Corgi Engine v9.3
MoreMountains.MMInterface Namespace Reference


class  MMCarousel
 A class to handle a carousel of UI elements, placed in an HorizontalLayoutGroup. All elements of the carousel need to have the same width. More...
class  MMCheckbox
 A class to handle checkboxes More...
class  MMPopup
 A component to handle popups, their opening and closing More...
class  MMRadioButton
 A class to handle radio buttons. To group them, just use the same RadioButtonGroupName string for all radio buttons in the group More...
class  MMScrollviewButton
class  MMSpriteReplace
 A class to add to an Image or SpriteRenderer to have it act like a button with a different sprite for on and off states More...
class  MMSpriteReplaceCycle
 A class to add to a button so that its sprite cycles through X sprites when pressed More...
class  MMSwitch
 A component to handle switches More...