Corgi Engine  v9.0
MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController Class Reference

A class used to control a float in any other class, over time To use it, simply drag a monobehaviour in its target field, pick a control mode (ping pong or random), and tweak the settings More...

Inheritance diagram for MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController:

Public Types

enum  TargetTypes { TargetTypes.Renderer, TargetTypes.Image, TargetTypes.RawImage, TargetTypes.Text }
 the possible types of targets More...
enum  PropertyTypes {
  PropertyTypes.Bool, PropertyTypes.Float, PropertyTypes.Int, PropertyTypes.Vector,
  PropertyTypes.Keyword, PropertyTypes.Color
 the possible types of properties More...
enum  ControlModes {
  ControlModes.PingPong, ControlModes.Random, ControlModes.OneTime, ControlModes.AudioAnalyzer,
  ControlModes.ToDestination, ControlModes.Driven, ControlModes.Loop
 the possible control modes More...
enum  ColorModes { ColorModes.TwoColors, ColorModes.ColorRamp }
 the possible color modes on which to interpolate colors More...

Public Member Functions

virtual bool FindShaderProperty (string propertyName)
 Finds an attribute (property or field) on the target object More...
virtual void Initialization ()
 Grabs the target property and initializes stuff More...
virtual void StoreSpriteRenderer ()
 Stores the sprite renderer and a test for it More...
virtual void StoreSpriteRendererTexture ()
 Stores the SpriteRenderer's texture if found More...
virtual void SetDrivenLevelAbsolute (float level)
 Sets the level to the value passed in parameters More...
virtual void SetDrivenLevelNormalized (float normalizedLevel, float remapZero, float remapOne)
 Sets the level to the remapped value passed in parameters More...
virtual void OneTime ()
 Triggers a one time shake of the shader controller More...
virtual void ToDestination ()
 Triggers a one time shake of the controller to a specified destination value More...
void SetFromColor (Color newColor)
 Use this method to change the FromColor value More...
void SetToColor (Color newColor)
 Use this method to change the ToColor value More...
virtual void SetRemapOneTimeMin (float newValue)
 Use this method to change the OneTimeRemapMin value More...
virtual void SetRemapOneTimeMax (float newValue)
 Use this method to change the OneTimeRemapMax value More...
virtual void SetToDestinationValue (float newValue)
 Use this method to change the ToDestinationValue More...
virtual void Stop ()
 Interrupts any tween in progress, and disables itself More...
virtual void RestoreInitialValues ()

Public Attributes

TargetTypes TargetType = TargetTypes.Renderer
 the type of renderer to pilot More...
Renderer TargetRenderer
 the renderer with the shader you want to control More...
int TargetMaterialID = 0
 the ID of the material in the Materials array on the target renderer (usually 0) More...
Image TargetImage
 the Image with the shader you want to control More...
bool UseMaterialForRendering = false
 if this is true, the 'materialForRendering' for this Image will be used, instead of the regular material More...
RawImage TargetRawImage
 the RawImage with the shader you want to control More...
Text TargetText
 the Text with the shader you want to control More...
bool CacheMaterial = true
 if this is true, material will be cached on Start More...
bool CreateMaterialInstance = false
 if this is true, an instance of the material will be created on start so that this controller only affects its target More...
string TargetPropertyName
 the EXACT name of the property to affect More...
PropertyTypes PropertyType = PropertyTypes.Float
 the type of the property to affect More...
bool X
 whether or not to affect its x component More...
bool Y
 whether or not to affect its y component More...
bool Z
 whether or not to affect its z component More...
bool W
 whether or not to affect its w component More...
ColorModes ColorMode = ColorModes.TwoColors
 whether to move from a color to another, or to evalute colors on a ramp More...
Gradient ColorRamp
 the ramp along which to lerp when in ramp color mode More...
Color FromColor =
 the color to lerp from
Color ToColor = Color.white
 the color to lerp to
ControlModes ControlMode
 the control mode (ping pong or random) More...
bool AddToInitialValue = false
 whether or not the updated value should be added to the initial one More...
bool UseUnscaledTime = true
 whether or not to use unscaled time More...
bool RevertToInitialValueAfterEnd = true
 whether or not you want to revert to the InitialValue after the control ends More...
bool UseMaterialPropertyBlocks = false
 if this is true, this component will use material property blocks instead of working on an instance of the material. More...
string SpriteRendererTextureProperty = "_MainTex"
 if using material property blocks on a sprite renderer, you'll want to make sure the sprite texture gets passed to the block when updating it. For that, you need to specify your sprite's material's shader's texture property name. If you're not working with a sprite renderer, you can safely ignore this. More...
bool SafeMode = false
 whether or not to perform extra safety checks (safer, more costly) More...
MMTweenType Curve
 the curve to apply to the tween More...
float MinValue = 0f
 the minimum value for the ping pong More...
float MaxValue = 5f
 the maximum value for the ping pong More...
float Duration = 1f
 the duration of one ping (or pong) More...
float PingPongPauseDuration = 1f
 the duration of the pause between two ping (or pongs) (in seconds) More...
MMTweenType LoopCurve
 the curve to apply to the tween More...
float LoopStartValue = 0f
 the start value for the loop tween More...
float LoopEndValue = 5f
 the end value for the loop tween More...
float LoopDuration = 1f
 the duration of one loop More...
float LoopPauseDuration = 1f
 the duration of the pause between two loops (in seconds) More...
float DrivenLevel = 0f
 the value that will be applied to the controlled float in driven mode More...
Vector2 Amplitude = new Vector2(0f,5f)
 the noise amplitude More...
Vector2 Frequency = new Vector2(1f, 1f)
 the noise frequency More...
Vector2 Shift = new Vector2(0f, 1f)
 the noise shift More...
bool RemapNoiseValues = false
 if this is true, will let you remap the noise value (without amplitude) to the bounds you've specified More...
float RemapNoiseZero = 0f
 the value to which to remap the random's zero bound More...
float RemapNoiseOne = 1f
 the value to which to remap the random's one bound More...
float OneTimeDuration = 1f
 the duration of the One Time shake More...
float OneTimeAmplitude = 1f
 the amplitude of the One Time shake (this will be multiplied by the curve's height) More...
float OneTimeRemapMin = 0f
 the low value to remap the normalized curve value to More...
float OneTimeRemapMax = 1f
 the high value to remap the normalized curve value to More...
AnimationCurve OneTimeCurve = new AnimationCurve(new Keyframe(0, 0), new Keyframe(0.5f, 1), new Keyframe(1, 0))
 the curve to apply to the one time shake More...
bool OneTimeButton
 a test button for the one time shake More...
bool DisableAfterOneTime = false
 whether or not this controller should go back to sleep after a OneTime More...
bool DisableGameObjectAfterOneTime = false
 whether or not this controller should go back to sleep after a OneTime More...
bool GetInitialValueOnOneTime = false
 whether or not to initialize the initial value to the current value on a OneTime play More...
MMAudioAnalyzer AudioAnalyzer
 the bound audio analyzer used to drive this controller More...
int BeatID
 the ID of the selected beat on the analyzer More...
float AudioAnalyzerMultiplier = 1f
 the multiplier to apply to the value out of the analyzer More...
float AudioAnalyzerOffset = 0f
 the offset to apply to the value out of the analyzer More...
float AudioAnalyzerLerp = 60f
 the speed at which to lerp the value More...
float ToDestinationValue = 1f
 the value to go to when in ToDestination mode More...
float ToDestinationDuration = 1f
 the duration of the ToDestination tween More...
AnimationCurve ToDestinationCurve = new AnimationCurve(new Keyframe(0, 0), new Keyframe(0.5f, 0.6f), new Keyframe(1f, 1f))
 the curve to use to tween to the ToDestination value More...
bool ToDestinationButton
 a test button for the one time shake More...
bool DisableAfterToDestination = false
 whether or not this controller should go back to sleep after a OneTime More...
float InitialValue
 the initial value of the controlled float More...
float CurrentValue
 the current value of the controlled float More...
float CurrentValueNormalized = 0f
 the current value of the controlled float, normalized More...
Color InitialColor
 the current value of the controlled float
int PropertyID
 the ID of the property More...
bool PropertyFound = false
 whether or not the property got found More...
Material TargetMaterial
 the target material More...
float PingPong
 internal use only More...
float LoopTime
 internal use only More...

Protected Member Functions

virtual void Awake ()
 On start we initialize our controller More...
virtual void OnEnable ()
 On enable, grabs the initial value More...
virtual bool RendererIsNull ()
 Returns true if the renderer is null, false otherwise More...
virtual void SetStoredSpriteRendererTexture (MaterialPropertyBlock block)
 Sets the texture associated with the sprite renderer to the specified block More...
float GetDeltaTime ()
 Returns the relevant delta time More...
float GetTime ()
 Returns the relevant time More...
virtual void Update ()
 On Update, we move our value based on the defined settings More...
virtual void OnDisable ()
virtual void UpdateValue ()
 Updates the value over time based on the selected options More...
virtual float GetInitialValue ()
 Grabs and stores the initial value More...
virtual void SetValue (float newValue)
 Sets the value in the shader More...

Protected Attributes

float _randomAmplitude
float _randomFrequency
float _randomShift
float _elapsedTime = 0f
bool _shaking = false
float _startedTimestamp = 0f
float _remappedTimeSinceStart = 0f
Color _currentColor
Vector4 _vectorValue
float _pingPongDirection = 1f
float _lastPingPongPauseAt = 0f
float _lastLoopPauseAt = 0f
float _initialValue = 0f
Color _fromColorStorage
bool _activeLastFrame = false
MaterialPropertyBlock _propertyBlock
SpriteRenderer _spriteRenderer
Texture2D _spriteRendererTexture
bool SpriteRendererIsNull

Detailed Description

A class used to control a float in any other class, over time To use it, simply drag a monobehaviour in its target field, pick a control mode (ping pong or random), and tweak the settings

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ ColorModes

the possible color modes on which to interpolate colors


◆ ControlModes

the possible control modes


◆ PropertyTypes

the possible types of properties


◆ TargetTypes

the possible types of targets


Member Function Documentation

◆ Awake()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.Awake ( )

On start we initialize our controller

◆ FindShaderProperty()

virtual bool MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.FindShaderProperty ( string  propertyName)

Finds an attribute (property or field) on the target object


◆ GetDeltaTime()

float MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.GetDeltaTime ( )

Returns the relevant delta time


◆ GetInitialValue()

virtual float MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.GetInitialValue ( )

Grabs and stores the initial value

◆ GetTime()

float MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.GetTime ( )

Returns the relevant time


◆ Initialization()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.Initialization ( )

Grabs the target property and initializes stuff

◆ OnDisable()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.OnDisable ( )

◆ OnEnable()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.OnEnable ( )

On enable, grabs the initial value

◆ OneTime()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.OneTime ( )

Triggers a one time shake of the shader controller

◆ RendererIsNull()

virtual bool MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.RendererIsNull ( )

Returns true if the renderer is null, false otherwise


◆ RestoreInitialValues()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.RestoreInitialValues ( )

◆ SetDrivenLevelAbsolute()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.SetDrivenLevelAbsolute ( float  level)

Sets the level to the value passed in parameters


◆ SetDrivenLevelNormalized()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.SetDrivenLevelNormalized ( float  normalizedLevel,
float  remapZero,
float  remapOne 

Sets the level to the remapped value passed in parameters


◆ SetFromColor()

void MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.SetFromColor ( Color  newColor)

Use this method to change the FromColor value


◆ SetRemapOneTimeMax()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.SetRemapOneTimeMax ( float  newValue)

Use this method to change the OneTimeRemapMax value


◆ SetRemapOneTimeMin()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.SetRemapOneTimeMin ( float  newValue)

Use this method to change the OneTimeRemapMin value


◆ SetStoredSpriteRendererTexture()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.SetStoredSpriteRendererTexture ( MaterialPropertyBlock  block)

Sets the texture associated with the sprite renderer to the specified block


◆ SetToColor()

void MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.SetToColor ( Color  newColor)

Use this method to change the ToColor value


◆ SetToDestinationValue()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.SetToDestinationValue ( float  newValue)

Use this method to change the ToDestinationValue


◆ SetValue()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.SetValue ( float  newValue)

Sets the value in the shader


◆ Stop()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.Stop ( )

Interrupts any tween in progress, and disables itself

◆ StoreSpriteRenderer()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.StoreSpriteRenderer ( )

Stores the sprite renderer and a test for it

◆ StoreSpriteRendererTexture()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.StoreSpriteRendererTexture ( )

Stores the SpriteRenderer's texture if found

◆ ToDestination()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.ToDestination ( )

Triggers a one time shake of the controller to a specified destination value

◆ Update()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.Update ( )

On Update, we move our value based on the defined settings

◆ UpdateValue()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.UpdateValue ( )

Updates the value over time based on the selected options

Member Data Documentation

◆ _activeLastFrame

bool MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController._activeLastFrame = false

◆ _currentColor

Color MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController._currentColor

◆ _elapsedTime

float MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController._elapsedTime = 0f

◆ _fromColorStorage

Color MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController._fromColorStorage

◆ _initialValue

float MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController._initialValue = 0f

◆ _lastLoopPauseAt

float MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController._lastLoopPauseAt = 0f

◆ _lastPingPongPauseAt

float MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController._lastPingPongPauseAt = 0f

◆ _pingPongDirection

float MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController._pingPongDirection = 1f

◆ _propertyBlock

MaterialPropertyBlock MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController._propertyBlock

◆ _randomAmplitude

float MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController._randomAmplitude

◆ _randomFrequency

float MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController._randomFrequency

◆ _randomShift

float MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController._randomShift

◆ _remappedTimeSinceStart

float MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController._remappedTimeSinceStart = 0f

◆ _shaking

bool MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController._shaking = false

◆ _spriteRenderer

SpriteRenderer MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController._spriteRenderer

◆ _spriteRendererTexture

Texture2D MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController._spriteRendererTexture

◆ _startedTimestamp

float MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController._startedTimestamp = 0f

◆ _vectorValue

Vector4 MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController._vectorValue

◆ AddToInitialValue

bool MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.AddToInitialValue = false

whether or not the updated value should be added to the initial one

◆ Amplitude

Vector2 MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.Amplitude = new Vector2(0f,5f)

the noise amplitude

◆ AudioAnalyzer

MMAudioAnalyzer MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.AudioAnalyzer

the bound audio analyzer used to drive this controller

◆ AudioAnalyzerLerp

float MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.AudioAnalyzerLerp = 60f

the speed at which to lerp the value

◆ AudioAnalyzerMultiplier

float MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.AudioAnalyzerMultiplier = 1f

the multiplier to apply to the value out of the analyzer

◆ AudioAnalyzerOffset

float MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.AudioAnalyzerOffset = 0f

the offset to apply to the value out of the analyzer

◆ BeatID

int MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.BeatID

the ID of the selected beat on the analyzer

◆ CacheMaterial

bool MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.CacheMaterial = true

if this is true, material will be cached on Start

◆ ColorMode

ColorModes MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.ColorMode = ColorModes.TwoColors

whether to move from a color to another, or to evalute colors on a ramp

◆ ColorRamp

Gradient MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.ColorRamp

the ramp along which to lerp when in ramp color mode

◆ ControlMode

ControlModes MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.ControlMode

the control mode (ping pong or random)

◆ CreateMaterialInstance

bool MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.CreateMaterialInstance = false

if this is true, an instance of the material will be created on start so that this controller only affects its target

◆ CurrentValue

float MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.CurrentValue

the current value of the controlled float

◆ CurrentValueNormalized

float MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.CurrentValueNormalized = 0f

the current value of the controlled float, normalized

◆ Curve

MMTweenType MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.Curve

the curve to apply to the tween

◆ DisableAfterOneTime

bool MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.DisableAfterOneTime = false

whether or not this controller should go back to sleep after a OneTime

◆ DisableAfterToDestination

bool MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.DisableAfterToDestination = false

whether or not this controller should go back to sleep after a OneTime

◆ DisableGameObjectAfterOneTime

bool MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.DisableGameObjectAfterOneTime = false

whether or not this controller should go back to sleep after a OneTime

◆ DrivenLevel

float MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.DrivenLevel = 0f

the value that will be applied to the controlled float in driven mode

◆ Duration

float MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.Duration = 1f

the duration of one ping (or pong)

◆ Frequency

Vector2 MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.Frequency = new Vector2(1f, 1f)

the noise frequency

◆ FromColor

Color MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.FromColor =

the color to lerp from

◆ GetInitialValueOnOneTime

bool MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.GetInitialValueOnOneTime = false

whether or not to initialize the initial value to the current value on a OneTime play

◆ InitialColor

Color MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.InitialColor

the current value of the controlled float

◆ InitialValue

float MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.InitialValue

the initial value of the controlled float

◆ LoopCurve

MMTweenType MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.LoopCurve

the curve to apply to the tween

◆ LoopDuration

float MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.LoopDuration = 1f

the duration of one loop

◆ LoopEndValue

float MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.LoopEndValue = 5f

the end value for the loop tween

◆ LoopPauseDuration

float MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.LoopPauseDuration = 1f

the duration of the pause between two loops (in seconds)

◆ LoopStartValue

float MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.LoopStartValue = 0f

the start value for the loop tween

◆ LoopTime

float MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.LoopTime

internal use only

◆ MaxValue

float MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.MaxValue = 5f

the maximum value for the ping pong

◆ MinValue

float MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.MinValue = 0f

the minimum value for the ping pong

◆ OneTimeAmplitude

float MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.OneTimeAmplitude = 1f

the amplitude of the One Time shake (this will be multiplied by the curve's height)

◆ OneTimeButton

bool MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.OneTimeButton

a test button for the one time shake

◆ OneTimeCurve

AnimationCurve MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.OneTimeCurve = new AnimationCurve(new Keyframe(0, 0), new Keyframe(0.5f, 1), new Keyframe(1, 0))

the curve to apply to the one time shake

◆ OneTimeDuration

float MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.OneTimeDuration = 1f

the duration of the One Time shake

◆ OneTimeRemapMax

float MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.OneTimeRemapMax = 1f

the high value to remap the normalized curve value to

◆ OneTimeRemapMin

float MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.OneTimeRemapMin = 0f

the low value to remap the normalized curve value to

◆ PingPong

float MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.PingPong

internal use only

◆ PingPongPauseDuration

float MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.PingPongPauseDuration = 1f

the duration of the pause between two ping (or pongs) (in seconds)

◆ PropertyFound

bool MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.PropertyFound = false

whether or not the property got found

◆ PropertyID

int MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.PropertyID

the ID of the property

◆ PropertyType

PropertyTypes MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.PropertyType = PropertyTypes.Float

the type of the property to affect

◆ RemapNoiseOne

float MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.RemapNoiseOne = 1f

the value to which to remap the random's one bound

◆ RemapNoiseValues

bool MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.RemapNoiseValues = false

if this is true, will let you remap the noise value (without amplitude) to the bounds you've specified

◆ RemapNoiseZero

float MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.RemapNoiseZero = 0f

the value to which to remap the random's zero bound

◆ RevertToInitialValueAfterEnd

bool MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.RevertToInitialValueAfterEnd = true

whether or not you want to revert to the InitialValue after the control ends

◆ SafeMode

bool MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.SafeMode = false

whether or not to perform extra safety checks (safer, more costly)

◆ Shift

Vector2 MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.Shift = new Vector2(0f, 1f)

the noise shift

◆ SpriteRendererIsNull

bool MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.SpriteRendererIsNull

◆ SpriteRendererTextureProperty

string MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.SpriteRendererTextureProperty = "_MainTex"

if using material property blocks on a sprite renderer, you'll want to make sure the sprite texture gets passed to the block when updating it. For that, you need to specify your sprite's material's shader's texture property name. If you're not working with a sprite renderer, you can safely ignore this.

◆ TargetImage

Image MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.TargetImage

the Image with the shader you want to control

◆ TargetMaterial

Material MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.TargetMaterial

the target material

◆ TargetMaterialID

int MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.TargetMaterialID = 0

the ID of the material in the Materials array on the target renderer (usually 0)

◆ TargetPropertyName

string MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.TargetPropertyName

the EXACT name of the property to affect

◆ TargetRawImage

RawImage MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.TargetRawImage

the RawImage with the shader you want to control

◆ TargetRenderer

Renderer MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.TargetRenderer

the renderer with the shader you want to control

◆ TargetText

Text MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.TargetText

the Text with the shader you want to control

◆ TargetType

TargetTypes MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.TargetType = TargetTypes.Renderer

the type of renderer to pilot

◆ ToColor

Color MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.ToColor = Color.white

the color to lerp to

◆ ToDestinationButton

bool MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.ToDestinationButton

a test button for the one time shake

◆ ToDestinationCurve

AnimationCurve MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.ToDestinationCurve = new AnimationCurve(new Keyframe(0, 0), new Keyframe(0.5f, 0.6f), new Keyframe(1f, 1f))

the curve to use to tween to the ToDestination value

◆ ToDestinationDuration

float MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.ToDestinationDuration = 1f

the duration of the ToDestination tween

◆ ToDestinationValue

float MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.ToDestinationValue = 1f

the value to go to when in ToDestination mode

◆ UseMaterialForRendering

bool MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.UseMaterialForRendering = false

if this is true, the 'materialForRendering' for this Image will be used, instead of the regular material

◆ UseMaterialPropertyBlocks

bool MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.UseMaterialPropertyBlocks = false

if this is true, this component will use material property blocks instead of working on an instance of the material.

◆ UseUnscaledTime

bool MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.UseUnscaledTime = true

whether or not to use unscaled time

◆ W

bool MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.W

whether or not to affect its w component

◆ X

bool MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.X

whether or not to affect its x component

◆ Y

bool MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.Y

whether or not to affect its y component

◆ Z

bool MoreMountains.Tools.ShaderController.Z

whether or not to affect its z component

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: