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Corgi Engine v9.3
Add this component to a platform and it'll be able to follow a path and carry a character More...
Public Member Functions | |
override void | MoveAlongThePath () |
Moves the object along the path according to the specified movement type. More... | |
virtual void | SetMovementAuthorization (bool status) |
Sets the movement authorization to true or false based on the status set in parameter More... | |
virtual void | AuthorizeMovement () |
Sets the script authorization to true More... | |
virtual void | ForbidMovement () |
Sets the script authorization to false More... | |
virtual void | ToggleMovementAuthorization () |
Sets the script authorization to true if it was false, false if it was true More... | |
virtual void | ResetEndReached () |
Resets the end reached status, allowing you to move in the opposite direction if CycleOption is set to StopAtBounds More... | |
virtual void | MoveTowardsStart () |
Forces the moving platform to move back to its start position More... | |
virtual void | MoveTowardsEnd () |
Forces the moving platform to move to its end position More... | |
virtual void | OnTriggerEnter2D (Collider2D collider) |
When entering collision with something, we check if it's a player, and in that case we set our flag accordingly More... | |
virtual void | OnTriggerExit2D (Collider2D collider) |
When exiting collision with something, we check if it's a player, and in that case we set our flag accordingly More... | |
virtual void | OnPlayerRespawn (CheckPoint checkpoint, Character player) |
When the player respawns, we reset the position and behaviour of this moving platform More... | |
virtual void | OnMMEvent (CorgiEngineEvent eventType) |
Catches respawn events and resets the platform's position if needed More... | |
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virtual void | ResetPath () |
A public method you can call to reset the path More... | |
virtual IEnumerator< Vector3 > | GetPathEnumerator () |
Returns the current target point in the path More... | |
virtual void | ChangeDirection () |
Call this method to force a change in direction at any time More... | |
virtual Vector3 | PointPosition (int index) |
virtual Vector3 | PointPosition (Vector3 relativePointPosition) |
virtual void | UpdateOriginalTransformPosition (Vector3 newOriginalTransformPosition) |
Updates the original transform position. More... | |
virtual Vector3 | GetOriginalTransformPosition () |
Gets the original transform position. More... | |
virtual void | SetOriginalTransformPositionStatus (bool status) |
Sets the original transform position status. More... | |
virtual bool | GetOriginalTransformPositionStatus () |
Gets the original transform position status. More... | |
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void | OnMMEvent (T eventType) |
Public Attributes | |
bool | OnlyMovesWhenPlayerIsColliding = false |
If true, the object will only move when colliding with the player. More... | |
bool | OnlyMovesWhenCharacterIsColliding = false |
if true, the object will only move if a character is colliding More... | |
bool | ResetPositionWhenPlayerRespawns = false |
If true, this moving platform will reset position and behaviour when the player respawns. More... | |
bool | ScriptActivated = false |
If true, this platform will only moved when commanded to by another script. More... | |
bool | StartMovingWhenPlayerIsColliding = false |
If true, the object will start moving when a player collides with it. This requires that ScriptActivated be set to true (and it will set it to true on init otherwise) More... | |
bool | ToggleButton |
bool | ChangeDirectionButton |
bool | ResetEndReachedButton |
bool | MoveTowardsStartButton |
bool | MoveTowardsEndButton |
MMFeedbacks | PointReachedFeedback |
a feedback to trigger when a new point is reached More... | |
MMFeedbacks | EndReachedFeedback |
a feedback to trigger when the end of the path is reached More... | |
UnityEvent | OnCharacterEnter |
a UnityEvent fired when a character collides with the platform More... | |
UnityEvent | OnCharacterExit |
a UnityEvent fired when a character exits the platform More... | |
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CycleOptions | CycleOption |
MovementDirection | LoopInitialMovementDirection = MovementDirection.Ascending |
the initial movement direction : ascending > will go from the points 0 to 1, 2, etc ; descending > will go from the last point to last-1, last-2, etc More... | |
List< MMPathMovementElement > | PathElements |
the points that make up the path the object will follow More... | |
AlignmentModes | AlignmentMode = AlignmentModes.None |
whether to align the path on nothing, this object's rotation, or this object's parent's rotation More... | |
float | MovementSpeed = 1 |
the movement speed More... | |
PossibleAccelerationType | AccelerationType = PossibleAccelerationType.ConstantSpeed |
the movement type of the object More... | |
AnimationCurve | Acceleration = new AnimationCurve(new Keyframe(0,1f),new Keyframe(1f,0f)) |
the acceleration to apply to an object traveling between two points of the path. More... | |
UpdateModes | UpdateMode = UpdateModes.Update |
the chosen update mode (update, fixed update, late update) More... | |
float | MinDistanceToGoal = .1f |
the minimum distance to a point at which we'll arbitrarily decide the point's been reached More... | |
Protected Member Functions | |
override void | Initialization () |
Flag inits, initial movement determination, and object positioning More... | |
override void | Update () |
On Update, we check if we've started or stopped colliding with a controller, and trigger events if needed More... | |
override void | PointReached () |
Override this to describe what happens when a point is reached More... | |
override void | EndReached () |
Override this to describe what happens when the end of the path is reached More... | |
virtual void | OnEnable () |
On enable, starts listening for CorgiEngine events More... | |
virtual void | OnDisable () |
On disable, stops listening for CorgiEngine events More... | |
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virtual void | Awake () |
Initialization More... | |
virtual void | Start () |
On Start we store our initial position More... | |
virtual void | FixedUpdate () |
virtual void | LateUpdate () |
virtual void | ExecuteUpdate () |
On update we keep moving along the path More... | |
virtual void | Move () |
Moves the object and determines when a point has been reached More... | |
virtual void | OnDrawGizmos () |
