Corgi Engine v9.3
MoreMountains.Feedbacks.MMSpringRotation Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for MoreMountains.Feedbacks.MMSpringRotation:
MoreMountains.Feedbacks.MMSpringVector3Component< Transform >

Public Types

enum  Spaces { Local , World }

Public Attributes

Spaces Space = Spaces.World
- Public Attributes inherited from MoreMountains.Feedbacks.MMSpringVector3Component< Transform >
TimeScaleModes TimeScaleMode
 whether this spring should run on scaled time (and be impacted by time scale changes) or unscaled time (and not be impacted by time scale changes) More...
MMChannelModes ChannelMode
int Channel
 the channel to listen to - has to match the one on the feedback More...
MMChannel MMChannelDefinition
MMSpringVector3 SpringVector3
Vector3 MoveToRandomValueMin
 the minimum vector from which to pick a random value when calling MoveToRandom() More...
Vector3 MoveToRandomValueMax
 the maximum vector from which to pick a random value when calling MoveToRandom() More...
Vector3 BumpAmountRandomValueMin
 the minimum vector from which to pick a random value when calling BumpRandom() More...
Vector3 BumpAmountRandomValueMax
 the maximum vector from which to pick a random value when calling BumpRandom() More...
Vector3 TestMoveToValue
 the value to move this spring to when interacting with any of the MoveTo debug buttons in its inspector More...
bool MoveToToolbar
Vector3 TestBumpAmount
 the amount by which to bump this spring when interacting with the Bump debug button in its inspector More...
bool BumpToToolbar
bool OtherControlsToToolbar


override Vector3? TargetVector3 [getset]
- Properties inherited from MoreMountains.Feedbacks.MMSpringVector3Component< Transform >
override bool LowVelocity [get]
float DeltaTime [get]
virtual Vector3 TargetVector3 [getset]

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from MoreMountains.Feedbacks.MMSpringVector3Component< Transform >
virtual void MoveTo (Vector3 newValue)
virtual void MoveToAdditive (Vector3 newValue)
virtual void MoveToSubtractive (Vector3 newValue)
virtual void MoveToRandom ()
virtual void MoveToRandom (Vector3 min, Vector3 max)
virtual void MoveToInstant (Vector3 newValue)
virtual void Bump (Vector3 bumpAmount)
virtual void BumpRandom ()
virtual void BumpRandom (Vector3 min, Vector3 max)
override void Stop ()
 Stops all value movement on this spring More...
override void RestoreInitialValue ()
 Restores this spring's initial value More...
override void ResetInitialValue ()
 Sets the current value of this spring as its new initial value, overriding the previous one More...
override void Finish ()
 Moves this spring to its destination and disables it More...
void OnMMEvent (MMSpringVector3Event springEvent)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from MoreMountains.Feedbacks.MMSpringVector3Component< Transform >
override void UpdateSpringValue ()
 Updates the spring's target value More...
override void Initialization ()
 Performs initialization for this spring More...
virtual void ApplyValue (Vector3 newValue)
override void GrabCurrentValue ()
 Grabs the current value on the spring's target More...
override void Awake ()
 On awake we self disable More...
void OnDestroy ()
override void TestMoveTo ()
override void TestMoveToAdditive ()
override void TestMoveToSubtractive ()
override void TestMoveToRandom ()
override void TestMoveToInstant ()
override void TestBump ()
override void TestBumpRandom ()

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ Spaces


Member Data Documentation

◆ Space

Spaces MoreMountains.Feedbacks.MMSpringRotation.Space = Spaces.World

Property Documentation

◆ TargetVector3

override Vector3? MoreMountains.Feedbacks.MMSpringRotation.TargetVector3

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