Corgi Engine v9.3
MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.HitscanWeapon Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.HitscanWeapon:
MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.Weapon MoreMountains.Tools.MMMonoBehaviour

Public Types

enum  Modes { TwoD , ThreeD }
 the possible modes this weapon laser sight can run on, 3D by default More...
- Public Types inherited from MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.Weapon
enum  TriggerModes { SemiAuto , Auto }
 the possible use modes for the trigger More...
enum  WeaponStates {
  WeaponIdle , WeaponStart , WeaponDelayBeforeUse , WeaponUse ,
  WeaponDelayBetweenUses , WeaponStop , WeaponReloadNeeded , WeaponReloadStart ,
  WeaponReload , WeaponReloadStop , WeaponInterrupted , WeaponInCooldown
 the possible states the weapon can be in More...

Public Member Functions

override void Initialization ()
 Initialize this weapon More...
virtual void SpawnProjectile (Vector3 spawnPosition, bool triggerObjectActivation=true)
 Spawns a new object and positions/resizes it More...
virtual void DetermineSpawnPosition ()
 Determines the spawn position based on the spawn offset and whether or not the weapon is flipped More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.Weapon
virtual void InitializeComboWeapons ()
 Initializes the combo comp if found More...
virtual void SetOwner (Character newOwner, CharacterHandleWeapon handleWeapon)
 Sets the weapon's owner More...
virtual void WeaponInputStart ()
 Called by input, turns the weapon on More...
virtual void WeaponInputReleased ()
 Describes what happens when the weapon's input gets released More...
virtual void WeaponInputStop ()
 Called by input, turns the weapon off if in auto mode More...
virtual void TurnWeaponOn ()
 Describes what happens when the weapon starts More...
virtual void TurnWeaponOff ()
 Turns the weapon off. More...
virtual void Interrupt ()
 Call this method to interrupt the weapon More...
virtual bool WeaponInCooldown ()
virtual void SetCooldownStartAt ()
virtual IEnumerator ShootRequestCo ()
 Determines whether or not the weapon can fire More...
virtual void InitiateReloadWeapon ()
virtual void FlipWeapon ()
 Flips the weapon. More...
virtual void FlipWeaponModel ()
 Flips the weapon model. More...
virtual IEnumerator WeaponDestruction ()
 Destroys the weapon More...
virtual void ApplyRecoil (bool shouldApplyRecoil, WeaponRecoilProperties properties)
virtual void InitializeAnimatorParameters ()
 Adds required animator parameters to the animator parameters list if they exist More...
virtual void UpdateAnimator ()
 Override this to send parameters to the character's animator. This is called once per cycle, by the Character class, after Early, normal and Late process(). More...
virtual void ResetComboAnimatorParameter ()
virtual void ResetAnimatorParameters ()
virtual void WeaponHit ()
virtual void WeaponHitDamageable ()
virtual void WeaponHitNonDamageable ()
virtual void WeaponMiss ()
virtual void WeaponKill ()

Public Attributes

Vector3 ProjectileSpawnOffset =
 the offset position at which the projectile will spawn More...
Vector3 Spread =
 the spread (in degrees) to apply randomly (or not) on each angle when spawning a projectile More...
bool RotateWeaponOnSpread = false
 whether or not the weapon should rotate to align with the spread angle More...
bool RandomSpread = true
 whether or not the spread should be random (if not it'll be equally distributed) More...
Vector3 SpawnPosition =
 the projectile's spawn position More...
LayerMask HitscanTargetLayers
 the layer(s) on which to hitscan ray should collide More...
float HitscanMaxDistance = 100f
 the maximum distance of this weapon, after that bullets will be considered lost More...
float MinDamageCaused = 5
 the minimum amount of damage to apply to a damageable (something with a Health component) every time there's a hit More...
float MaxDamageCaused = 5
 the maximum amount of damage to apply to a damageable (something with a Health component) every time there's a hit More...
List< TypedDamageTypedDamages
 a list of typed damage definitions that will be applied on top of the base damage More...
float DamageCausedInvincibilityDuration = 0.2f
 the duration of the invincibility after a hit (to prevent insta death in the case of rapid fire) More...
ParticleSystem DamageableImpactParticles
 a particle system to move to the position of the hit and to play when hitting something with a Health component More...
ParticleSystem NonDamageableImpactParticles
 a particle system to move to the position of the hit and to play when hitting something without a Health component More...
bool TestShootButton
 a button to test the shoot method More...
- Public Attributes inherited from MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.Weapon
TriggerModes TriggerMode = TriggerModes.Auto
 is this weapon on semi or full auto ? More...
bool Interruptable = false
 whether or not this weapon can be interrupted More...
bool InitializeOnStart = false
 If this is true, the weapon will initialize itself on start, otherwise it'll have to be init manually, usually by the CharacterHandleWeapon class. More...
float DelayBeforeUse = 0f
 the delay before use, that will be applied for every shot More...
bool DelayBeforeUseReleaseInterruption = true
 whether or not the delay before used can be interrupted by releasing the shoot button (if true, releasing the button will cancel the delayed shot) More...
float TimeBetweenUses = 1f
 the time (in seconds) between two shots
bool TimeBetweenUsesReleaseInterruption = true
 whether or not the time between uses can be interrupted by releasing the shoot button (if true, releasing the button will cancel the time between uses) More...
float CooldownDuration = 0f
 a duration, in seconds, at the end of the weapon's life cycle and before going back to Idle More...
bool UseBurstMode = false
 if this is true, the weapon will activate repeatedly for every shoot request More...
int BurstLength = 3
 the amount of 'shots' in a burst sequence More...
float BurstTimeBetweenShots = 0.1f
 the time between shots in a burst sequence (in seconds) More...
bool MagazineBased = false
 whether or not the weapon is magazine based. If it's not, it'll just take its ammo inside a global pool More...
int MagazineSize = 30
 the size of the magazine More...
bool AutoReload
 if this is true, pressing the fire button when a reload is needed will reload the weapon. Otherwise you'll need to press the reload button More...
float ReloadTime = 2f
 the time it takes to reload the weapon More...
int AmmoConsumedPerShot = 1
 the amount of ammo consumed everytime the weapon fires More...
bool AutoDestroyWhenEmpty
 if this is set to true, the weapon will auto destroy when there's no ammo left More...
float AutoDestroyWhenEmptyDelay = 1f
 the delay (in seconds) before weapon destruction if empty More...
int CurrentAmmoLoaded = 0
 the current amount of ammo loaded inside the weapon More...
Vector3 WeaponAttachmentOffset =
 an offset that will be applied to the weapon once attached to the center of the WeaponAttachment transform. More...
bool FlipWeaponOnCharacterFlip = true
 should that weapon be flipped when the character flips ? More...
Vector3 FlipValue = new Vector3(-1,1,1)
 the FlipValue will be used to multiply the model's transform's localscale on flip. Usually it's -1,1,1, but feel free to change it to suit your model's specs More...
Transform LeftHandHandle
 the transform to which the character's left hand should be attached to More...
Transform RightHandHandle
 the transform to which the character's right hand should be attached to More...
bool ModifyMovementWhileEquipped = false
 if this is true, a multiplier will be applied to movement while the weapon is equipped More...
float PermanentMovementMultiplier = 0f
 the multiplier to apply to movement while equipped More...
bool ModifyMovementWhileAttacking = false
 if this is true, a multiplier will be applied to movement while the weapon is active More...
float MovementMultiplier = 0f
 the multiplier to apply to movement while attacking More...
bool AlwaysResetMultiplierToInitial = true
 if this is true, movement will always be reset to initial speed after a multiplier stops being applied More...
bool PreventHorizontalGroundMovementWhileInUse = false
 if this is true all movement will be prevented (even flip) while the weapon is active More...
bool PreventHorizontalAirMovementWhileInUse = false
 if this is true all horizontal air movement will be prevented (even flip) while the weapon is active More...
bool SetForceWhileInUse = false
 whether or not to apply a force when the weapon is in use More...
Vector2 ForceWhileInUse =
 the force to apply when the weapon is in use, if SetForceWhileInUse is true More...
bool DisableGravityWhileInUse = false
 whether or not to disable gravity while the weapon is in use More...
bool PreventFlipWhileInUse = false
 whether or not to disable flip while the weapon is in use More...
List< Animator > Animators
 the other animators (other than the Character's) that you want to update every time this weapon gets used More...
bool MirrorCharacterAnimatorParameters = false
 if this is true, the weapon's animator(s) will mirror the animation parameter of the owner character (that way your weapon's animator will be able to "know" if the character is walking, jumping, etc) More...
string EquippedAnimationParameter
string IdleAnimationParameter
 the name of the weapon's idle animation parameter : this will be true all the time except when the weapon is being used More...
string StartAnimationParameter
 the name of the weapon's start animation parameter : true at the frame where the weapon starts being used More...
string DelayBeforeUseAnimationParameter
 the name of the weapon's delay before use animation parameter : true when the weapon has been activated but hasn't been used yet More...
string SingleUseAnimationParameter
 the name of the weapon's single use animation parameter : true at each frame the weapon activates (shoots) More...
string UseAnimationParameter
 the name of the weapon's in use animation parameter : true at each frame the weapon has started firing but hasn't stopped yet More...
string DelayBetweenUsesAnimationParameter
 the name of the weapon's delay between each use animation parameter : true when the weapon is in use More...
string InCooldownAnimationParameter
 the name of the weapon's in cooldown animation parameter : true when the weapon is in cooldown More...
string StopAnimationParameter
 the name of the weapon stop animation parameter : true after a shot and before the next one or the weapon's stop More...
string ReloadStartAnimationParameter
 the name of the weapon reload start animation parameter More...
string ReloadAnimationParameter
 the name of the weapon reload animation parameter More...
string ReloadStopAnimationParameter
 the name of the weapon reload end animation parameter More...
string WeaponAngleAnimationParameter
 the name of the weapon's angle animation parameter More...
string WeaponAngleRelativeAnimationParameter
 the name of the weapon's angle animation parameter, adjusted so it's always relative to the direction the character is currently facing More...
MMFeedbacks WeaponStartMMFeedback
 the feedback to play when the weapon starts being used More...
MMFeedbacks WeaponUsedMMFeedback
 the feedback to play while the weapon is in use More...
MMFeedbacks WeaponStopMMFeedback
 the feedback to play when the weapon stops being used More...
MMFeedbacks WeaponReloadMMFeedback
 the feedback to play when the weapon gets reloaded More...
MMFeedbacks WeaponReloadNeededMMFeedback
 the feedback to play when the weapon gets reloaded More...
MMFeedbacks WeaponOnHitFeedback
 A MMFeedback to play when the weapon hits anything (damageable or not) More...
MMFeedbacks WeaponOnMissFeedback
 A MMFeedback to play when the weapon misses (what constitutes a miss is defined per Weapon subclass) More...
MMFeedbacks WeaponOnHitDamageableFeedback
 A MMFeedback to play when the weapon hits a damageable. More...
MMFeedbacks WeaponOnHitNonDamageableFeedback
 A MMFeedback to play when the weapon hits a non damageable object. More...
MMFeedbacks WeaponOnKillFeedback
 A MMFeedback to play when the weapon kills something. More...
bool ApplyRecoilOnUse = false
 Whether or not to apply recoil to the Weapon owner every time this weapon gets used, regardless of the outcome. More...
WeaponRecoilProperties RecoilOnUseProperties
 The recoil to apply every time this weapon gets used. More...
bool ApplyRecoilOnHitDamageable = false
 Whether or not to apply recoil to the Weapon owner every time this weapon hits a damageable object (an object with a Health component, basically) More...
WeaponRecoilProperties RecoilOnHitDamageableProperties
 the recoil to apply when this weapon hits a damageable More...
bool ApplyRecoilOnHitNonDamageable = false
 Whether or not to apply recoil to the Weapon owner every time this weapon hits a non damageable object (a platform, prop, etc) More...
WeaponRecoilProperties RecoilOnHitNonDamageableProperties
 the recoil to apply when this weapon hits a non damageable More...
bool ApplyRecoilOnMiss = false
 Whether or not to apply recoil to the Weapon owner every time the weapon misses its hit. More...
WeaponRecoilProperties RecoilOnMissProperties
 the recoil to apply when this weapon hits nothing More...
bool ApplyRecoilOnKill = false
 Whether or not to apply recoil to the Weapon owner every time the weapon kills its target. More...
WeaponRecoilProperties RecoilOnKillProperties
 The recoil to apply on kill. More...
MMStateMachine< WeaponStatesWeaponState
 the weapon's state machine More...

Protected Member Functions

virtual void TestShoot ()
 A test method that triggers the weapon More...
override void WeaponUse ()
 Called everytime the weapon is used More...
virtual void DetermineDirection ()
 Determines the direction of the ray we have to cast More...
virtual void HandleDamage ()
 Handles damage and the associated feedbacks More...
virtual void OnDrawGizmosSelected ()
 When the weapon is selected, draws a circle at the spawn's position More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.Weapon
virtual void Start ()
virtual void InitializeFeedbacks ()
 Initializes all the feedbacks associated to this weapon More...
virtual void Update ()
 On Update, we check if the weapon is or should be used More...
virtual void LateUpdate ()
 On LateUpdate, processes the weapon state More...
virtual void PreventMovement ()
 Handles movement prevention in air or on ground More...
virtual void RestoreMovement ()
virtual IEnumerator ApplyForceWhileInUseCo ()
 An internal coroutine used to apply a force while the weapon's in use More...
virtual void ProcessWeaponState ()
 Called every lastUpdate, processes the weapon's state machine More...
virtual void CaseWeaponIdle ()
virtual void CaseWeaponStart ()
virtual void CaseWeaponDelayBeforeUse ()
virtual void CaseWeaponUse ()
virtual void CaseWeaponDelayBetweenUses ()
virtual void CaseWeaponStop ()
virtual void CaseWeaponInCooldown ()
virtual void CaseWeaponReloadNeeded ()
virtual void CaseWeaponReloadStart ()
virtual void CaseWeaponReload ()
virtual void CaseWeaponReloadStop ()
virtual void CaseWeaponInterrupted ()
virtual void ShootRequest ()
 Determines whether or not the weapon can fire More...
virtual void ResetMovementMultiplier ()
virtual void ReloadNeeded ()
 Describes what happens when the weapon needs a reload More...
virtual void ReloadWeapon ()
 Reloads the weapon More...
virtual void ApplyOffset ()
 Applies the offset specified in the inspector More...
virtual IEnumerator ApplyRecoilCoroutine (WeaponRecoilProperties properties)
virtual void ApplyRecoilInternal (WeaponRecoilProperties properties)
virtual Vector2 GetRecoilDirection (WeaponRecoilProperties properties)
virtual void TriggerWeaponStartFeedback ()
 Plays the weapon's start sound More...
virtual void TriggerWeaponUsedFeedback ()
 Plays the weapon's used sound More...
virtual void TriggerWeaponStopFeedback ()
 Plays the weapon's stop sound More...
virtual void TriggerWeaponReloadNeededFeedback ()
 Plays the weapon's reload needed sound More...
virtual void TriggerWeaponReloadFeedback ()
 Plays the weapon's reload sound More...
virtual void TriggerWeaponOnHitFeedback ()
 Plays a feedback when the weapon hits something More...
virtual void TriggerWeaponOnMissFeedback ()
 Plays a feedback when the weapon doesn't hit something More...
virtual void TriggerWeaponOnHitDamageableFeedback ()
 Plays a feedback when the weapon hits a damageable More...
virtual void TriggerWeaponOnHitNonDamageableFeedback ()
 Plays a feedback when the weapon hits a non damageable More...
virtual void TriggerWeaponOnKillFeedback ()
 Plays a feedback when the weapon kills something More...
virtual void AddParametersToAnimator (Animator animator, HashSet< int > list)
virtual void UpdateAnimator (Animator animator, HashSet< int > list)
virtual void ResetAnimatorParameters (Animator animator, HashSet< int > list)
virtual void OnDisable ()

Protected Attributes

Vector3 _damageDirection
Vector3 _flippedProjectileSpawnOffset
Vector3 _randomSpreadDirection
Transform _projectileSpawnTransform
Vector3 _destination
Vector3 _direction
GameObject _hitObject = null
Vector3 _hitPoint
Health _health
- Protected Attributes inherited from MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.Weapon
SpriteRenderer _spriteRenderer
CharacterGravity _characterGravity
CorgiController _controller
CharacterHorizontalMovement _characterHorizontalMovement
WeaponAim _aimableWeapon
float _permanentMovementMultiplierStorage = 1f
float _movementMultiplierStorage = 1f
Animator _ownerAnimator
float _delayBeforeUseCounter = 0f
float _delayBetweenUsesCounter = 0f
float _cooldownStartAt = float.NegativeInfinity
float _reloadingCounter = 0f
bool _triggerReleased = false
bool _reloading = false
ComboWeapon _comboWeapon
Vector3 _weaponOffset
Vector3 _weaponAttachmentOffset
Transform _weaponAttachment
List< HashSet< int > > _animatorParameters
HashSet< int > _ownerAnimatorParameters
bool _initialized = false
bool _applyForceWhileInUse = false
Vector2 _forceWhileInUse
bool _movementMultiplierNeedsResetting = false
int _equippedAnimationParameter
int _idleAnimationParameter
int _startAnimationParameter
int _delayBeforeUseAnimationParameter
int _singleUseAnimationParameter
int _useAnimationParameter
int _delayBetweenUsesAnimationParameter
int _inCooldownAnimationParameter
int _stopAnimationParameter
int _reloadStartAnimationParameter
int _reloadAnimationParameter
int _reloadStopAnimationParameter
int _weaponAngleAnimationParameter
int _weaponAngleRelativeAnimationParameter
int _aliveAnimationParameter
int _comboInProgressAnimationParameter
Vector2 _recoilDirection
bool _characterHorizontalMovementNotNull = false
bool _controllerNotNull = false
float _lastTurnWeaponOnAt = -float.MaxValue
bool _gravityBeforeUse = true
bool _canFlipBeforeUse = true
Vector3 _newHandleAngles


RaycastHit _hit [getprotected set]
RaycastHit2D _hit2D [getprotected set]
Vector3 _origin [getprotected set]
- Properties inherited from MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.Weapon
string WeaponID [getset]
 the name of the inventory item corresponding to this weapon. Automatically set (if needed) by InventoryEngineWeapon More...
Character Owner [getprotected set]
 the weapon's owner More...
CharacterHandleWeapon CharacterHandleWeapon [getset]
 the weapon's owner's CharacterHandleWeapon component More...
bool Flipped [getset]
 if true, the weapon is flipped More...
WeaponAmmo WeaponAmmo [getprotected set]
 the WeaponAmmo component optionnally associated to this weapon More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Protected Attributes inherited from MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.Weapon
const string _aliveAnimationParameterName = "Alive"

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ Modes

the possible modes this weapon laser sight can run on, 3D by default


Member Function Documentation

◆ DetermineDirection()

virtual void MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.HitscanWeapon.DetermineDirection ( )

Determines the direction of the ray we have to cast

◆ DetermineSpawnPosition()

virtual void MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.HitscanWeapon.DetermineSpawnPosition ( )

Determines the spawn position based on the spawn offset and whether or not the weapon is flipped

◆ HandleDamage()

virtual void MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.HitscanWeapon.HandleDamage ( )

Handles damage and the associated feedbacks

◆ Initialization()

override void MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.HitscanWeapon.Initialization ( )

Initialize this weapon

Reimplemented from MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.Weapon.

◆ OnDrawGizmosSelected()

virtual void MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.HitscanWeapon.OnDrawGizmosSelected ( )

When the weapon is selected, draws a circle at the spawn's position

◆ SpawnProjectile()

virtual void MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.HitscanWeapon.SpawnProjectile ( Vector3  spawnPosition,
bool  triggerObjectActivation = true 

Spawns a new object and positions/resizes it

◆ TestShoot()

virtual void MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.HitscanWeapon.TestShoot ( )

A test method that triggers the weapon

◆ WeaponUse()

override void MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.HitscanWeapon.WeaponUse ( )

Called everytime the weapon is used

Reimplemented from MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.Weapon.

Member Data Documentation

◆ _damageDirection

Vector3 MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.HitscanWeapon._damageDirection

◆ _destination

Vector3 MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.HitscanWeapon._destination

◆ _direction

Vector3 MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.HitscanWeapon._direction

◆ _flippedProjectileSpawnOffset

Vector3 MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.HitscanWeapon._flippedProjectileSpawnOffset

◆ _health

Health MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.HitscanWeapon._health

◆ _hitObject

GameObject MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.HitscanWeapon._hitObject = null

◆ _hitPoint

Vector3 MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.HitscanWeapon._hitPoint

◆ _projectileSpawnTransform

Transform MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.HitscanWeapon._projectileSpawnTransform

◆ _randomSpreadDirection

Vector3 MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.HitscanWeapon._randomSpreadDirection

◆ DamageableImpactParticles

ParticleSystem MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.HitscanWeapon.DamageableImpactParticles

a particle system to move to the position of the hit and to play when hitting something with a Health component

◆ DamageCausedInvincibilityDuration

float MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.HitscanWeapon.DamageCausedInvincibilityDuration = 0.2f

the duration of the invincibility after a hit (to prevent insta death in the case of rapid fire)

◆ HitscanMaxDistance

float MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.HitscanWeapon.HitscanMaxDistance = 100f

the maximum distance of this weapon, after that bullets will be considered lost

◆ HitscanTargetLayers

LayerMask MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.HitscanWeapon.HitscanTargetLayers

the layer(s) on which to hitscan ray should collide

◆ MaxDamageCaused

float MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.HitscanWeapon.MaxDamageCaused = 5

the maximum amount of damage to apply to a damageable (something with a Health component) every time there's a hit

◆ MinDamageCaused

float MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.HitscanWeapon.MinDamageCaused = 5

the minimum amount of damage to apply to a damageable (something with a Health component) every time there's a hit

◆ NonDamageableImpactParticles

ParticleSystem MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.HitscanWeapon.NonDamageableImpactParticles

a particle system to move to the position of the hit and to play when hitting something without a Health component

◆ ProjectileSpawnOffset

Vector3 MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.HitscanWeapon.ProjectileSpawnOffset =

the offset position at which the projectile will spawn

◆ RandomSpread

bool MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.HitscanWeapon.RandomSpread = true

whether or not the spread should be random (if not it'll be equally distributed)

◆ RotateWeaponOnSpread

bool MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.HitscanWeapon.RotateWeaponOnSpread = false

whether or not the weapon should rotate to align with the spread angle

◆ SpawnPosition

Vector3 MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.HitscanWeapon.SpawnPosition =

the projectile's spawn position

◆ Spread

Vector3 MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.HitscanWeapon.Spread =

the spread (in degrees) to apply randomly (or not) on each angle when spawning a projectile

◆ TestShootButton

bool MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.HitscanWeapon.TestShootButton

a button to test the shoot method

◆ TypedDamages

List<TypedDamage> MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.HitscanWeapon.TypedDamages

a list of typed damage definitions that will be applied on top of the base damage

Property Documentation

◆ _hit

RaycastHit MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.HitscanWeapon._hit
getprotected set

◆ _hit2D

RaycastHit2D MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.HitscanWeapon._hit2D
getprotected set

◆ _origin

Vector3 MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.HitscanWeapon._origin
getprotected set

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: