Corgi Engine v9.3
MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager:

Public Types

enum  PlaylistManagerStates { Idle , Playing , Paused }
 the possible states this playlist can be in More...

Public Member Functions

delegate void PlaylistEvent ()
 a delegate used to trigger events along the lifecycle of the playlist manager More...
virtual void Play ()
 Use this method to either play the first song of the playlist, or resume after a pause More...
virtual void PlaySongAt (int songIndex)
 Plays the song at the specified index More...
virtual void Pause ()
 Pauses the current song More...
virtual void Stop ()
 Stops the song currently playing More...
virtual void StopWithFade (bool withFade=true)
 Stops the current song, lets you specify whether or not to fade it out More...
virtual void SetCurrentSongLoop (bool loop)
 Will change the current song's loop status More...
virtual void PlayNextSong ()
 Plays the next song in the playlist More...
virtual void PlayPreviousSong ()
 Plays the previous song in the playlist More...
virtual void QueueSongAtIndex (int songIndex)
 Queues the song at the specified index to play once the currently playing song finishes More...
virtual void ChangePlaylist (MMSMPlaylist newPlaylist)
 Changes the playlist for the specified one, doesn't play a song there, it'll play once the song currently playing ends More...
virtual void ChangePlaylistAndPlay (MMSMPlaylist newPlaylist)
 Changes the playlist for the specified one, and plays its first song More...
virtual void ResetPlayCount ()
 resets all play counts (playlist and songs) More...
virtual void SetVolumeMultiplier (float newVolumeMultiplier)
 Sets a new volume multiplier More...
virtual void SetPitchMultiplier (float newPitchMultiplier)
 Sets a new pitch multiplier More...
virtual void StartListening ()
 Starts listening for events More...
virtual void StopListening ()
 Stops listening for events More...

Public Attributes

int Channel = 0
 the channel used to target this playlist manager by playlist remote or playlist feedbacks More...
MMSMPlaylist Playlist
 the current playlist this manager will play More...
bool PlayOnStart = false
 whether this playlist manager should auto play on start or not More...
float VolumeMultiplier = 1f
 a global volume multiplier to apply when playing a song More...
float PitchMultiplier = 1f
 a pitch multiplier to apply to all songs when playing them More...
bool Persistent = false
 if this is true, this playlist manager will persist from scene to scene and will keep playing More...
bool AutomaticallyUnparentOnAwake = true
 if this is true, this singleton will auto detach if it finds itself parented on awake More...
bool AutoHandleApplicationPause = true
 if this is true, this playlist will automatically pause/resume OnApplicationPause, useful if you've prevented your game from running in the background More...
bool FadeIn
 whether or not sounds should fade in when they start playing More...
bool FadeOut
 whether or not sounds should fade out when they stop playing More...
float FadeDuration = 1f
 the duration of the fade, in seconds More...
MMTweenType FadeTween = new MMTweenType(MMTween.MMTweenCurve.EaseInCubic)
 the tween to use when fading the sound More...
bool BindPitchToTimeScale = false
 whether or not the playlist manager should have its pitch multiplier value driven by the current timescale. If set to true, songs would appear to slow down when time is slowed down, and to speed up when time scale is higher than normal More...
Vector2 TimescaleRemapFrom = new Vector2(0f,2f)
 the values to remap timescale from (min and max) - when timescale is equal to TimescaleRemapFrom.x, the pitch multiplier will be TimescaleRemapTo.x More...
Vector2 TimescaleRemapTo = new Vector2(0.8f,1.2f)
 the values to remap timescale to (min and max) - when timescale is equal to TimescaleRemapFrom.x, the pitch multiplier will be TimescaleRemapTo.x More...
PlaylistManagerStates DebugCurrentManagerState = PlaylistManagerStates.Idle
 the current state of the playlist, debug display only More...
int CurrentSongIndex = -1
 the index we're currently playing More...
string CurrentSongName
 the name of the song that is currently playing More...
MMStateMachine< PlaylistManagerStatesPlaylistManagerState
 the current state of this playlist More...
float CurrentTime
 the time of the currently playing song More...
float CurrentTimeLeft
 the time (in seconds) left on the song currently playing More...
float CurrentClipDuration
 the total duration of the song currently playing More...
float CurrentProgress = 0
 the current normalized progress of the song currently playing More...
bool PlayButton
 a play test button More...
bool StopButton
 a stop test button More...
bool PauseButton
 a pause test button More...
bool PreviousButton
 a next song test button More...
bool NextButton
 a next song test button More...
int TargetSongIndex = 0
 the index of the song to play when pressing the PlayTargetSong button More...
bool TargetSongButton
 a next song test button More...
bool QueueTargetSongButton
 a next song test button More...
bool SetLoopTargetSongButton
 a next song test button More...
bool StopLoopTargetSongButton
 a next song test button More...
MMSMPlaylist TestPlaylist
 a playlist you can set to use with the SetTargetPlaylist and PlayTargetPlaylist buttons More...
bool SetTargetPlaylistButton
 a test button used to set a new playlist More...
bool PlayTargetPlaylistButton
 a test button used to play the target playlist More...
bool ResetPlayCountButton
 a test button used to reset the play count More...
float TestVolumeControl = 1f
 a slider used to test volume control More...
float TestPlaybackSpeedControl = 1f
 a slider used to test speed control More...
PlaylistEvent OnSongStart
 an event that gets triggered when a song starts More...
PlaylistEvent OnSongEnd
 an event that gets triggered when a song ends More...
PlaylistEvent OnPause
 an event that gets triggered when the playlist gets paused More...
PlaylistEvent OnStop
 an event that gets triggered when the playlist gets stopped More...
PlaylistEvent OnPlaylistChange
 an event that gets triggered when the playlist gets changed for another one More...
PlaylistEvent OnPlaylistEnd
 an event that gets triggered when a playlist ends More...

Protected Member Functions

virtual void Awake ()
 On awake, we check if there's already a copy of the object in the scene. If there's one, we destroy it. More...
virtual void InitializeSingleton ()
 Initializes the singleton. More...
virtual void Start ()
 On Start we initialize our playlist More...
virtual void Initialization ()
 On init we initialize our state machine and start playing if needed More...
virtual void InitializeRandomSeed ()
 Initializes the random seed if needed More...
virtual void InitializePlaylistManagerState ()
 Inits the state machine More...
virtual void ChangePlaylistManagerState (PlaylistManagerStates newManagerState)
 a method used to update the state machine More...
virtual void Update ()
 on update, self disables if needed, More...
virtual void HandleTimescale ()
 On update, we update our pitch multiplier to match our timescale if necessary More...
virtual void UpdateTimeAndProgress ()
 Updates the various time counters More...
virtual void PlayFirstSong ()
 Picks and plays the first song More...
virtual void HandleEndOfSong ()
 Detects end of song and moves on to the next one More...
virtual void HandleNextSong (int direction, bool bypassLoop)
 Determines the next song to play and triggers the play More...
virtual void HandleEndOfPlaylist ()
 Handles the end of playlist, triggers a new one if needed More...
virtual void SetTargetPlaylist ()
 a debug method used by the inspector to set the target playlist More...
virtual void PlayTargetPlaylist ()
 a debug method used by the inspector to play the target playlist More...
virtual void QueueTargetSong ()
 a debug method used by the inspector to queue the specified song More...
virtual void PlayTargetSong ()
 a debug method used by the inspector to play the specified song More...
virtual void SetCurrentSongToLoop ()
 a test method used by the inspector debug button to force the current song from looping More...
virtual void StopCurrentSongFromLooping ()
 a test method used by the inspector debug button to prevent the current song from looping More...
virtual void OnPlayEvent (int channel)
virtual void OnPauseEvent (int channel)
virtual void OnStopEvent (int channel)
virtual void OnPlayNextEvent (int channel)
virtual void OnPlayPreviousEvent (int channel)
virtual void OnPlayIndexEvent (int channel, int index)
virtual void OnMMPlaylistVolumeMultiplierEvent (int channel, float newVolumeMultiplier, bool applyVolumeMultiplierInstantly=false)
virtual void OnMMPlaylistPitchMultiplierEvent (int channel, float newPitchMultiplier, bool applyPitchMultiplierInstantly=false)
virtual void OnMMPlaylistChangeEvent (int channel, MMSMPlaylist newPlaylist, bool andPlay)
virtual void OnDestroy ()
 on destroy we stop listening for events More...
virtual void OnApplicationPause (bool pauseStatus)
 On ApplicationPause, we pause the playlist and resume it afterwards More...

Protected Attributes

bool _shouldResumeOnApplicationPause = false
int _queuedSongIndex = -1
AudioSource _currentlyPlayingAudioSource
MMSoundManagerPlayOptions _options
float _lastTestVolumeControl = 1f
float _lastTestPlaybackSpeedControl = 1f

Static Protected Attributes

static MMSMPlaylistManager _instance


virtual bool IsPlaying [get]
 whether or not this playlist manager is currently playing More...
static bool HasInstance [get]
static MMSMPlaylistManager Current [get]
static MMSMPlaylistManager Instance [get]
 Singleton design pattern More...

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ PlaylistManagerStates

the possible states this playlist can be in


Member Function Documentation

◆ Awake()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.Awake ( )

On awake, we check if there's already a copy of the object in the scene. If there's one, we destroy it.

◆ ChangePlaylist()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.ChangePlaylist ( MMSMPlaylist  newPlaylist)

Changes the playlist for the specified one, doesn't play a song there, it'll play once the song currently playing ends


◆ ChangePlaylistAndPlay()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.ChangePlaylistAndPlay ( MMSMPlaylist  newPlaylist)

Changes the playlist for the specified one, and plays its first song


◆ ChangePlaylistManagerState()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.ChangePlaylistManagerState ( PlaylistManagerStates  newManagerState)

a method used to update the state machine


◆ HandleEndOfPlaylist()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.HandleEndOfPlaylist ( )

Handles the end of playlist, triggers a new one if needed

◆ HandleEndOfSong()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.HandleEndOfSong ( )

Detects end of song and moves on to the next one

◆ HandleNextSong()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.HandleNextSong ( int  direction,
bool  bypassLoop 

Determines the next song to play and triggers the play


◆ HandleTimescale()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.HandleTimescale ( )

On update, we update our pitch multiplier to match our timescale if necessary

◆ Initialization()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.Initialization ( )

On init we initialize our state machine and start playing if needed

◆ InitializePlaylistManagerState()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.InitializePlaylistManagerState ( )

Inits the state machine

◆ InitializeRandomSeed()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.InitializeRandomSeed ( )

Initializes the random seed if needed

◆ InitializeSingleton()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.InitializeSingleton ( )

Initializes the singleton.

◆ OnApplicationPause()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.OnApplicationPause ( bool  pauseStatus)

On ApplicationPause, we pause the playlist and resume it afterwards


◆ OnDestroy()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.OnDestroy ( )

on destroy we stop listening for events

◆ OnMMPlaylistChangeEvent()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.OnMMPlaylistChangeEvent ( int  channel,
MMSMPlaylist  newPlaylist,
bool  andPlay 

◆ OnMMPlaylistPitchMultiplierEvent()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.OnMMPlaylistPitchMultiplierEvent ( int  channel,
float  newPitchMultiplier,
bool  applyPitchMultiplierInstantly = false 

◆ OnMMPlaylistVolumeMultiplierEvent()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.OnMMPlaylistVolumeMultiplierEvent ( int  channel,
float  newVolumeMultiplier,
bool  applyVolumeMultiplierInstantly = false 

◆ OnPauseEvent()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.OnPauseEvent ( int  channel)

◆ OnPlayEvent()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.OnPlayEvent ( int  channel)

◆ OnPlayIndexEvent()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.OnPlayIndexEvent ( int  channel,
int  index 

◆ OnPlayNextEvent()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.OnPlayNextEvent ( int  channel)

◆ OnPlayPreviousEvent()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.OnPlayPreviousEvent ( int  channel)

◆ OnStopEvent()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.OnStopEvent ( int  channel)

◆ Pause()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.Pause ( )

Pauses the current song

◆ Play()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.Play ( )

Use this method to either play the first song of the playlist, or resume after a pause

◆ PlayFirstSong()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.PlayFirstSong ( )

Picks and plays the first song

◆ PlaylistEvent()

delegate void MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.PlaylistEvent ( )

a delegate used to trigger events along the lifecycle of the playlist manager

◆ PlayNextSong()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.PlayNextSong ( )

Plays the next song in the playlist

◆ PlayPreviousSong()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.PlayPreviousSong ( )

Plays the previous song in the playlist

◆ PlaySongAt()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.PlaySongAt ( int  songIndex)

Plays the song at the specified index


◆ PlayTargetPlaylist()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.PlayTargetPlaylist ( )

a debug method used by the inspector to play the target playlist

◆ PlayTargetSong()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.PlayTargetSong ( )

a debug method used by the inspector to play the specified song

◆ QueueSongAtIndex()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.QueueSongAtIndex ( int  songIndex)

Queues the song at the specified index to play once the currently playing song finishes


◆ QueueTargetSong()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.QueueTargetSong ( )

a debug method used by the inspector to queue the specified song

◆ ResetPlayCount()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.ResetPlayCount ( )

resets all play counts (playlist and songs)

◆ SetCurrentSongLoop()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.SetCurrentSongLoop ( bool  loop)

Will change the current song's loop status

◆ SetCurrentSongToLoop()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.SetCurrentSongToLoop ( )

a test method used by the inspector debug button to force the current song from looping

◆ SetPitchMultiplier()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.SetPitchMultiplier ( float  newPitchMultiplier)

Sets a new pitch multiplier


◆ SetTargetPlaylist()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.SetTargetPlaylist ( )

a debug method used by the inspector to set the target playlist

◆ SetVolumeMultiplier()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.SetVolumeMultiplier ( float  newVolumeMultiplier)

Sets a new volume multiplier


◆ Start()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.Start ( )

On Start we initialize our playlist

◆ StartListening()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.StartListening ( )

Starts listening for events

◆ Stop()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.Stop ( )

Stops the song currently playing

◆ StopCurrentSongFromLooping()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.StopCurrentSongFromLooping ( )

a test method used by the inspector debug button to prevent the current song from looping

◆ StopListening()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.StopListening ( )

Stops listening for events

◆ StopWithFade()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.StopWithFade ( bool  withFade = true)

Stops the current song, lets you specify whether or not to fade it out

◆ Update()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.Update ( )

on update, self disables if needed,

◆ UpdateTimeAndProgress()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.UpdateTimeAndProgress ( )

Updates the various time counters

Member Data Documentation

◆ _currentlyPlayingAudioSource

AudioSource MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager._currentlyPlayingAudioSource

◆ _instance

MMSMPlaylistManager MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager._instance

◆ _lastTestPlaybackSpeedControl

float MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager._lastTestPlaybackSpeedControl = 1f

◆ _lastTestVolumeControl

float MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager._lastTestVolumeControl = 1f

◆ _options

MMSoundManagerPlayOptions MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager._options

◆ _queuedSongIndex

int MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager._queuedSongIndex = -1

◆ _shouldResumeOnApplicationPause

bool MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager._shouldResumeOnApplicationPause = false

◆ AutoHandleApplicationPause

bool MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.AutoHandleApplicationPause = true

if this is true, this playlist will automatically pause/resume OnApplicationPause, useful if you've prevented your game from running in the background

◆ AutomaticallyUnparentOnAwake

bool MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.AutomaticallyUnparentOnAwake = true

if this is true, this singleton will auto detach if it finds itself parented on awake

◆ BindPitchToTimeScale

bool MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.BindPitchToTimeScale = false

whether or not the playlist manager should have its pitch multiplier value driven by the current timescale. If set to true, songs would appear to slow down when time is slowed down, and to speed up when time scale is higher than normal

◆ Channel

int MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.Channel = 0

the channel used to target this playlist manager by playlist remote or playlist feedbacks

◆ CurrentClipDuration

float MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.CurrentClipDuration

the total duration of the song currently playing

◆ CurrentProgress

float MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.CurrentProgress = 0

the current normalized progress of the song currently playing

◆ CurrentSongIndex

int MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.CurrentSongIndex = -1

the index we're currently playing

◆ CurrentSongName

string MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.CurrentSongName

the name of the song that is currently playing

◆ CurrentTime

float MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.CurrentTime

the time of the currently playing song

◆ CurrentTimeLeft

float MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.CurrentTimeLeft

the time (in seconds) left on the song currently playing

◆ DebugCurrentManagerState

PlaylistManagerStates MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.DebugCurrentManagerState = PlaylistManagerStates.Idle

the current state of the playlist, debug display only

◆ FadeDuration

float MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.FadeDuration = 1f

the duration of the fade, in seconds

◆ FadeIn

bool MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.FadeIn

whether or not sounds should fade in when they start playing

◆ FadeOut

bool MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.FadeOut

whether or not sounds should fade out when they stop playing

◆ FadeTween

MMTweenType MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.FadeTween = new MMTweenType(MMTween.MMTweenCurve.EaseInCubic)

the tween to use when fading the sound

◆ NextButton

bool MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.NextButton

a next song test button

◆ OnPause

PlaylistEvent MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.OnPause

an event that gets triggered when the playlist gets paused

◆ OnPlaylistChange

PlaylistEvent MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.OnPlaylistChange

an event that gets triggered when the playlist gets changed for another one

◆ OnPlaylistEnd

PlaylistEvent MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.OnPlaylistEnd

an event that gets triggered when a playlist ends

◆ OnSongEnd

PlaylistEvent MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.OnSongEnd

an event that gets triggered when a song ends

◆ OnSongStart

PlaylistEvent MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.OnSongStart

an event that gets triggered when a song starts

◆ OnStop

PlaylistEvent MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.OnStop

an event that gets triggered when the playlist gets stopped

◆ PauseButton

bool MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.PauseButton

a pause test button

◆ Persistent

bool MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.Persistent = false

if this is true, this playlist manager will persist from scene to scene and will keep playing

◆ PitchMultiplier

float MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.PitchMultiplier = 1f

a pitch multiplier to apply to all songs when playing them

◆ PlayButton

bool MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.PlayButton

a play test button

◆ Playlist

MMSMPlaylist MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.Playlist

the current playlist this manager will play

◆ PlaylistManagerState

MMStateMachine<PlaylistManagerStates> MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.PlaylistManagerState

the current state of this playlist

◆ PlayOnStart

bool MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.PlayOnStart = false

whether this playlist manager should auto play on start or not

◆ PlayTargetPlaylistButton

bool MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.PlayTargetPlaylistButton

a test button used to play the target playlist

◆ PreviousButton

bool MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.PreviousButton

a next song test button

◆ QueueTargetSongButton

bool MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.QueueTargetSongButton

a next song test button

◆ ResetPlayCountButton

bool MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.ResetPlayCountButton

a test button used to reset the play count

◆ SetLoopTargetSongButton

bool MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.SetLoopTargetSongButton

a next song test button

◆ SetTargetPlaylistButton

bool MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.SetTargetPlaylistButton

a test button used to set a new playlist

◆ StopButton

bool MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.StopButton

a stop test button

◆ StopLoopTargetSongButton

bool MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.StopLoopTargetSongButton

a next song test button

◆ TargetSongButton

bool MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.TargetSongButton

a next song test button

◆ TargetSongIndex

int MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.TargetSongIndex = 0

the index of the song to play when pressing the PlayTargetSong button

◆ TestPlaybackSpeedControl

float MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.TestPlaybackSpeedControl = 1f

a slider used to test speed control

◆ TestPlaylist

MMSMPlaylist MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.TestPlaylist

a playlist you can set to use with the SetTargetPlaylist and PlayTargetPlaylist buttons

◆ TestVolumeControl

float MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.TestVolumeControl = 1f

a slider used to test volume control

◆ TimescaleRemapFrom

Vector2 MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.TimescaleRemapFrom = new Vector2(0f,2f)

the values to remap timescale from (min and max) - when timescale is equal to TimescaleRemapFrom.x, the pitch multiplier will be TimescaleRemapTo.x

◆ TimescaleRemapTo

Vector2 MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.TimescaleRemapTo = new Vector2(0.8f,1.2f)

the values to remap timescale to (min and max) - when timescale is equal to TimescaleRemapFrom.x, the pitch multiplier will be TimescaleRemapTo.x

◆ VolumeMultiplier

float MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.VolumeMultiplier = 1f

a global volume multiplier to apply when playing a song

Property Documentation

◆ Current

MMSMPlaylistManager MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.Current

◆ HasInstance

bool MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.HasInstance

◆ Instance

MMSMPlaylistManager MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.Instance

Singleton design pattern

The instance.

◆ IsPlaying

virtual bool MoreMountains.Tools.MMSMPlaylistManager.IsPlaying

whether or not this playlist manager is currently playing

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: