float | BounceRaycastLength = 1f |
| the length of the raycast used to detect bounces, should be proportionate to the size and speed of your projectile More...
LayerMask | BounceLayers |
| the layers you want this projectile to bounce on More...
MMFeedbacks | BounceFeedback |
| a feedback to trigger at every bounce More...
Vector2Int | AmountOfBounces = new Vector2Int(10, 10) |
| the min and max amount of bounces (a value will be picked at random between both bounds) More...
Vector2 | SpeedModifier = Vector2.one |
| the min and max speed multiplier to apply at every bounce (a value will be picked at random between both bounds) More...
bool | FaceDirection = true |
| if true, the projectile will rotate at initialization towards its rotation More...
bool | FaceMovementDirection = false |
| if this is true, the projectile will update its rotation every frame to match its movement direction More...
float | Speed = 200 |
| the speed of the object (relative to the level's speed) More...
float | Acceleration = 0 |
| the acceleration of the object over time. Starts accelerating on enable. More...
Vector3 | Direction = Vector3.left |
| the current direction of the object More...
bool | DirectionCanBeChangedBySpawner = true |
| if set to true, the spawner can change the direction of the object. If not the one set in its inspector will be used. More...
Vector3 | FlipValue = new Vector3(-1,1,1) |
| the flip factor to apply if and when the projectile is mirrored More...
bool | ProjectileIsFacingRight = true |
| determines whether or not the projectile is facing right More...
float | InitialInvulnerabilityDuration =0f |
| the initial delay during which the projectile can't be destroyed More...
bool | DamageOwner = false |
| should the projectile damage its owner ? More...
bool | SpawnSecurityCheck = false |
| if this is true, the projectile will perform an extra check on initialization to make sure it's not within an obstacle. If it is, it'll disable itself. More...
LayerMask | SpawnSecurityCheckLayerMask |
| the layermask to use when performing the security check More...
UnityEvent | ExecuteOnEnable |
UnityEvent | ExecuteOnDisable |
float | LifeTime = 0f |
| The life time, in seconds, of the object. If set to 0 it'll live forever, if set to any positive value it'll be set inactive after that time. More...
WaysToDetermineBounds | BoundsBasedOn |
override void | Initialization () |
| On init we randomize our values, refresh our 2D collider because Unity is weird sometimes More...
virtual void | Colliding (GameObject collider) |
| Colliding endpoint More...
virtual void | EvaluateHit (RaycastHit2D hit) |
| Decides whether or not we should bounce More...
virtual void | Bounce (RaycastHit2D hit) |
| Applies a bounce in 2D More...
virtual void | LateUpdate () |
| On late update we store our position More...
virtual void | Awake () |
| On awake, we store the initial speed of the object More...
virtual IEnumerator | InitialInvulnerability () |
| Handles the projectile's initial invincibility More...
virtual void | CheckForCollider () |
| Performs a local check to see if the projectile is within a collider or not More...
virtual void | FixedUpdate () |
| On FixedUpdate(), we move the object based on the level's speed and the object's speed, and apply acceleration More...
virtual void | HandleFaceMovement () |
| If FaceMovementDirection is true, orients the projectile to match its current movement direction More...
virtual void | OnHit () |
| On hit, we trigger a hit on our owner weapon More...
virtual void | OnHitDamageable () |
| On hit damageable, we trigger a hit damageable on our owner weapon More...
virtual void | OnHitNonDamageable () |
| On hit non damageable, we trigger a hit non damageable on our owner weapon More...
virtual void | OnKill () |
| On kill, we trigger a kill on our owner weapon More...
override void | OnEnable () |
| On enable, we reset the object's speed More...
override void | OnDisable () |
| On disable, we unsubscribe from our delegates More...
virtual void | Update () |
| Called every frame More...
virtual void | Reset () |
| When this component is added we define its bounds. More...
virtual void | DefineBoundsChoice () |
| Tries to determine automatically what the bounds should be based on. In this order, it'll keep the last found of these : Collider2D, Collider or Renderer. If none of these is found, it'll be set as Undefined. More...
Projectile class that will bounce off walls instead of exploding on impact