On DrawGizmos, we draw lines to show the path the object will follow More... | |
Protected Attributes | |
Collider2D | _collider2D |
float | _platformTopY |
bool | _scriptActivatedAuthorization = false |
CorgiController | _corgiControllerLastFrame |
CorgiController | _collidingController = null |
bool | _collidingWithPlayer |
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Vector3 | _originalTransformPosition |
the original position of the transform, hidden and shouldn't be accessed More... | |
bool | _originalTransformPositionStatus = false |
bool | _active =false |
IEnumerator< Vector3 > | _currentPoint |
int | _direction = 1 |
Vector3 | _initialPosition |
Vector3 | _finalPosition |
Vector3 | _previousPoint = Vector3.zero |
float | _waiting =0 |
int | _currentIndex |
float | _distanceToNextPoint |
bool | _endReached = false |
Vector3 | _positionLastFrame |
Vector3 | _vector3Zero = Vector3.zero |
Static Protected Attributes | |
const float | _toleranceY = 0.05f |
Properties | |
override bool? | CanMove [get] |
Gets a value indicating whether this instance can move. More... | |
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virtual Vector3 | CurrentSpeed [getprotected set] |
returns the current speed at which the object is traveling More... | |
virtual bool | CanMove [getset] |
if this is true, the object can move along the path More... | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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enum | PossibleAccelerationType { ConstantSpeed , EaseOut , AnimationCurve } |
the possible movement types More... | |
enum | CycleOptions { BackAndForth , Loop , OnlyOnce , StopAtBounds , Random } |
the possible cycle options More... | |
enum | MovementDirection { Ascending , Descending } |
the possible movement directions More... | |
enum | UpdateModes { Update , FixedUpdate , LateUpdate } |
whether progress on the pass should be made at update, fixed update or late update More... | |
enum | AlignmentModes { None , ThisRotation , ParentRotation } |
whether to align the path on nothing, this object's rotation, or this object's parent's rotation More... | |
Add this component to a platform and it'll be able to follow a path and carry a character
virtual |
Sets the script authorization to true
protectedvirtual |
Override this to describe what happens when the end of the path is reached
Reimplemented from MoreMountains.Tools.MMPathMovement.
virtual |
Sets the script authorization to false
protectedvirtual |
Flag inits, initial movement determination, and object positioning
Reimplemented from MoreMountains.Tools.MMPathMovement.
virtual |
Moves the object along the path according to the specified movement type.
Reimplemented from MoreMountains.Tools.MMPathMovement.
virtual |
Forces the moving platform to move to its end position
virtual |
Forces the moving platform to move back to its start position
protectedvirtual |
On disable, stops listening for CorgiEngine events
protectedvirtual |
On enable, starts listening for CorgiEngine events
virtual |
Catches respawn events and resets the platform's position if needed
eventType |
virtual |
When the player respawns, we reset the position and behaviour of this moving platform
checkpoint | Checkpoint. |
player | Player. |
Implements MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.Respawnable.
virtual |
When entering collision with something, we check if it's a player, and in that case we set our flag accordingly
collider | Collider. |
virtual |
When exiting collision with something, we check if it's a player, and in that case we set our flag accordingly
collider | Collider. |
protectedvirtual |
Override this to describe what happens when a point is reached
Reimplemented from MoreMountains.Tools.MMPathMovement.
virtual |
Resets the end reached status, allowing you to move in the opposite direction if CycleOption is set to StopAtBounds
virtual |
Sets the movement authorization to true or false based on the status set in parameter
status |
virtual |
Sets the script authorization to true if it was false, false if it was true
protectedvirtual |
On Update, we check if we've started or stopped colliding with a controller, and trigger events if needed
Reimplemented from MoreMountains.Tools.MMPathMovement.
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
staticprotected |
bool MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.MovingPlatform.ChangeDirectionButton |
MMFeedbacks MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.MovingPlatform.EndReachedFeedback |
a feedback to trigger when the end of the path is reached
bool MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.MovingPlatform.MoveTowardsEndButton |
bool MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.MovingPlatform.MoveTowardsStartButton |
UnityEvent MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.MovingPlatform.OnCharacterEnter |
a UnityEvent fired when a character collides with the platform
UnityEvent MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.MovingPlatform.OnCharacterExit |
a UnityEvent fired when a character exits the platform
bool MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.MovingPlatform.OnlyMovesWhenCharacterIsColliding = false |
if true, the object will only move if a character is colliding
bool MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.MovingPlatform.OnlyMovesWhenPlayerIsColliding = false |
If true, the object will only move when colliding with the player.
MMFeedbacks MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.MovingPlatform.PointReachedFeedback |
a feedback to trigger when a new point is reached
bool MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.MovingPlatform.ResetEndReachedButton |
bool MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.MovingPlatform.ResetPositionWhenPlayerRespawns = false |
If true, this moving platform will reset position and behaviour when the player respawns.
bool MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.MovingPlatform.ScriptActivated = false |
If true, this platform will only moved when commanded to by another script.
bool MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.MovingPlatform.StartMovingWhenPlayerIsColliding = false |
If true, the object will start moving when a player collides with it. This requires that ScriptActivated be set to true (and it will set it to true on init otherwise)
bool MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.MovingPlatform.ToggleButton |
get |
Gets a value indicating whether this instance can move.
if this instance can move; otherwise, false