override void | Initialization () |
| On init we initialize our values More...
override void | ShakeStarts () |
| Describes what happens when a shake starts More...
virtual void | Reset () |
| When that shaker gets added, we initialize its shake duration More...
virtual void | Awake () |
| On Awake we grab our volume and profile More...
virtual void | SetShakeStartedTimestamp () |
| Logs the start timestamp for this shaker More...
virtual void | GrabInitialValues () |
| A method designed to collect initial values More...
virtual void | Update () |
| On Update, we shake our values if needed, or reset if our shake has ended More...
virtual void | Shake () |
| Override this method to implement shake over time More...
virtual float | ShakeFloat (AnimationCurve curve, float remapMin, float remapMax, bool relativeIntensity, float initialValue) |
| A method used to "shake" a flot over time along a curve More...
virtual Color | ShakeGradient (Gradient gradient) |
virtual void | ResetTargetValues () |
| Resets the values on the target More...
virtual void | ResetShakerValues () |
| Resets the values on the shaker More...
virtual void | ShakeComplete () |
| Describes what happens when the shake is complete More...
virtual void | OnEnable () |
| On enable we start shaking if needed More...
virtual void | OnDestroy () |
| On destroy we stop listening for events More...
virtual void | OnDisable () |
| On disable we complete our shake if it was in progress More...
virtual bool | CheckEventAllowed (MMChannelData channelData, bool useRange=false, float range=0f, Vector3 eventOriginPosition=default(Vector3)) |
| Returns true if this shaker should listen to events, false otherwise More...
MMChannelModes | ChannelMode = MMChannelModes.Int |
int | Channel = 0 |
| the channel to listen to - has to match the one on the feedback More...
MMChannel | MMChannelDefinition = null |
float | ShakeDuration = 0.2f |
| the duration of the shake, in seconds More...
bool | PlayOnAwake = false |
| if this is true this shaker will play on awake More...
bool | PermanentShake = false |
| if this is true, the shaker will shake permanently as long as its game object is active More...
bool | Interruptible = true |
| if this is true, a new shake can happen while shaking More...
bool | AlwaysResetTargetValuesAfterShake = false |
| if this is true, this shaker will always reset target values, regardless of how it was called More...
bool | OnlyUseShakerValues = false |
| if this is true, this shaker will ignore any value passed in an event that triggered it, and will instead use the values set on its inspector More...
float | CooldownBetweenShakes = 0f |
| a cooldown, in seconds, after a shake, during which no other shake can start More...
bool | Shaking = false |
| whether or not this shaker is shaking right now More...
bool | ForwardDirection = true |
TimescaleModes | TimescaleMode = TimescaleModes.Scaled |
virtual MMChannelData | ChannelData [get] |
virtual bool | ListeningToEvents [get] |
virtual bool? | InCooldown [get] |
| Returns true if this shaker is currently in cooldown, false otherwise More...
◆ Initialization()
override void MoreMountains.Feedbacks.MMFeedbacksShaker.Initialization |
( |
| ) |
protectedvirtual |
◆ OnMMFeedbacksShakeEvent()
virtual void MoreMountains.Feedbacks.MMFeedbacksShaker.OnMMFeedbacksShakeEvent |
( |
MMChannelData |
channelData = null , |
bool |
useRange = false , |
float |
eventRange = 0f , |
Vector3 |
eventOriginPosition = default(Vector3) |
) |
| |
virtual |
◆ Reset()
virtual void MoreMountains.Feedbacks.MMFeedbacksShaker.Reset |
( |
| ) |
protectedvirtual |
When that shaker gets added, we initialize its shake duration
◆ ShakeStarts()
override void MoreMountains.Feedbacks.MMFeedbacksShaker.ShakeStarts |
( |
| ) |
protectedvirtual |
◆ StartListening()
override void MoreMountains.Feedbacks.MMFeedbacksShaker.StartListening |
( |
| ) |
virtual |
◆ StopListening()
override void MoreMountains.Feedbacks.MMFeedbacksShaker.StopListening |
( |
| ) |
virtual |
◆ _mmFeedbacks
MMFeedbacks MoreMountains.Feedbacks.MMFeedbacksShaker._mmFeedbacks |
protected |
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