Corgi Engine v9.3
MMF_FloatingText.cs File Reference


class  MoreMountains.Feedbacks.MMF_FloatingText
 This feedback will request the spawn of a floating text, usually to signify damage, but not necessarily This requires that a MMFloatingTextSpawner be correctly setup in the scene, otherwise nothing will happen. To do so, create a new empty object, add a MMFloatingTextSpawner to it. Drag (at least) one MMFloatingText prefab into its PooledSimpleMMFloatingText slot. You'll find such prefabs already made in the MMTools/Tools/MMFloatingText/Prefabs folder, but feel free to create your own. Using that feedback will always spawn the same text. While this may be what you want, if you're using the Corgi Engine or TopDown Engine, you'll find dedicated versions directly hooked to the Health component, letting you display damage taken. More...


namespace  MoreMountains
namespace  MoreMountains.Feedbacks