Add this component to a character and it'll be able to switch its model when pressing the SwitchCharacter button Note that this will only change the model, not the prefab. Only the visual representation, not the abilities and settings. If instead you'd like to change the prefab entirely, look at the CharacterSwitchManager class. If you want to swap characters between a bunch of characters within a scene, look at the CharacterSwap ability and CharacterSwapManager
override void | Flip () |
| On flip we store our state for our current model More...
virtual void | SwitchModel () |
| Switches to the next model in line More...
virtual string | HelpBoxText () |
| This method is only used to display a helpbox text at the beginning of the ability's inspector. More...
virtual void | SetInputManager (InputManager inputManager) |
| Sets a new input manager for this ability to get input from More...
virtual void | BindAnimator () |
| Binds the animator from the character and initializes the animator parameters More...
virtual void | ResetInput () |
| Resets all input for this ability. Can be overridden for ability specific directives More...
virtual void | EarlyProcessAbility () |
| The first of the 3 passes you can have in your ability. Think of it as EarlyUpdate() if it existed More...
virtual void | ProcessAbility () |
| The second of the 3 passes you can have in your ability. Think of it as Update() More...
virtual void | LateProcessAbility () |
| The last of the 3 passes you can have in your ability. Think of it as LateUpdate() More...
virtual void | UpdateAnimator () |
| Override this to send parameters to the character's animator. This is called once per cycle, by the Character class, after Early, normal and Late process(). More...
virtual void | PermitAbility (bool abilityPermitted) |
| Changes the status of the ability's permission More...
virtual void | ResetAbility () |
| Override this to reset this ability's parameters. It'll be automatically called when the character gets killed, in anticipation for its respawn. More...
virtual void | PlayAbilityStartFeedbacks () |
| Plays the ability start sound effect More...
virtual void | StopStartFeedbacks () |
| Stops the ability used sound effect More...
virtual void | PlayAbilityStopFeedbacks () |
| Plays the ability stop sound effect More...
virtual void | RegisterAnimatorParameter (string parameterName, AnimatorControllerParameterType parameterType, out int parameter) |
| Registers a new animator parameter to the list More...
GameObject[] | CharacterModels |
| the list of possible characters models to switch to More...
NextModelChoices | NextCharacterChoice = NextModelChoices.Sequential |
| the order in which to pick the next character More...
int | CurrentIndex = 0 |
| the initial (and at runtime, current) index of the character prefab More...
bool | AutoBindAnimator = true |
MMFeedbacks | AbilityStartFeedbacks |
| the feedbacks to play when the ability starts More...
MMFeedbacks | AbilityStopFeedbacks |
| the feedbacks to play when the ability stops More...
bool | AbilityPermitted = true |
| if true, this ability can perform as usual, if not, it'll be ignored. You can use this to unlock abilities over time for example More...
CharacterStates.MovementStates[] | BlockingMovementStates |
| an array containing all the blocking movement states. If the Character is in one of these states and tries to trigger this ability, it won't be permitted. Useful to prevent this ability from being used while Idle or Swimming, for example. More...
CharacterStates.CharacterConditions[] | BlockingConditionStates |
| an array containing all the blocking condition states. If the Character is in one of these states and tries to trigger this ability, it won't be permitted. Useful to prevent this ability from being used while dead, for example. More...
Weapon.WeaponStates[] | BlockingWeaponStates |
| an array containing all the blocking weapon states. If one of the character's weapons is in one of these states and yet the character tries to trigger this ability, it won't be permitted. Useful to prevent this ability from being used while attacking, for example. More...
override void | Initialization () |
| On init we disable our models and activate the current one More...
override void | HandleInput () |
| At the beginning of each cycle, we check if we've pressed or released the switch button More...
virtual void | Start () |
| On Start(), we call the ability's intialization More...
virtual void | InitializeAnimatorParameters () |
| Adds required animator parameters to the animator parameters list if they exist More...
virtual void | InternalHandleInput () |
| Internal method to check if an input manager is present or not More...
virtual void | OnRespawn () |
| Override this to describe what should happen to this ability when the character respawns More...
virtual void | OnDeath () |
| Override this to describe what should happen to this ability when the character respawns More...
virtual void | OnHit () |
| Override this to describe what should happen to this ability when the character takes a hit More...
virtual void | OnEnable () |
| On enable, we bind our respawn delegate More...
virtual void | OnDisable () |
| On disable, we unbind our respawn delegate More...
Add this component to a character and it'll be able to switch its model when pressing the SwitchCharacter button Note that this will only change the model, not the prefab. Only the visual representation, not the abilities and settings. If instead you'd like to change the prefab entirely, look at the CharacterSwitchManager class. If you want to swap characters between a bunch of characters within a scene, look at the CharacterSwap ability and CharacterSwapManager
◆ NextModelChoices
the possible orders the next character can be selected from
Enumerator |
Sequential | |
Random | |
◆ Flip()
override void MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.CharacterSwitchModel.Flip |
( |
| ) |
virtual |
◆ HandleInput()
override void MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.CharacterSwitchModel.HandleInput |
( |
| ) |
protectedvirtual |
◆ Initialization()
override void MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.CharacterSwitchModel.Initialization |
( |
| ) |
protectedvirtual |
◆ SwitchModel()
virtual void MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.CharacterSwitchModel.SwitchModel |
( |
| ) |
virtual |
Switches to the next model in line
◆ _bindAnimatorMessage
string MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.CharacterSwitchModel._bindAnimatorMessage = "BindAnimator" |
protected |
◆ _characterHandleWeapon
◆ _characterModelsFlipped
bool [] MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.CharacterSwitchModel._characterModelsFlipped |
protected |
◆ AutoBindAnimator
bool MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.CharacterSwitchModel.AutoBindAnimator = true |
if you set this to true, when switching model, the Character's animator will also be bound. This requires your model's animator is at the top level of the model in the hierarchy. you can look at the MinimalModelSwitch scene for examples of that
◆ CharacterModels
GameObject [] MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.CharacterSwitchModel.CharacterModels |
the list of possible characters models to switch to
◆ CurrentIndex
int MoreMountains.CorgiEngine.CharacterSwitchModel.CurrentIndex = 0 |
the initial (and at runtime, current) index of the character prefab
◆ NextCharacterChoice
the order in which to pick the next character
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