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Corgi Engine v9.3
This is the complete list of members for MoreMountains.Tools.MMDebug, including all inherited members.
BoxCast(Vector2 origin, Vector2 size, float angle, Vector2 direction, float length, LayerMask mask, Color color, bool drawGizmo=false) | MoreMountains.Tools.MMDebug | static |
ClearConsole() | MoreMountains.Tools.MMDebug | static |
Commands | MoreMountains.Tools.MMDebug | static |
DebugDrawArrow(Vector3 origin, Vector3 direction, Color color, float arrowHeadLength=0.2f, float arrowHeadAngle=35f) | MoreMountains.Tools.MMDebug | static |
DebugDrawArrow(Vector3 origin, Vector3 direction, Color color, float arrowLength, float arrowHeadLength=0.20f, float arrowHeadAngle=35.0f) | MoreMountains.Tools.MMDebug | static |
DebugDrawCross(Vector3 spot, float crossSize, Color color) | MoreMountains.Tools.MMDebug | static |
DebugDrawEnabled | MoreMountains.Tools.MMDebug | static |
DebugLogClear() | MoreMountains.Tools.MMDebug | static |
DebugLogCommand(string command) | MoreMountains.Tools.MMDebug | static |
DebugLogInfo(object message, string color="", int timePrecision=3, bool displayFrameCount=true) | MoreMountains.Tools.MMDebug | static |
DebugLogsEnabled | MoreMountains.Tools.MMDebug | static |
DebugLogTime(object message, string color="", int timePrecision=3, bool displayFrameCount=true) | MoreMountains.Tools.MMDebug | static |
DrawCube(Vector3 position, Color color, Vector3 size) | MoreMountains.Tools.MMDebug | static |
DrawGizmoArrow(Vector3 origin, Vector3 direction, Color color, float arrowHeadLength=3f, float arrowHeadAngle=25f) | MoreMountains.Tools.MMDebug | static |
DrawGizmoCube(Transform transform, Vector3 offset, Vector3 cubeSize, bool wireOnly) | MoreMountains.Tools.MMDebug | static |
DrawGizmoPoint(Vector3 position, float size, Color color) | MoreMountains.Tools.MMDebug | static |
DrawGizmoPoint(Vector3 position, Color color, float size) | MoreMountains.Tools.MMDebug | static |
DrawGizmoRectangle(Vector2 center, Vector2 size, Color color) | MoreMountains.Tools.MMDebug | static |
DrawGizmoRectangle(Vector2 center, Vector2 size, Matrix4x4 rotationMatrix, Color color) | MoreMountains.Tools.MMDebug | static |
DrawHandlesBounds(Bounds bounds, Color color) | MoreMountains.Tools.MMDebug | static |
DrawPoint(Vector3 position, Color color, float size) | MoreMountains.Tools.MMDebug | static |
DrawRectangle(Rect rectangle, Color color) | MoreMountains.Tools.MMDebug | static |
DrawRectangle(Vector3 position, Color color, Vector3 size) | MoreMountains.Tools.MMDebug | static |
DrawSolidRectangle(Vector3 position, Vector3 size, Color borderColor, Color solidColor) | MoreMountains.Tools.MMDebug | static |
GetSystemInfo() | MoreMountains.Tools.MMDebug | static |
LogDebugToConsole(object message, string color, int timePrecision, bool displayFrameCount) | MoreMountains.Tools.MMDebug | static |
LogHistory | MoreMountains.Tools.MMDebug | static |
LogHistoryText | MoreMountains.Tools.MMDebug | static |
MonoRayCastNonAlloc(RaycastHit2D[] array, Vector2 rayOriginPoint, Vector2 rayDirection, float rayDistance, LayerMask mask, Color color, bool drawGizmo=false) | MoreMountains.Tools.MMDebug | static |
RayCast(Vector2 rayOriginPoint, Vector2 rayDirection, float rayDistance, LayerMask mask, Color color, bool drawGizmo=false) | MoreMountains.Tools.MMDebug | static |
Raycast3D(Vector3 rayOriginPoint, Vector3 rayDirection, float rayDistance, LayerMask mask, Color color, bool drawGizmo=false, QueryTriggerInteraction queryTriggerInteraction=QueryTriggerInteraction.UseGlobal) | MoreMountains.Tools.MMDebug | static |
SetDebugDrawEnabled(bool status) | MoreMountains.Tools.MMDebug | static |
SetDebugLogsEnabled(bool status) | MoreMountains.Tools.MMDebug | static |