More...
GameObject | Owner [getset] |
| the Owner of the feedback, as defined when calling the Initialization method More...
virtual IEnumerator | Pause [get] |
| set this to true if your feedback should pause the execution of the feedback sequence More...
virtual bool | HoldingPause [get] |
| if this is true, this feedback will wait until all previous feedbacks have run More...
virtual bool | LooperPause [get] |
| if this is true, this feedback will wait until all previous feedbacks have run, then run all previous feedbacks again More...
virtual bool | ScriptDrivenPause [getset] |
| if this is true, this feedback will pause and wait until Resume() is called on its parent MMFeedbacks to resume execution More...
virtual float | ScriptDrivenPauseAutoResume [getset] |
| if this is a positive value, the feedback will auto resume after that duration if it hasn't been resumed via script already More...
virtual bool | LooperStart [get] |
| if this is true, this feedback will wait until all previous feedbacks have run, then run all previous feedbacks again More...
virtual bool | InCooldown [get] |
| returns true if this feedback is in cooldown at this time (and thus can't play), false otherwise More...
virtual bool | IsPlaying [getset] |
| if this is true, this feedback is currently playing More...
float | FeedbackTime [get] |
| the time (or unscaled time) based on the selected Timing settings More...
float | FeedbackDeltaTime [get] |
| the delta time (or unscaled delta time) based on the selected Timing settings More...
float | TotalDuration [get] |
| The total duration of this feedback : total = initial delay + duration * (number of repeats + delay between repeats)
virtual float | FeedbackStartedAt [get] |
virtual float | FeedbackDuration [getset] |
virtual bool | FeedbackPlaying [get] |
| whether or not this feedback is playing right now More...
virtual bool | NormalPlayDirection [get] |
| Returns true if this feedback should play normally, or false if it should play in rewind More...
virtual bool | ShouldPlayInThisSequenceDirection [get] |
| Returns true if this feedback should play in the current parent MMFeedbacks direction, according to its MMFeedbacksDirectionCondition setting More...
virtual float? | FinalNormalizedTime [get] |
| Returns the t value at which to evaluate a curve at the end of this feedback's play time More...
virtual MMChannelData | ChannelData (int channel) |
virtual void | Initialization (GameObject owner) |
| Initializes the feedback and its timing related variables More...
virtual void | Play (Vector3 position, float feedbacksIntensity=1.0f) |
| Plays the feedback More...
virtual void | Stop (Vector3 position, float feedbacksIntensity=1.0f) |
| Stops all feedbacks from playing. Will stop repeating feedbacks, and call custom stop implementations More...
virtual void | ResetFeedback () |
| Calls this feedback's custom reset More...
virtual void | SetSequence (MMSequence newSequence) |
| Use this method to change this feedback's sequence at runtime More...
virtual void | SetDelayBetweenRepeats (float delay) |
| Use this method to specify a new delay between repeats at runtime More...
virtual void | SetInitialDelay (float delay) |
| Use this method to specify a new initial delay at runtime More...