Corgi Engine v9.3
MoreMountains.Tools.MMVectorLabelsAttributeDrawer Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for MoreMountains.Tools.MMVectorLabelsAttributeDrawer:

Public Member Functions

override float GetPropertyHeight (SerializedProperty property, GUIContent guiContent)

Protected Member Functions

T[] DrawFields< T > (Rect rect, T[] vector, string mainLabel, System.Func< Rect, GUIContent, T, T > fieldDrawer, MMVectorAttribute vectors, GUIContent originalGuiContent)

Static Protected Attributes

static readonly GUIContent[] originalLabels = new GUIContent[] { new GUIContent("X"), new GUIContent("Y"), new GUIContent("Z"), new GUIContent("W") }
const int padding = 375

Member Function Documentation

◆ DrawFields< T >()

T[] MoreMountains.Tools.MMVectorLabelsAttributeDrawer.DrawFields< T > ( Rect  rect,
T[]  vector,
string  mainLabel,
System.Func< Rect, GUIContent, T, T >  fieldDrawer,
MMVectorAttribute  vectors,
GUIContent  originalGuiContent 

◆ GetPropertyHeight()

override float MoreMountains.Tools.MMVectorLabelsAttributeDrawer.GetPropertyHeight ( SerializedProperty  property,
GUIContent  guiContent 

Member Data Documentation

◆ originalLabels

readonly GUIContent [] MoreMountains.Tools.MMVectorLabelsAttributeDrawer.originalLabels = new GUIContent[] { new GUIContent("X"), new GUIContent("Y"), new GUIContent("Z"), new GUIContent("W") }

◆ padding

const int MoreMountains.Tools.MMVectorLabelsAttributeDrawer.padding = 375

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: