Corgi Engine v9.3
MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.CorgiControllerParameters Class Reference

Parameters for the Corgi Controller class. This is where you define your slope limit, gravity, and speed dampening factors More...

Public Attributes

float Gravity = -30f
 The force to apply vertically at all times. More...
float FallMultiplier = 1f
 a multiplier applied to the character's gravity when going down More...
float AscentMultiplier = 1f
 a multiplier applied to the character's gravity when going up More...
Vector2 MaxVelocity = new Vector2(100f, 100f)
 Maximum velocity for your character, to prevent it from moving too fast on a slope for example. More...
float SpeedAccelerationOnGround = 20f
 Speed factor on the ground. More...
bool UseSeparateDecelerationOnGround = false
 if this is true, a separate deceleration value will be used when decelerating on ground. If false, SpeedAccelerationOnGround will be used More...
float SpeedDecelerationOnGround = 20f
 a speed modifier to apply when not applying input to stop the character from moving when on the ground More...
float SpeedAccelerationInAir = 5f
 Speed factor in the air. More...
bool UseSeparateDecelerationInAir = false
 if this is true, a separate deceleration value will be used when decelerating in the air. If false, SpeedAccelerationInAir will be used More...
float SpeedDecelerationInAir = 5f
 a speed modifier to apply when not applying input to stop the character from moving when in the air More...
float SpeedFactor = 1f
 general speed factor More...
float MaximumSlopeAngle = 30f
 Maximum angle (in degrees) the character can walk on. More...
AnimationCurve SlopeAngleSpeedFactor = new AnimationCurve(new Keyframe(-90f,1f),new Keyframe(0f,1f),new Keyframe(90f,1f))
 the speed multiplier to apply when walking on a slope More...
bool Physics2DInteraction = true
 if set to true, the character will transfer its force to all the rigidbodies it collides with horizontally More...
float Physics2DPushForce = 2.0f
 the force applied to the objects the character encounters More...
bool DrawRaycastsGizmos = true
 if set to true, will draw the various raycasts used by the CorgiController to detect collisions in scene view if gizmos are active More...
bool DisplayWarnings = true
 if this is true, warnings will be displayed if settings are not done properly More...

Detailed Description

Parameters for the Corgi Controller class. This is where you define your slope limit, gravity, and speed dampening factors

Member Data Documentation

◆ AscentMultiplier

float MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.CorgiControllerParameters.AscentMultiplier = 1f

a multiplier applied to the character's gravity when going up

◆ DisplayWarnings

bool MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.CorgiControllerParameters.DisplayWarnings = true

if this is true, warnings will be displayed if settings are not done properly

◆ DrawRaycastsGizmos

bool MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.CorgiControllerParameters.DrawRaycastsGizmos = true

if set to true, will draw the various raycasts used by the CorgiController to detect collisions in scene view if gizmos are active

◆ FallMultiplier

float MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.CorgiControllerParameters.FallMultiplier = 1f

a multiplier applied to the character's gravity when going down

◆ Gravity

float MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.CorgiControllerParameters.Gravity = -30f

The force to apply vertically at all times.

◆ MaximumSlopeAngle

float MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.CorgiControllerParameters.MaximumSlopeAngle = 30f

Maximum angle (in degrees) the character can walk on.

◆ MaxVelocity

Vector2 MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.CorgiControllerParameters.MaxVelocity = new Vector2(100f, 100f)

Maximum velocity for your character, to prevent it from moving too fast on a slope for example.

◆ Physics2DInteraction

bool MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.CorgiControllerParameters.Physics2DInteraction = true

if set to true, the character will transfer its force to all the rigidbodies it collides with horizontally

◆ Physics2DPushForce

float MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.CorgiControllerParameters.Physics2DPushForce = 2.0f

the force applied to the objects the character encounters

◆ SlopeAngleSpeedFactor

AnimationCurve MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.CorgiControllerParameters.SlopeAngleSpeedFactor = new AnimationCurve(new Keyframe(-90f,1f),new Keyframe(0f,1f),new Keyframe(90f,1f))

the speed multiplier to apply when walking on a slope

◆ SpeedAccelerationInAir

float MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.CorgiControllerParameters.SpeedAccelerationInAir = 5f

Speed factor in the air.

◆ SpeedAccelerationOnGround

float MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.CorgiControllerParameters.SpeedAccelerationOnGround = 20f

Speed factor on the ground.

◆ SpeedDecelerationInAir

float MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.CorgiControllerParameters.SpeedDecelerationInAir = 5f

a speed modifier to apply when not applying input to stop the character from moving when in the air

◆ SpeedDecelerationOnGround

float MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.CorgiControllerParameters.SpeedDecelerationOnGround = 20f

a speed modifier to apply when not applying input to stop the character from moving when on the ground

◆ SpeedFactor

float MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.CorgiControllerParameters.SpeedFactor = 1f

general speed factor

◆ UseSeparateDecelerationInAir

bool MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.CorgiControllerParameters.UseSeparateDecelerationInAir = false

if this is true, a separate deceleration value will be used when decelerating in the air. If false, SpeedAccelerationInAir will be used

◆ UseSeparateDecelerationOnGround

bool MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.CorgiControllerParameters.UseSeparateDecelerationOnGround = false

if this is true, a separate deceleration value will be used when decelerating on ground. If false, SpeedAccelerationOnGround will be used

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