Corgi Engine v9.3
MoreMountains.InventoryEngine Namespace Reference


class  ArmorItem
 Demo class for an example armor item More...
class  BaseItem
 Base item class, to use when your object doesn't do anything special More...
class  BombItem
 Demo class for a bomb item More...
class  ChangeLevel
 Demo class to go from one level to another More...
class  DemoCharacterInputManager
 A very simple input manager to handle the demo character's input and make it move More...
class  EventTester
 This class shows examples of how you can listen to MMInventoryEvents, from any class More...
class  HealthBonusItem
 Demo class for a health item More...
class  Inventory
 Base inventory class. Will handle storing items, saving and loading its content, adding items to it, removing items, equipping them, etc. More...
class  InventoryCharacterIdentifier
 When working in a multiplayer context, add this class to characters that can pick items and ItemPickers will automatically send items to the right PlayerID. More...
class  InventoryCounterDisplay
 Use this class to display the total quantity of one or more given items in one or more given inventories More...
class  InventoryDemoCharacter
 Demo character controller, very basic stuff More...
class  InventoryDemoGameManager
 An example of a game manager, the only significant part being how we trigger in a single place the load of all inventories, in the Start method. More...
class  InventoryDemoStorageBox
 This class shows a simple example of a storage box, that will display a target inventory when the Player character is on top of it, and close it when the character exits the zone. More...
class  InventoryDetails
 A class used to display an item's details in GUI More...
class  InventoryDisplay
 A component that handles the visual representation of an Inventory, allowing the user to interact with it More...
class  InventoryDisplayEditor
 Custom editor for the InventoryDisplay component More...
class  InventoryDisplayGrid
 The class used to reference the grid component of an InventoryDisplay More...
class  InventoryDisplayTitle
 The class used to reference the title component of an InventoryDisplay More...
class  InventoryEditor
 Custom editor for the Inventory component More...
class  InventoryEngineMenu
 Adds a dedicated InventoryEngine menu into the top bar More Mountains entry More...
class  InventoryHotbar
 Special kind of inventory display, with a dedicated key associated to it, to allow for shortcuts for use and equip More...
class  InventoryInputActions
 This class lets you bind keys to specific slots in a target inventory, and associate an action to execute when that key is pressed. A typical use case would be a weapon bar, where pressing 1 equips a gun, pressing 2 equips a shotgun, etc. Coincidentally, that's what the PixelRogueWeaponBar demo scene demonstrates. More...
class  InventoryInputManager
 Example of how you can call an inventory from your game. I suggest having your Input and GUI manager classes handle that though. More...
class  InventoryItem
 Base class for inventory items, meant to be extended. Will handle base properties and drop spawn More...
class  InventoryItemDisplayProperties
class  InventoryItemEditor
 Custom editor for the InventoryItem component More...
class  InventorySelectionMarker
 This class handles the selection marker, that will mark the currently selected slot More...
class  InventorySlot
 This class handles the display of the items in an inventory and will trigger the various things you can do with an item (equip, use, etc.) More...
class  InventorySlotEditor
class  InventorySoundPlayer
 A component that will handle the playing of songs when paired with an InventoryDisplay More...
class  InventoryTester
 This test class lets you play with the Inventory API. You can see it in action in the PixelRogueRoom2 demo scene More...
class  ItemPicker
 Add this component to an object so it can be picked and added to an inventory More...
struct  MMInventoryEvent
 Inventory events are used throughout the Inventory Engine to let other interested classes know that something happened to an inventory.
class  PickableInventoryItemEditor
 Pickable inventory item editor. More...
class  PixelRogueDemoResetAll
 A very small class used to reset inventories and persistence data in the PixelRogue demos More...
class  SerializedInventory
 Serialized class to help store / load inventories from files. More...
class  WeaponItem
 Demo class for a weapon item More...


enum  MMInventoryEventType {
  Pick , Select , Click , Move ,
  UseRequest , ItemUsed , EquipRequest , ItemEquipped ,
  UnEquipRequest , ItemUnEquipped , Drop , Destroy ,
  Error , Redraw , ContentChanged , InventoryOpens ,
  InventoryCloseRequest , InventoryCloses , InventoryLoaded
 The possible inventory related events More...
enum  ItemClasses {
  Neutral , Armor , Weapon , Ammo ,
 The possible classes an item can be a part of More...

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ ItemClasses

The possible classes an item can be a part of


◆ MMInventoryEventType

The possible inventory related events
