Corgi Engine v9.3
MoreMountains.Tools.MMChangeFogColor Class Reference

Adds this class to a UnityStandardAssets.ImageEffects.GlobalFog to change its color Why this is not native, I don't know. More...

Inheritance diagram for MoreMountains.Tools.MMChangeFogColor:

Public Attributes

Color FogColor
 Adds this class to a UnityStandardAssets.ImageEffects.GlobalFog to change its color. More...

Protected Member Functions

virtual void SetupFogColor ()
 Sets the fog's color to the one set in the inspector More...
virtual void Start ()
 On Start(), we set the fog's color More...
virtual void OnValidate ()
 Whenever there's a change in the camera's inspector, we change the fog's color More...

Detailed Description

Adds this class to a UnityStandardAssets.ImageEffects.GlobalFog to change its color Why this is not native, I don't know.

Member Function Documentation

◆ OnValidate()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.MMChangeFogColor.OnValidate ( )

Whenever there's a change in the camera's inspector, we change the fog's color

◆ SetupFogColor()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.MMChangeFogColor.SetupFogColor ( )

Sets the fog's color to the one set in the inspector

◆ Start()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.MMChangeFogColor.Start ( )

On Start(), we set the fog's color

Member Data Documentation

◆ FogColor

Color MoreMountains.Tools.MMChangeFogColor.FogColor

Adds this class to a UnityStandardAssets.ImageEffects.GlobalFog to change its color.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: