This feedback will let you enable/disable/toggle a target collider, or change its trigger status
Collider | TargetCollider |
| the collider to act upon More...
Modes | Mode = Modes.Disable |
| the effect the feedback will have on the target collider's status More...
bool | Active = true |
| whether or not this feedback is active More...
int | UniqueID |
string | Label = "MMFeedback" |
| the name of this feedback to display in the inspector More...
string | OriginalLabel = "" |
| the original label of this feedback, used to display next to the custom label in case we set one More...
MMChannelModes | ChannelMode = MMChannelModes.Int |
int | Channel = 0 |
| the ID of the channel on which this feedback will communicate More...
MMChannel | MMChannelDefinition = null |
float | Chance = 100f |
| the chance of this feedback happening (in percent : 100 : happens all the time, 0 : never happens, 50 : happens once every two calls, etc) More...
MMFeedbackTiming | Timing |
| a number of timing-related values (delay, repeat, etc) More...
MMFeedbackTargetAcquisition | AutomatedTargetAcquisition |
| a set of settings letting you define automated target acquisition for this feedback, to (for example) automatically grab the target on this game object, or a parent, a child, or on a reference holder More...
bool | RandomizeOutput = false |
| if this is true, intensity will be multiplied by a random value on play, picked between RandomMultiplier.x and RandomMultiplier.y More...
Vector2 | RandomMultiplier = new Vector2(0.8f, 1f) |
| a random value (randomized between its x and y) by which to multiply the output of this feedback, if RandomizeOutput is true More...
bool | RandomizeDuration = false |
| if this is true, this feedback's duration will be multiplied by a random value on play, picked between RandomDurationMultiplier.x and RandomDurationMultiplier.y More...
Vector2 | RandomDurationMultiplier = new Vector2(0.5f, 2f) |
| a random value (randomized between its x and y) by which to multiply the duration of this feedback, if RandomizeDuration is true More...
bool | UseRange = false |
| if this is true, only shakers within the specified range will respond to this feedback More...
float | RangeDistance = 5f |
| when in UseRange mode, only shakers within that distance will respond to this feedback More...
bool | UseRangeFalloff = false |
| when in UseRange mode, whether or not to modify the shake intensity based on the RangeFallOff curve
AnimationCurve | RangeFalloff = new AnimationCurve(new Keyframe(0f, 1f), new Keyframe(1f, 0f)) |
| the animation curve to use to define falloff (on the x 0 represents the range center, 1 represents the max distance to it) More...
Vector2 | RemapRangeFalloff = new Vector2(0f, 1f) |
| the values to remap the falloff curve's y axis' 0 and 1 More...
MMF_Button | AutomaticShakerSetupButton |
| a button used to attempt an auto shaker setup for this feedback, adding whatever shaker it requires to function to the scene More...
MMF_Player | Owner |
| the Owner of the feedback, as defined when calling the Initialization method More...
bool | DebugActive = false |
| whether or not this feedback is in debug mode More...
override void | AutomateTargetAcquisition () |
| A method meant to be implemented per feedback letting you specify what happens (usually setting a target) More...
override void | CustomPlayFeedback (Vector3 position, float feedbacksIntensity=1.0f) |
| On Play we change the state of our collider if needed More...
virtual void | ApplyChanges (Modes mode) |
| Changes the state of the collider More...
override void | CustomRestoreInitialValues () |
| On restore, we put our object back at its initial position More...
virtual void | AutomateTargetAcquisitionInternal () |
| Performs automated target acquisition, if needed More...
virtual GameObject | FindAutomatedTargetGameObject () |
virtual T | FindAutomatedTarget< T > () |
virtual IEnumerator | PlayCoroutine (Vector3 position, float feedbacksIntensity=1.0f) |
| An internal coroutine delaying the initial play of the feedback More...
virtual void | RegularPlay (Vector3 position, float feedbacksIntensity=1.0f) |
| Triggers delaying coroutines if needed More...
virtual void | TriggerCustomPlay (Vector3 position, float intensity) |
| Triggers a custom play More...
virtual IEnumerator | InfinitePlay (Vector3 position, float feedbacksIntensity=1.0f) |
| Internal coroutine used for repeated play without end More...
virtual IEnumerator | RepeatedPlay (Vector3 position, float feedbacksIntensity=1.0f) |
| Internal coroutine used for repeated play More...
virtual IEnumerator | TriggerRepeatedPlay (Vector3 position, float feedbacksIntensity=1.0f) |
virtual IEnumerator | SequenceCoroutine (Vector3 position, float feedbacksIntensity=1.0f) |
| A coroutine used to play this feedback on a sequence More...
virtual IEnumerator | ForceInitialValueDelayedCo (Vector3 position, float feedbacksIntensity=1.0f) |
| A coroutine used to delay the Stop when forcing initial values (used mostly with shaker based feedbacks) More...
virtual float | ApplyTimeMultiplier (float duration) |
| Applies the host MMFeedbacks' time multiplier to this feedback More...
virtual IEnumerator | WaitFor (float delay) |
| Internal method used to wait for a duration, on scaled or unscaled time More...
virtual float | ApplyDirection (float normalizedTime) |
| Returns a new value of the normalized time based on the current play direction of this feedback More...
virtual void | CustomInitialization (MMF_Player owner) |
| This method describes all custom initialization processes the feedback requires, in addition to the main Initialization method More...
virtual void | CustomStopFeedback (Vector3 position, float feedbacksIntensity=1.0f) |
| This method describes what happens when the feedback gets stopped More...
virtual void | CustomSkipToTheEnd (Vector3 position, float feedbacksIntensity=1.0f) |
| This method describes what happens when the feedback gets skipped to the end More...
virtual void | CustomPlayerComplete () |
| This method describes what happens when the player this feedback belongs to completes playing More...
virtual void | CustomReset () |
| This method describes what happens when the feedback gets reset More...
override bool | HasAutomatedTargetAcquisition [get] |
| sets the inspector color for this feedback More...
virtual Color | DisplayColor [get] |
| use this color to customize the background color of the feedback in the MMF_Player's list More...
virtual IEnumerator | Pause [get] |
| set this to true if your feedback should pause the execution of the feedback sequence More...
virtual bool | HoldingPause [get] |
| if this is true, this feedback will wait until all previous feedbacks have run More...
virtual bool | LooperPause [get] |
| if this is true, this feedback will wait until all previous feedbacks have run, then run all previous feedbacks again More...
virtual bool | ScriptDrivenPause [getset] |
| if this is true, this feedback will pause and wait until Resume() is called on its parent MMFeedbacks to resume execution More...
virtual float | ScriptDrivenPauseAutoResume [getset] |
| if this is a positive value, the feedback will auto resume after that duration if it hasn't been resumed via script already More...
virtual bool | LooperStart [get] |
| if this is true, this feedback will wait until all previous feedbacks have run, then run all previous feedbacks again More...
virtual bool | HasChannel [get] |
| if this is true, the Channel property will be displayed, otherwise it'll be hidden
virtual bool | HasAutomaticShakerSetup [get] |
| if this is true, this feedback will display an automatic shaker setup button
virtual bool | HasRandomness [get] |
| if this is true, the Randomness group will be displayed, otherwise it'll be hidden
virtual bool | CanForceInitialValue [get] |
| if this is true, this feedback implements ForceInitialState, otherwise calling that method will have no effect More...
virtual bool | ForceInitialValueDelayed [get] |
| if this is true, force initial value will happen over two frames More...
virtual bool | HasAutomatedTargetAcquisition [get] |
| whether or not this feedback can automatically grab the target on this game object, or a parent, a child, or on a reference holder More...
virtual MMF_ReferenceHolder | ForcedReferenceHolder [getset] |
| when in forced reference mode, this will contain the forced reference holder that will be used (usually set by itself) More...
virtual bool | HasRange [get] |
| if this is true, the Range group will be displayed, otherwise it'll be hidden
virtual int | PlaysLeft [get] |
| the total amount of plays this feedback has left More...
virtual bool | HasCustomInspectors [get] |
virtual bool | InCooldown [get] |
| returns true if this feedback is in cooldown at this time (and thus can't play), false otherwise More...
virtual bool | IsPlaying [getset] |
| if this is true, this feedback is currently playing More...
virtual float | ComputedRandomMultiplier [get] |
| Returns the random multiplier to apply to this feedback's output More...
virtual TimescaleModes | ComputedTimescaleMode [get] |
| Returns the timescale mode to use in logic, taking into account the one set at the feedback level and the player level More...
virtual bool | InScaledTimescaleMode [get] |
| returns true if this feedback is in Scaled timescale mode, false otherwise More...
virtual float | FeedbackTime [get] |
| the time (or unscaled time) based on the selected Timing settings More...
virtual float | FeedbackDeltaTime [get] |
| the delta time (or unscaled delta time) based on the selected Timing settings More...
virtual float | TotalDuration [get] |
| The total duration of this feedback : total = initial delay + duration * (number of repeats + delay between repeats)
virtual bool | IsExpanded [getset] |
virtual bool | RequiresSetup [get] |
| A flag used to determine if a feedback has all it needs, or if it requires some extra setup. This flag will be used to display a warning icon in the inspector if the feedback is not ready to be played. More...
virtual string | RequiredTarget [get] |
virtual bool | DrawGroupInspectors [get] |
| if this is true, group inspectors will be displayed within this feedback More...
virtual bool | DisplayFullHeaderColor [get] |
| if this is true, the feedback will be displayed in the MMF Player's list with a full color background, as opposed to just a small line on the left More...
virtual string | RequiresSetupText [get] |
| defines the setup text that will be displayed on the feedback, should setup be required More...
virtual string | RequiredTargetText [get] |
| the text used to describe the required target More...
virtual string | RequiredTargetTextExtra [get] |
| the text used to describe the required target, if more info is needed More...
virtual string | RequiredChannelText [get] |
virtual float | FeedbackStartedAt [get] |
virtual float | FeedbackDuration [getset] |
virtual bool | FeedbackPlaying [get] |
| whether or not this feedback is playing right now More...
virtual MMChannelData | ChannelData [get] |
| a ChannelData object, ready to pass to an event More...
virtual bool | InInitialDelay [getset] |
virtual float? | FinalNormalizedTime [get] |
| Returns the t value at which to evaluate a curve at the end of this feedback's play time More...
virtual bool | NormalPlayDirection [get] |
| Returns true if this feedback should play normally, or false if it should play in rewind More...
virtual bool | ShouldPlayInThisSequenceDirection [get] |
| Returns true if this feedback should play in the current parent MMFeedbacks direction, according to its MMFeedbacksDirectionCondition setting More...
virtual string | GetLabel () |
| you can override this when creating a custom feedback to have it behave differently and display a different label More...
virtual float | ComputeIntensity (float intensity, Vector3 position) |
| Computes the new intensity, taking into account constant intensity and potential randomness More...
virtual void | CacheRequiresSetup () |
virtual bool | EvaluateRequiresSetup () |
| Override this method to determine if a feedback requires setup More...
virtual void | SetFeedbackDuration (float newDuration) |
| Use this method to change the duration of this feedback More...
virtual void | PreInitialization (MMF_Player owner, int index) |
| Runs at Awake, lets you preinitialize your custom feedback before Initialization More...
virtual void | Initialization (MMF_Player owner, int index) |
| Typically runs on Start, Initializes the feedback and its timing related variables More...
virtual void | SetIndexInFeedbacksList (int index) |
| Lets you specify at what index this feedback is in the list - use carefully (or don't use at all) More...
virtual void | AutomaticShakerSetup () |
| Call this method (either directly or via the inspector button) to try and automatically setup this feedback's corresponding shaker in the scene More...
virtual void | ForceAutomateTargetAcquisition () |
| Lets you force target acquisition, outside of initialization where it usually occurs More...
virtual void | Play (Vector3 position, float feedbacksIntensity=1.0f) |
| Plays the feedback More...
virtual void | SetSequence (MMSequence newSequence) |
| Use this method to change this feedback's sequence at runtime More...
virtual void | Stop (Vector3 position, float feedbacksIntensity=1.0f) |
| Stops all feedbacks from playing. Will stop repeating feedbacks, and call custom stop implementations More...
virtual void | SkipToTheEnd (Vector3 position, float feedbacksIntensity=1.0f) |
| Called when skipping to the end of MMF_Player, calls custom Skip on all feedbacks More...
virtual void | ForceInitialValue (Vector3 position, float feedbacksIntensity=1.0f) |
| Forces the feedback to set its initial value (behavior will change from feedback to feedback, but for example, a Position feedback that moves a Transform from point A to B would automatically move the Transform to point A when ForceInitialState is called More...
virtual void | RestoreInitialValues () |
| Called when restoring the initial state of a player, calls custom Restore on all feedbacks More...
virtual void | ResetFeedback () |
| Calls this feedback's custom reset More...
virtual void | ResetCooldown () |
| Resets the cooldown for this feedback, allowing it to be played again instantly More...
virtual void | PlayerComplete () |
| This gets called by the MMF Player when all feedbacks have completed playing More...
virtual void | SetDelayBetweenRepeats (float delay) |
| Use this method to specify a new delay between repeats at runtime More...
virtual void | SetInitialDelay (float delay) |
| Use this method to specify a new initial delay at runtime More...
virtual void | ComputeNewRandomDurationMultiplier () |
| Computes a new random duration multiplier More...
virtual void | ResetPlayCount () |
| Resets the play count of this feedback More...
virtual void | ComputeTotalDuration () |
| Computes the total duration of this feedback More...
virtual void | InitializeCustomAttributes () |
| Use this method to initialize any custom attributes you may have More...
virtual void | OnValidate () |
| Triggered when a change happens in the inspector More...
virtual void | OnAddFeedback () |
| Triggered when the feedback gets added to the player More...
virtual void | OnDestroy () |
| Triggered when that feedback gets destroyed More...
virtual void | OnDisable () |
| Triggered when the host MMF Player gets disabled More...
virtual void | OnDrawGizmosSelectedHandler () |
| Triggered when the host MMF Player gets selected, can be used to draw gizmos More...
This feedback will let you enable/disable/toggle a target collider, or change its trigger status