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Corgi Engine v9.3
A class collecting delay, cooldown and repeat values, to be used to define the behaviour of each MMFeedback More...
Public Types | |
enum | MMFeedbacksDirectionConditions { Always , OnlyWhenForwards , OnlyWhenBackwards } |
the possible ways this feedback can play based on the host MMFeedbacks' directions More... | |
enum | PlayDirections { FollowMMFeedbacksDirection , OppositeMMFeedbacksDirection , AlwaysNormal , AlwaysRewind } |
the possible ways this feedback can play More... | |
Public Attributes | |
TimescaleModes | TimescaleMode = TimescaleModes.Scaled |
whether we're working on scaled or unscaled time More... | |
bool | ExcludeFromHoldingPauses = false |
if this is true, holding pauses won't wait for this feedback to finish More... | |
bool | ContributeToTotalDuration = true |
whether to count this feedback in the parent MMFeedbacks(Player) total duration or not More... | |
float | InitialDelay = 0f |
the initial delay to apply before playing the delay (in seconds) More... | |
float | CooldownDuration = 0f |
the cooldown duration mandatory between two plays More... | |
bool | InterruptsOnStop = true |
if this is true, this feedback will interrupt itself when Stop is called on its parent MMFeedbacks, otherwise it'll keep running More... | |
int | NumberOfRepeats = 0 |
the repeat mode, whether the feedback should be played once, multiple times, or forever More... | |
bool | RepeatForever = false |
if this is true, the feedback will be repeated forever More... | |
float | DelayBetweenRepeats = 1f |
the delay (in seconds) between two firings of this feedback. This doesn't include the duration of the feedback. More... | |
int | PlayCount = 0 |
the number of times this feedback's been played since its initialization (or last reset if SetPlayCountToZeroOnReset is true) More... | |
bool | LimitPlayCount = false |
whether or not to limit the amount of times this feedback can be played. beyond that amount, it won't play anymore More... | |
int | MaxPlayCount = 3 |
if LimitPlayCount is true, the maximum amount of times this feedback can be played More... | |
bool | SetPlayCountToZeroOnReset = false |
if LimitPlayCount is true, whether or not to reset the play count to zero when the feedback is reset More... | |
MMFeedbacksDirectionConditions | MMFeedbacksDirectionCondition = MMFeedbacksDirectionConditions.Always |
PlayDirections | PlayDirection = PlayDirections.FollowMMFeedbacksDirection |
bool | ConstantIntensity = false |
if this is true, intensity will be constant, even if the parent MMFeedbacks is played at a lower intensity More... | |
bool | UseIntensityInterval = false |
if this is true, this feedback will only play if its intensity is higher or equal to IntensityIntervalMin and lower than IntensityIntervalMax More... | |
float | IntensityIntervalMin = 0f |
the minimum intensity required for this feedback to play More... | |
float | IntensityIntervalMax = 0f |
the maximum intensity required for this feedback to play More... | |
MMSequence | Sequence |
A MMSequence to use to play these feedbacks on. More... | |
int | TrackID = 0 |
The MMSequence's TrackID to consider. More... | |
bool | Quantized = false |
whether or not to use the quantized version of the target sequence More... | |
int | TargetBPM = 120 |
if using the quantized version of the target sequence, the BPM to apply to the sequence when playing it More... | |
Properties | |
virtual bool | UseScriptDrivenTimescale [getset] |
from any class, you can set UseScriptDrivenTimescale:true, from there, instead of looking at Time.time, Time.deltaTime (or their unscaled equivalents), this feedback will compute time based on the values you feed them via ScriptDrivenDeltaTime and ScriptDrivenTime More... | |
virtual float | ScriptDrivenDeltaTime [getset] |
the value this feedback should use for delta time More... | |
virtual float | ScriptDrivenTime [getset] |
the value this feedback should use for time More... | |
A class collecting delay, cooldown and repeat values, to be used to define the behaviour of each MMFeedback
the possible ways this feedback can play based on the host MMFeedbacks' directions
Enumerator | |
Always | |
OnlyWhenForwards | |
OnlyWhenBackwards |
bool MoreMountains.Feedbacks.MMFeedbackTiming.ConstantIntensity = false |
if this is true, intensity will be constant, even if the parent MMFeedbacks is played at a lower intensity
bool MoreMountains.Feedbacks.MMFeedbackTiming.ContributeToTotalDuration = true |
whether to count this feedback in the parent MMFeedbacks(Player) total duration or not
float MoreMountains.Feedbacks.MMFeedbackTiming.CooldownDuration = 0f |
the cooldown duration mandatory between two plays
float MoreMountains.Feedbacks.MMFeedbackTiming.DelayBetweenRepeats = 1f |
the delay (in seconds) between two firings of this feedback. This doesn't include the duration of the feedback.
bool MoreMountains.Feedbacks.MMFeedbackTiming.ExcludeFromHoldingPauses = false |
if this is true, holding pauses won't wait for this feedback to finish
float MoreMountains.Feedbacks.MMFeedbackTiming.InitialDelay = 0f |
the initial delay to apply before playing the delay (in seconds)
float MoreMountains.Feedbacks.MMFeedbackTiming.IntensityIntervalMax = 0f |
the maximum intensity required for this feedback to play
float MoreMountains.Feedbacks.MMFeedbackTiming.IntensityIntervalMin = 0f |
the minimum intensity required for this feedback to play
bool MoreMountains.Feedbacks.MMFeedbackTiming.InterruptsOnStop = true |
if this is true, this feedback will interrupt itself when Stop is called on its parent MMFeedbacks, otherwise it'll keep running
bool MoreMountains.Feedbacks.MMFeedbackTiming.LimitPlayCount = false |
whether or not to limit the amount of times this feedback can be played. beyond that amount, it won't play anymore
int MoreMountains.Feedbacks.MMFeedbackTiming.MaxPlayCount = 3 |
if LimitPlayCount is true, the maximum amount of times this feedback can be played
MMFeedbacksDirectionConditions MoreMountains.Feedbacks.MMFeedbackTiming.MMFeedbacksDirectionCondition = MMFeedbacksDirectionConditions.Always |
this defines how this feedback should play when the host MMFeedbacks is played :
int MoreMountains.Feedbacks.MMFeedbackTiming.NumberOfRepeats = 0 |
the repeat mode, whether the feedback should be played once, multiple times, or forever
int MoreMountains.Feedbacks.MMFeedbackTiming.PlayCount = 0 |
the number of times this feedback's been played since its initialization (or last reset if SetPlayCountToZeroOnReset is true)
PlayDirections MoreMountains.Feedbacks.MMFeedbackTiming.PlayDirection = PlayDirections.FollowMMFeedbacksDirection |
this defines the way this feedback will play. It can play in its normal direction, or in rewind (a sound will play backwards, an object normally scaling up will scale down, a curve will be evaluated from right to left, etc)
bool MoreMountains.Feedbacks.MMFeedbackTiming.Quantized = false |
whether or not to use the quantized version of the target sequence
bool MoreMountains.Feedbacks.MMFeedbackTiming.RepeatForever = false |
if this is true, the feedback will be repeated forever
MMSequence MoreMountains.Feedbacks.MMFeedbackTiming.Sequence |
A MMSequence to use to play these feedbacks on.
bool MoreMountains.Feedbacks.MMFeedbackTiming.SetPlayCountToZeroOnReset = false |
if LimitPlayCount is true, whether or not to reset the play count to zero when the feedback is reset
int MoreMountains.Feedbacks.MMFeedbackTiming.TargetBPM = 120 |
if using the quantized version of the target sequence, the BPM to apply to the sequence when playing it
TimescaleModes MoreMountains.Feedbacks.MMFeedbackTiming.TimescaleMode = TimescaleModes.Scaled |
whether we're working on scaled or unscaled time
int MoreMountains.Feedbacks.MMFeedbackTiming.TrackID = 0 |
The MMSequence's TrackID to consider.
bool MoreMountains.Feedbacks.MMFeedbackTiming.UseIntensityInterval = false |
if this is true, this feedback will only play if its intensity is higher or equal to IntensityIntervalMin and lower than IntensityIntervalMax
getset |
the value this feedback should use for delta time
getset |
the value this feedback should use for time
getset |
from any class, you can set UseScriptDrivenTimescale:true, from there, instead of looking at Time.time, Time.deltaTime (or their unscaled equivalents), this feedback will compute time based on the values you feed them via ScriptDrivenDeltaTime and ScriptDrivenTime