Corgi Engine v9.3
MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.GrabCarryAndThrowObject Class Reference

Add this component to an object and it'll become carryable by a Character with the appropriate ability (CharacterGrabCarryAndThrow) More...

Inheritance diagram for MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.GrabCarryAndThrowObject:

Public Types

enum  CarryMethods { Parent , Follow }

Public Member Functions

virtual void Grab (Transform targetParent)
 Triggered when this objects starts being carried Attaches to the grabber, and sets state More...
virtual void Throw (int direction, float forceMultiplier)
 Triggered when this object gets thrown More...

Public Attributes

CarryMethods CarryMethod = CarryMethods.Parent
 the selected carry method More...
Vector3 CarryOffset =
 the offset to apply when attaching the object to the character More...
string CarryLayerMask = "Projectiles"
 the mask the object should be moved to while carried More...
int CarryingAnimationID = 0
 an ID that will get passed to the Character's animator when this object is carried. Use it to differentiate objects to get different carry animations More...
bool Carried = false
 whether this object is being carried this frame or not More...
Vector2 ThrowDirection = new Vector2(1f, 0.25f)
 the direction the object should be thrown in if the Character is facing right (x will be reversed for left facing throws) More...
float Force = 1f
 the force at which this object should be thrown More...
ForceMode2D ForceMode = ForceMode2D.Impulse
 the force mode to apply when throwing More...
float ThrowColliderCooldown = 0.2f
 the cooldown (in seconds) after which to reset the layer and scale of our object after a throw More...
float Recoil = 0f
 the recoil to apply to the throwing Character after a throw More...
UnityEvent OnGrabbed
 a UnityEvent triggered when the object gets grabbed More...
UnityEvent OnThrown
 a UnityEvent triggered when the object gets thrown More...

Protected Member Functions

virtual void Awake ()
 On Awake we initialize our object More...
virtual void Initialization ()
 Grabs and stores components More...
virtual IEnumerator ResetCollisions ()
 An internal coroutine used to reset collisions after a throw More...

Protected Attributes

Rigidbody2D _rigidbody2D
Vector2 _throwVector
WaitForSeconds _throwColliderCooldownWaitForSeconds
int _originalLayer
Vector3 _originalScale
MMFollowTarget _followTarget

Detailed Description

Add this component to an object and it'll become carryable by a Character with the appropriate ability (CharacterGrabCarryAndThrow)

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ CarryMethods

The possible ways this object can be carried :

  • Parent : the object gets parented to the Character, optionnally under a specified transform
  • Follow : the object uses an additional MMFollowTarget component (you'll need to add it) to smoothly follow the Character

Member Function Documentation

◆ Awake()

virtual void MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.GrabCarryAndThrowObject.Awake ( )

On Awake we initialize our object

◆ Grab()

virtual void MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.GrabCarryAndThrowObject.Grab ( Transform  targetParent)

Triggered when this objects starts being carried Attaches to the grabber, and sets state


◆ Initialization()

virtual void MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.GrabCarryAndThrowObject.Initialization ( )

Grabs and stores components

◆ ResetCollisions()

virtual IEnumerator MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.GrabCarryAndThrowObject.ResetCollisions ( )

An internal coroutine used to reset collisions after a throw


◆ Throw()

virtual void MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.GrabCarryAndThrowObject.Throw ( int  direction,
float  forceMultiplier 

Triggered when this object gets thrown


Member Data Documentation

◆ _followTarget

MMFollowTarget MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.GrabCarryAndThrowObject._followTarget

◆ _originalLayer

int MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.GrabCarryAndThrowObject._originalLayer

◆ _originalScale

Vector3 MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.GrabCarryAndThrowObject._originalScale

◆ _rigidbody2D

Rigidbody2D MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.GrabCarryAndThrowObject._rigidbody2D

◆ _throwColliderCooldownWaitForSeconds

WaitForSeconds MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.GrabCarryAndThrowObject._throwColliderCooldownWaitForSeconds

◆ _throwVector

Vector2 MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.GrabCarryAndThrowObject._throwVector

◆ Carried

bool MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.GrabCarryAndThrowObject.Carried = false

whether this object is being carried this frame or not

◆ CarryingAnimationID

int MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.GrabCarryAndThrowObject.CarryingAnimationID = 0

an ID that will get passed to the Character's animator when this object is carried. Use it to differentiate objects to get different carry animations

◆ CarryLayerMask

string MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.GrabCarryAndThrowObject.CarryLayerMask = "Projectiles"

the mask the object should be moved to while carried

◆ CarryMethod

CarryMethods MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.GrabCarryAndThrowObject.CarryMethod = CarryMethods.Parent

the selected carry method

◆ CarryOffset

Vector3 MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.GrabCarryAndThrowObject.CarryOffset =

the offset to apply when attaching the object to the character

◆ Force

float MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.GrabCarryAndThrowObject.Force = 1f

the force at which this object should be thrown

◆ ForceMode

ForceMode2D MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.GrabCarryAndThrowObject.ForceMode = ForceMode2D.Impulse

the force mode to apply when throwing

◆ OnGrabbed

UnityEvent MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.GrabCarryAndThrowObject.OnGrabbed

a UnityEvent triggered when the object gets grabbed

◆ OnThrown

UnityEvent MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.GrabCarryAndThrowObject.OnThrown

a UnityEvent triggered when the object gets thrown

◆ Recoil

float MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.GrabCarryAndThrowObject.Recoil = 0f

the recoil to apply to the throwing Character after a throw

◆ ThrowColliderCooldown

float MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.GrabCarryAndThrowObject.ThrowColliderCooldown = 0.2f

the cooldown (in seconds) after which to reset the layer and scale of our object after a throw

◆ ThrowDirection

Vector2 MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.GrabCarryAndThrowObject.ThrowDirection = new Vector2(1f, 0.25f)

the direction the object should be thrown in if the Character is facing right (x will be reversed for left facing throws)

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: