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Corgi Engine v9.3
This is the complete list of members for MoreMountains.Tools.MMMaths, including all inherited members.
AngleBetween(Vector2 vectorA, Vector2 vectorB) | MoreMountains.Tools.MMMaths | static |
AngleDirection(Vector3 vectorA, Vector3 vectorB, Vector3 up) | MoreMountains.Tools.MMMaths | static |
Approach(float from, float to, float amount) | MoreMountains.Tools.MMMaths | static |
Chance(int percent) | MoreMountains.Tools.MMMaths | static |
Clamp(float value, float min, float max, bool clampMin, bool clampMax) | MoreMountains.Tools.MMMaths | static |
ClampAngle(float angle, float minimumAngle, float maximumAngle) | MoreMountains.Tools.MMMaths | static |
DirectionFromAngle(float angle, float additionalAngle) | MoreMountains.Tools.MMMaths | static |
DirectionFromAngle2D(float angle, float additionalAngle) | MoreMountains.Tools.MMMaths | static |
DistanceBetweenPointAndLine(Vector3 point, Vector3 lineStart, Vector3 lineEnd) | MoreMountains.Tools.MMMaths | static |
Lerp(float value, float target, float rate, float deltaTime) | MoreMountains.Tools.MMMaths | static |
Lerp(Vector2 value, Vector2 target, float rate, float deltaTime) | MoreMountains.Tools.MMMaths | static |
Lerp(Vector3 value, Vector3 target, float rate, float deltaTime) | MoreMountains.Tools.MMMaths | static |
Lerp(Vector4 value, Vector4 target, float rate, float deltaTime) | MoreMountains.Tools.MMMaths | static |
Lerp(Quaternion value, Quaternion target, float rate, float deltaTime) | MoreMountains.Tools.MMMaths | static |
Lerp(Color value, Color target, float rate, float deltaTime) | MoreMountains.Tools.MMMaths | static |
Lerp(Color32 value, Color32 target, float rate, float deltaTime) | MoreMountains.Tools.MMMaths | static |
LookAt2D(Vector2 direction) | MoreMountains.Tools.MMMaths | static |
ProjectPointOnLine(Vector3 point, Vector3 lineStart, Vector3 lineEnd) | MoreMountains.Tools.MMMaths | static |
RandomPointOnCircle(float circleRadius) | MoreMountains.Tools.MMMaths | static |
RandomPointOnSphere(float sphereRadius) | MoreMountains.Tools.MMMaths | static |
RandomVector2(Vector2 minimum, Vector2 maximum) | MoreMountains.Tools.MMMaths | static |
RandomVector3(Vector3 minimum, Vector3 maximum) | MoreMountains.Tools.MMMaths | static |
Remap(float x, float A, float B, float C, float D) | MoreMountains.Tools.MMMaths | static |
RollADice(int numberOfSides) | MoreMountains.Tools.MMMaths | static |
RotatePointAroundPivot(Vector3 point, Vector3 pivot, float angle) | MoreMountains.Tools.MMMaths | static |
RotatePointAroundPivot(Vector3 point, Vector3 pivot, Vector3 angle) | MoreMountains.Tools.MMMaths | static |
RotatePointAroundPivot(Vector3 point, Vector3 pivot, Quaternion quaternion) | MoreMountains.Tools.MMMaths | static |
RotateVector2(Vector2 vector, float angle) | MoreMountains.Tools.MMMaths | static |
RoundToClosest(float value, float[] possibleValues, bool pickSmallestDistance=false) | MoreMountains.Tools.MMMaths | static |
RoundToDecimal(float value, int numberOfDecimals) | MoreMountains.Tools.MMMaths | static |
RoundToNearestHalf(float a) | MoreMountains.Tools.MMMaths | static |
RoundVector3(Vector3 vector) | MoreMountains.Tools.MMMaths | static |
Spring(ref float currentValue, float targetValue, ref float velocity, float damping, float frequency, float deltaTime) | MoreMountains.Tools.MMMaths | static |
Spring(ref Vector2 currentValue, Vector2 targetValue, ref Vector2 velocity, float damping, float frequency, float deltaTime) | MoreMountains.Tools.MMMaths | static |
Spring(ref Vector3 currentValue, Vector3 targetValue, ref Vector3 velocity, float damping, float frequency, float deltaTime) | MoreMountains.Tools.MMMaths | static |
Spring(ref Vector4 currentValue, Vector4 targetValue, ref Vector4 velocity, float damping, float frequency, float deltaTime) | MoreMountains.Tools.MMMaths | static |
Sum(params int[] thingsToAdd) | MoreMountains.Tools.MMMaths | static |
Vector2ToVector3(Vector2 target) | MoreMountains.Tools.MMMaths | static |
Vector2ToVector3(Vector2 target, float newZValue) | MoreMountains.Tools.MMMaths | static |
Vector3ToVector2(Vector3 target) | MoreMountains.Tools.MMMaths | static |